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Everything posted by lowdown

  1. As above, although the octaves need to be adjusted when written to get the target/sounding concert note (mainly Alto & Tenor). Trombone (tenor) also written in Bass clef and not transposing for the concert sounding note. F# has six sharps, not five. But what's a sharp among friends...lol...
  2. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1421783796' post='2665027'] but at least my resources are all used for my use, not eaten up, or even nibbled at, by unwanted applications. It's a choice that I'm happy to assume. [/quote] That's why I disable Wifi, windows defender and windows firewall after Internet use (it takes a few seconds to do this). My music PC only goes on line for music software updates or audio/midi unit driver updates. (maybe any important windows system/graphics card updates). I also have the windows 'best performance' turned on (I think it disables the w7/w8 Aero theme thing - a bit of a hog). A clean machine (i7 quadcore), that just handles everything I throw at it.
  3. Blimey, they've got expensive. I have had mine for just over ten years and it cost around £1200.00 new (or maybe ex demo, can't remember). Mind you, top Basses and the Preamp sounds (to me) nicer than the four string version. The neck on the five is a dream to play.
  4. Jolly good fun and spiffing video my dear. Chin Chin old boy and steady on with the VAT's.
  5. [quote name='Mornats' timestamp='1421441463' post='2661399'] I've no idea why anyone thinks they should keep an audio PC off the internet really. [/quote] More to do with back ground processes and conflicts then going on the net. More so on older machines, although even on newer machines you can grab extra juice. With huge project templates of 100 midi tracks and more, or loads of VSTI's & VST's those extra %'s help. Anti virus running in the background. Wifi and Bluetooth interfering with some Audio devices. A few reasons really. Pretty much all the DAW vendors recommend disabling these things when not in use, and just enabling when you need to update drivers or download software updates. If someone is only using a couple of VI's and minimal Audio tracks, proberly not much to gain or go wrong. Some really good tips for tip top use. http://www.presonus.com/news/articles/Optimizing-Windows-Vista-and-Windows-7-for-Music-Production https://www.cakewalk.com/Support/Knowledge-Base/2007013376/Windows-Optimization-Guide https://www.steinberg.net/en/support/steinberg_support_daw.html
  6. [quote name='ambient' timestamp='1421354956' post='2660379'] Good point, I think a lot of suggestions so far have been films with songs in them, rather than actual real soundtracks. The blues brothers for instance. [/quote] Yep. Original Score, written or cued for the film. Soundtrack, collection of pre recorded tunes/songs from elsewhere (known pop tunes etc). Although some/ many films might have a mix of both. And of course these days, some of the material is sourced from high end library and production companies then re-timed or amended to fit the picture, resulting in a collection of a few composers. But possibly an opening theme and credits may be commissioned. Music supervisors play a big part in films these days, often sourcing and filling in the gaps music wise.
  7. You need to contact (email) IK Media to see if you can Authorise Sampletank offline. (Or just go to their website and check under Q&A's). Most online activations usually have a provision for offline activations, mainly s/n and challenge and response. My music puter is offline, but for activations and music software updates, I just enable my Internet connection, windows firewall and windows defender, and when finished I just disable all three when finished. The software sites are known and clean so little chance of picking up virus's etc. EDIT. Ah...I see your problem (download manager is for the activation manager). http://www.ikmultimedia.com/registration/ For legacy Sampletank older versions, Activation at the bottom of the page. Newer versions you need to Download the activation download manager. What version of Sampletank do you have? that will determine how you activate.
  8. [quote name='alibabu' timestamp='1421093833' post='2657118'] Here is my attempt this month, after two busy months out of the challenge, I found some time to put this together: [url="https://soundcloud.com/alibabu/no-happy-bunny"]https://soundcloud.c.../no-happy-bunny[/url] Looking forward to hear the other entries through the month! a. [/quote] Excellent stuff and very well played.
  9. Nathan East was well established before 1995 (maybe not loaded enough for the mansion). Back as early as 1970/71 he was working for Barry White. Nathan, apart from great sight reading skills has seriously good hearing/busking chops as well. He just seems to slot in with ease with everything he does. Great musician all round, and the perfect studio player. Yep, a terrific gaff (love that view). A member of the magic circle as well.....lol... Wiki don't really tell the whole story, but an amazing career. http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nathan_East http://nathaneast.com/biography/
  10. Great playing all round. Some Marcus and Jaco influences in there as well.
  11. [quote name='ras52' timestamp='1420731808' post='2652750'] Are those "portable" or "desktop" drives, or internal drives housed in an external case? [/quote] You can have them anyway you want. My externals are portable. Might be worth checking out on their site all the variations. Then Google for various shop prices. http://www.wdc.com/en/products/products.aspx?id=870 USB3 is quicker than FireWire 800 (not sure about Thunderbolt).
  12. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1420571761' post='2650814'] Very nice appreciative crowd rather than a pub full of 'experts' pulling your performance apart [/quote] Don't worry, that would have been later on various Musicians sites....lol...
  13. On PC, I use two external USB 3 drives (spin speed 7200 RPM). One for my Kontakt Sample libraries and my VSTi libraries (3TB), and one for my Project files (2TB). Spin drive speed of 7200 RPM is your best bet. I use WD Caviar BLACK, (but a second choice would be the BLUE version). Don't buy ANY hard drive with the word "green" in the title, from what Audio folk say, you don't want power management features slowing or stopping your DAW hard drives (Green). I suppose if you turn off all power management (I do) it might not make any difference. But that may be rubbish, someone will be along who might know if that is bull feces or not.
  14. [quote name='Bilbo' timestamp='1420469613' post='2649645'] Mine is orchestral. [/quote] That's the Spirit. The picture looks like some avant-garde conductor giving the down beat to the buffoon section.
  15. Another RME Babyface (solid Midi as well) user here. The driver support is second to none, always on top of it with updates (if needed).
  16. An interesting read about 'Tears of a Clown', and the playing of Tony Newton (Touring Motown Bassist at one point). http://www.gregwilson.co.uk/2013/08/the-tears-of-a-clown-a-classic-that-nearly-never-was/
  17. i7 Processor with at least 8 Gig Ram, will do for most home recording (with ease). Ram won't make your PC faster, but will help with using a lot of Audio or the big Sample libraries, then you should be looking at 16-32 Gigs. The i7 CPU's (Quadcore) will handle an awful lot of VST's/VSTI's without the need for freezing or bouncing tracks. It will also help with running at very low latency, providing your ASIO drivers on your Audio interface are up to it.
  18. Basschat on the same bill as a Puppet Show? Reminds me of a Spinal Tap scene.....lol.....
  19. Thanks for the link. Ok, I've got it now!......lol....
  20. Any deps I do, there is always a good chance that 'Dancing in the Streets' and 'I can't Help Myself (Sugar Pie Honey Bunch)' turn up.
  21. Pre-Amps with direct injection I understand. Turbo charged Compressors as well (Native Instruments do one), but EQ's with overhead camshafts and Cylinder heads has lost me. I think I need to check out Ebay and see what this is all about....lol..
  22. In: Guitarron (Lucida Mariachi six stg). NXT4 (NS) EUB Out: Nowt .
  23. Audio & Midi in/out Steinberg UR22, really good value. Very solid drivers. Review. http://www.soundonsound.com/sos/jun13/articles/steinberg-ur22.htm Google search will give you £99.00. You also get a trimmed back version of Cubase with it (AI 6).
  24. The World is now minus 76 Professional Trombone players.
  25. Well done folks, good stuff all round. Bilbo got my vote. He got away from the obvious for me, and a different and original approach.
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