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Everything posted by lowdown

  1. [quote name='Skol303' timestamp='1423821548' post='2689323'] [font=Helvetica][size=3][size=4]Ah Garry, you’re taking the fun out of it! [/size][/size][/font] [/quote] Funny enough, one of my boys is running Logic V5.xx (Emagic) on an old pc with windows XP, and he keeps telling me it's more fun - The Midi timing on it is great.
  2. In Bilbo's case, Cubase, you can just 'Freeze' the Instrument/Midi track. This will just output as Audio (no need to export then import the bounced track), but you won't be able to edit the Midi track while frozen. All it does is disengage the VSTi, and take the load of the CPU, and unload any RAM associated with the Samples. If you need to edit the Midi track, just unfreeze, edit, then Freeze again. When you have the notes and expressions just how you want, then bounce down to Audio. In Cubase, this will save you having different Audio file versions of the same track building up, in the pool with the various edits. Here's the thing though. With an i7 Quad core, and a load of RAM, all the bore fest, that I have written above...... is a thing of the past......
  3. A couple for me really. Frank Sinatra 'Live at the Sands' with County Basie and his Orchestra, and Quincy Jones conducting. Tower of Power 'Back to Oakland'.
  4. [quote name='anaxcrosswords' timestamp='1423585334' post='2686660'] Aw. I thought I was telling a guitarist joke [/quote] It made me chuckle. Carry on.
  5. [quote name='Chiliwailer' timestamp='1423516572' post='2685891'] Haha! Cheers for the approval Ok, give me some time to work this out, plus I won't be playing bass or guitar for at least 8 weeks after the surgery. (Just one handed drum and keyboard work for me, Pet Shop Boys anyone?) However when that time is up, I'll be more than happy to repay the forum by embarrassing myself to the masses with a contribution! [/quote] I'm a Cubase user (since the Atari days.....lol..)so any problems, pop back here and I am happy to nod you in the right direction. One thing with Cubase A1, it automatically recognises the UR22 on start up, so it's easy Peasy to get up and running. Good luck with it all.
  6. The appeal to musicians, certainly blowers, was the band/arrangements side of it, the arrangements were very well done. And of course his use of younger musicians was a great stepping stone for some.
  7. [quote name='Chiliwailer' timestamp='1423514699' post='2685852'] Thank you, looking good! I like that I can have a MIDI option, just in case I ever need it. The specs look spot on too, and Cubase AI may be enough for me. Have you used Cubase AI? Any cons to having that over the full version, or Reaper? Cheers! [/quote] Sorry, I was editing when you posted. A link for the Cubase A1 spec above. Of course, Reaper is the full version, Cubase A1 has limited track count, 32 Audio and 48 Midi, (ample for most) Has a bunch of very usable soft Synths and Drums (+loops) included, not sure Reaper has. There is also a good selection of FX. (saves hunting around for freebies straight away, or indeed paying out). Plus it has the notation midi editor as well as PRV. Upgrade path to the bigger versions is good as well. A ton of YouTube tutorial vids out there and a subscription to the Steinberg YouTube tutorial channel is worth while. But in reality, a DAW is a DAW. Apart from things like video support or a notation midi editor, Synth selections etc, they pretty much all do the same.
  8. The Steinberg UR22 Audio & Midi interface.(comes with a cut down version of Cubase, if you need a DAW) Good Pre-Amps that are good sounding. Solid ASIO and with low latency, and zero latency hardware monitoring. You won't find a bad review anywhere. [url="https://www.steinberg.net/en/products/audio_interfaces/ur_serie/modelle/ur22.html"]https://www.steinber...delle/ur22.html[/url] The cut down Cubase spec. [url="https://www.steinberg.net/en/products/steinberg_yamaha/cubase_ai_7.html"]https://www.steinber...ubase_ai_7.html[/url] £99 with free delivery. [url="https://www.steinberg.net/en/products/audio_interfaces/ur_serie/modelle/ur22.html"]https://www.steinber...delle/ur22.html[/url]
  9. Some pretty funny stories around regarding BR, and of course the dressing room and coach tapes fuel it all. Watched him a few times in the 70/80's and always a great band with him, amazing in fact. There are so many great vids worth checking out on YouTube. The West Side Story medley was terrific Big Band Arranging. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=keKrzgskvtw And for sheer power, the Trumpets are stonking, especially when Trpt 1 goes up the octave after the Alto solo. Buddy swinging really hard with another great arrangement. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lBSTXaBOuQ4
  10. Not sure if this is any help. Phone number, Email and address. I think it's the same company, down at the Southend Estuary. http://www.schaller-electronic.com/hp541034/Estuary-Bass-Company.htm EDIT : The phone number is on a website, so not giving away private details.
  11. [quote name='jonnythenotes' timestamp='1423248398' post='2682850'] Easiest way to play Sir Duke is by keeping your wrist fixed at your start point, and play the lot using only one octave....The whole thing is done using a tight pattern, and your hand never moves up or down. Some how it looks even more amazing than flying up and down the neck, as even though it is only using one octave, in a band environment, it sounds no different, apart from all the bottom end DOESN'T drop out in the high register parts.. Try it...7 notes and no hand movement whatsoever.. [/quote] Should your user name not be 'johnnysomenotes'?....lol...
  12. [quote name='SpaceChick' timestamp='1423171329' post='2681866'] However, to not play them on a fretless would be a crime against music and would sound quite hideous, [/quote] And of course, for the Fretless Bassist that is Intonation challenged, that is also a crime against music.
  13. [quote name='jakenewmanbass' timestamp='1209720251' post='190343'] The hardest tunes I played are numbers five and six on my myspace page. It was my first album session, which made it 'the hardest'. I dare say I've played trickier parts since but the fact that this was recorded FOR EVER makes it feel 'hardest' in relative terms [/quote] Jake, you must have smashed a mirror just after you typed that. Talk about bad luck, the thread died for over seven years.
  14. I have been a full time musician for over 40 rears. Although I went to music collage and have picked up various music related qualifications, I have never been asked to produce these for work (although if you teach in schools as well, it will possibly be needed). Sometimes in the Classical world, to gain an audition spot they will ask where you trained and what you achieved. When my accountant does my tax returns and files under Musician he don't ask for my qualifications neither does the tax man. Professional*
  15. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1423075967' post='2680431'] Do you apply this same 'logic' to other professions and/or vocations, or solely musicians..? A professional plumber..? A professional footballer..? A professional vicar..? I understand the differentiation you're aiming at, but am hard pressed to come up wit an adequate word for this limited understanding of the term. I'll keep looking, but meanwhile, do others seem the same to you..? No malice intended; simply curious. [/quote] I am very curious as well.
  16. [quote name='Leonard Smalls' timestamp='1422802415' post='2676892'] a chaotic almost 5:4 chuffchuff beat [/quote] Would that be 9/8 then? Just didn't have the stamina to go that extra 8th note....lol...
  17. Great photo..! To dark for me to be that wimp Thomas. Something bad lurking there, a run away train with a nasty missile on board - James Bond material. Either that or I have been smelling to much glue for breakfast.
  18. The picture leaves it very open for interpretation and styles, but Bilbo's Composition really stood out for me. Although I thought a 'Room Verb' on the master Bus would have enhanced the production, along with some expression on the instruments. But that really, really is nit picking, and do I understand that is library limitations and/or time dependent. Great stuff anyway and well written. Interesting listen all round and well done all.
  19. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1422643386' post='2675143'] I'm considering building a museum for my impressive collection of wooden spoons. [/quote] i am sure you can find a use for them? Drum sticks? Maybe a newspaper could hire you? Plenty of scoops to keep them happy.
  20. [quote name='merello' timestamp='1422377684' post='2671886'] Doh! MusicMan! [/quote] Lol...
  21. [quote name='merello' timestamp='1422376126' post='2671854'] Think there was an interview on YOUTube or an article with Nathan Lamar Watts where he said he used a Musician for songs like Do I Do/I Wish and Sir Duke and detuned by a semitone to make it easier to play. [/quote] Do you mean he got a dep? Or predictive text gone tits up?
  22. Trombone would be the one - Reading on the Bass Clef. But you have to be careful of the slide flying out and breaking windows.
  23. [quote name='TimR' timestamp='1422360716' post='2671534'] But illustrates why F# isn't a great key. [/quote]
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