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Everything posted by lowdown

  1. Some Retro New York Disco. https://soundcloud.com/garrycribb/7th-avenue-hustle
  2. [quote name='icastle' timestamp='1427142970' post='2726445'] If anyone got one of these then just delete it, he won't be replying. [/quote] Oh dear, so not all of Dr Dave's guns were decommissioned.
  3. [quote name='drTStingray' timestamp='1426852671' post='2722697'] Do you need to be able to play guitar. Well it's nice if you can but as the bass guitar is an amplified bass instrument, so for those who think it's essential for a bass player to be able to play some guitar (and I've come across such people), would they also think that an orchestral double bass player should be able to play violin or cello? I think not!! This sounds like an argument conjured up by guitarists who think they're the centre of the universe........... or band!! [/quote] But, Violin and Cello, and that there Viola thing for that matter, are not chordal Instruments. I should think next port of call for an Orchestral Bass player would be Piano, and why not Acoustic Guitar? Piano is my second Instrument (or another Instrument), mainly from back in my music collage days. I know all my chords on a Guitar, but I wouldn't say I could gig on one. I found Piano really helped and certainly made getting the theory thing together easier, not to mention learning tunes, which in turn is good for the old ears. But I suppose for a lot of folks, it's down to how much time they have available to put into another instrument.
  4. [quote name='Bilbo' timestamp='1426506155' post='2718531'] I went for the UR22 for the reason you stated, the midi connections. I rarely use them but rarely is not never so, for the sake of £5....!! Thanks again!! [/quote] When you get it and are up and running, make sure to register the unit at Steinberg. There was a driver update a couple of weeks ago for download.
  5. One thing to consider with the Scarlett 212, It has no Midi in/out. If your Midi controller is USB into the puter, of course, no problem. If you need Midi on the interface. This is excellent from Steinberg, and comes with a cut down version of Cubase (if you need it). https://www.steinberg.net/en/products/audio_interfaces/ur_serie/modelle/ur22.html £89 at the moment. http://www.gak.co.uk/en/steinberg-ur-22-usb/78314?gclid=CjwKEAjw25SoBRCMn7Gc97Knj0ISJAC7vaMrJZxAabEYonDUNGtCWbTVqanRl8Pazoi0aUr-F0Ar9BoCZx_w_wcB
  6. Is snap to grid or quantise set to bars? As opposed to 1/16 etc. I don't really know Reaper, but it could be that when importing/dragging the Audio Drum file in, that it is not adjusting to the project tempo correctly. Or, the actually loop when put together is not a seamless loop. But, it seems you have worked around the problem anyway, and believe me, when working with DAW's, you will encounter many work arounds...lol..
  7. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1426309848' post='2716806'] If you want to see some real fretless virtuosity, 30 minutes, live, with no music stand and no improvisation, this is Sol Gabetta. Hot double-stops at 4 minutes, and the last few minutes are quite something..! No tee-shirt, though. [media]http://youtu.be/tG0laIxC0Lo[/media] One may note that the supporting orchestra consists mostly, and almost equally, of young women and older men. Musical talent is musical talent, wherever it's to be found. I'd like the job of the tympani player (at around 15 minutes ...). [/quote] Excellent!! Even more amazing, is that not one of the old gits in that half hour performance had to run out to the toilet.
  8. [quote name='EliasMooseblaster' timestamp='1426245771' post='2716063'] Aha, now this is interesting, because this is the same company I've been in contact with! After reading some very negative forum comments I was a bit put off, but if you reckon they're still worth their salt then perhaps I should reconsider. One thing that does strike me as a potential snag is that they don't let you remove material from their library once it's been accepted - if I were uploading incidental music or jingles I can see this being fairly trivial, but I'm looking to licence regular rock/pop songs with them. Just wondering whether this could present a stumbling block a few years down the line...any thoughts? [/quote] Is that for exclusive writers only? I can't really remember, My tracks (around 400) are up for keeps, or I believe after five years I can terminate the agreement. That is mainly because royalties can be an on going thing for years, so if you have music up with another company they can claim as well. It can get rather messy. The other reason is they spend a lot of time putting together in house play music for business's world wide plus comp albums. These are all registered for digital impressions and such like, not to mention obtaining tune codes etc with collecting agencies. It's a lot of work to then go and take them all down. Explained here in detail. http://www.audiosparx.com/sa/kb/article/show.cfm/kbarticle_iid.2318/aatemp.0 The best bet is to email them. They are a good bunch of people and will be upfront with everything, they also reply in good time. I suppose regarding Lib companies being good or bad, writers who do good out of a particular company will have good things to say, those who sell little or none through a company will give more of a negative response. I will PM you my agreement from my artist page, you can then decide if it is worth emailing them to clear up any concerns you may have. If long term is not what you are after, and you want more short term options, Maybe Audiosparx might not be what you are looking for,
  9. I do quite well out of it through an incredibly well run and established company in the States called 'Audiosparx'. They chase up cue sheets, register everything with ASCAP, so it's easy for PRS to collect. They send out regular statements and track license/sale details. Everything from Ringtones to film majors they are involved with. Every Quarter I get paid into my PayPal account, and on top of that of course, PRS/MCPS Quartely payments. They also put your stuff onto compilation albums for sale on iTunes/Amazon etc. Plus they have in house playlists for business's world wide, Restaurant/shop/office etc. Pennies a play, but it does mount up. Do you homework, a lot of them are cowboy companies selling music on the cheap and they DO NOT send out broadcast cue sheets for the clients to fill in, or indeed care what the clients use it for. Make sure you get a company that do good negotiated buy outs (usually x4 upwards of base price). Usually the companies that have been around for years and have moved forward tend to have a better high end client base. Library writing is a different beast than stock song writing. You have to keep in mind what you are writing for: Corporate, Kids, Animation, World, Cinematic, EDM styles etc. You usually need to supply various timing cues that can be used in media broadcast. Full tune/60 second version/30 second version, then any stingers, seamless loops, beds, Idents etc. The more you put up, the more you are likely to earn. I found it a pain putting the same tracks on various sites, and not sometimes knowing what a licensed track was being used for, so I found one that was exclusive. Being exclusive you will get better track/ writer promotion (Hot new/Permanent feature/Perpetual etc). You don't want to be stuck at a bottom of a pile with hundreds or thousands of other tracks. I just batch upload, fill in the track data, Keywords, Style etc and they do the rest from beginning to end.
  10. Blimey, $7 Million. Pharrell won't be so Happy now. As for being Thicke, it's cost him over $3 million for playing Piano on a hit, that's taking 'Pay to Play' to extremes. Some people will do anything to be in the business of show.
  11. Solo the track you want to bounce to Audio. On the bar at the top, go to file (left hand side). Then in the drop down - Export - Audio Mixdown. Name the track - path will be your project folder. File format - Wave file. Audio Format - mono or stereo etc Import into project - tick the two boxes Pool and Audio track. Then click export. Looks more difficult than it really is. I know you are on an earlier version, so trying to go by memory. I am on Cubase 8, and it is easier than above these days. Hope this helps.
  12. [quote name='Leonard Smalls' timestamp='1425890163' post='2711737'] I've recorded my "singing"... And this month it's not free-form, but does have a wah bass solo! [/quote] Have you cleared this with Douglas yet? He might have something to say about this. Actually, he WILL, having something to say about this. Looking forward to the review.
  13. First off Rob, does this just happen in a current project? Or all the time? Elimination process I am afraid. Do you use the mod wheel on your midi controller, is it set all the way up? It sounds like midi cc#'s related. You can usually avoid stuff like this if you don't Start recording at bar one ( bar two onwards etc), this allows you to set or reset Midi cc related values, mod wheels and expression etc. Although moving .dll files and re-installs can sometimes help, I would have thought it a bit drastic at the moment, it does seem Midi related. I have a bit of time later, I will see if I can recreate your problem.
  14. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1425578623' post='2708806'] You are Leonards Smalls and I claim my £5..! [/quote] He's Leonard's underpants?
  15. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1425467781' post='2707561'] Chief? Squire? Bud? Son? Guv? ...Silly Bollocks? [/quote] Assuming the three and a half hour slacker is male of course. Otherwise we are getting into, Darling, Lovey, Hun (assuming she is German), Babe, Norma.
  16. For any Kontakt users, there is a free six gig library for download at the link below. Great for all things Electronic, lots of very big sounds. Unfortunately It is for the full version only (not the free player). Been playing with it, a lot of really good sounds and a 150 multi patches! Enjoy. http://vstbuzz.com/freebies/shortnoise/
  17. I must admit, Douglas crash landing onto an offering from Leonard, is a Basschat moment I Iook forward to each month. Congrats to both of you for the entertainment.
  18. Well, we might as well have a Stevie love in....lol... http://youtu.be/Moh71FwhL-Q
  19. Boogie on Reggae Woman. Part Time Lover. Living for the City. Don't you worry 'bout a thing. Another Star. I ain't gonna Stand for It. Do I Do.
  20. [quote name='owen' timestamp='1424298160' post='2694999'] However, if anyone has not heard Tchaikovsky's 6th symphony then you owe it to yourself to put some time aside and sit through it. It is the bomb. [/quote] Fantastic piece. Not to be attempted by a Dog and Duck band though. The tab would be a nightmare to follow.
  21. [quote name='Skol303' timestamp='1424285057' post='2694780'] It'll allow you to vote for as many entries as you like (one vote maximum per entry), so we should get a better spread of results - and hopefully a closer finish. [/quote] Yep, it should be a closer finish. In fact, If every voter votes for every entry.......it should be a massive draw. Edit - Lurks beat me by three minutes.
  22. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1424034738' post='2691883'] I'd rather be caught w*****g than listening to Pink Floyd [/quote] Oh man, you just made me laugh out loud...lol...very funny.
  23. One in a shop in Holland (4 stg). So they must be hitting the streets. http://www.connectionbult.com/wp/?page_id=548#!/Marcus-Miller-V7-Bass-by-Sire/p/47041076/category=3988188
  24. [quote name='natjag' timestamp='1423841193' post='2689618'] There is a good shop in Hilversum, which is a one train (and a few stops) from Amsterdam. http://www.connectionbult.com/wp/ [/quote] A Sire Marcus Miller sig Bass.€429.00 http://www.connectionbult.com/wp/?page_id=548#!/Marcus-Miller-V7-Bass-by-Sire/p/47041076/category=3988188 Full spec here from the makers site, well worth checking out. 18 volt pre-amp Jazz style Bass. http://www.sire-guitarsmall.com/index.php/bass-guitars/v7/sire-bass-guitar-v7.html
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