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Everything posted by lowdown

  1. [quote name='Bilbo' timestamp='1419257798' post='2638064'] The best I think I ever heard from him, though, is a youtibe video of a young (27-28?) AJ with Sadao Watanabe Live at The Boudokan with a Dave Grusin led Jazz orchestra. The quality of the video is appalling but Jackson plays an absolute blinder. His solo starts at around 5.40 and you can see that AJ is really 'in the zone' and we are wondering what would have happened to the bass if he had been less reticent. [/quote] I think it might be this. During the solo Sadao Watanabe's face is pricelss. Top, top band as well. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qu7S8wRcRNU
  2. Midnight Hour BPM various through the tune. Between 112/114 BPM. Free software here for detecting BPM on Wav/MP3 files. http://www.abyssmedia.com/bpmcounter/
  3. [quote name='Drax' timestamp='1419232617' post='2637723'] Missed opportunity video. We want to see his left hand, not his jazz / (jizz) face! [/quote] Yer, but what a great opportunity to see his monster music stand!
  4. [quote name='funkle' timestamp='1419022927' post='2635877'] Nice one lowdown. I got an email about that and will be downloading. Can't wait. Also got a couple of NI vouchers worth £44 I need to spend...what to pick... Edit: Replika sounds great. I can see a use for this, and I think the download is open to all until end Dec. [/quote] A really good Guitar library has just landed - It's free (not pirate). Demos here. http://major7th.jp/kontakt/kmg7/demo.html Download here. It's a Japanese/Asian site, but it is clean. I know a few folks from another site who have downloaded and given the thumbs up. http://major7th.jp/kontakt/kmg7/downloads.html This might be of interest to you. The best site for all things Composing and Sample/DAW related. Full of absolute gents, with a ton of tips/videos/advice. You also get a lot of deals and heads up on new releases and free stuff. http://www.vi-control.net/forum/portal.php
  5. The original (the busy Bass version). http://youtu.be/G9qA0MzbHXU And another Theme opening (or one of them....lol...). http://youtu.be/k8wz5ElZZj0 "The somewhat better-known first Kojak theme, in two distinct arrangements is the work of Billy Goldenberg, who scored the early episodes. John Cacavas composed the third main title theme used throughout the show's fifth and final season. In addition, Cacavas composed the music score for most of the series".
  6. [quote name='funkle' timestamp='1419005952' post='2635670'] NI Komplete 10 (not Ultimate) is blowing my mind, especially in Reaper. It comes with many sample libraries, synths, and also some useful effects - Driver (distortion), Supercharger (nice compressor which is 'warm', works nicely for drums), Solid EQ/Solid Compressor/Solid Dynamics. The Solid compressor seems best to me on group submixes and master channel; the EQ is fine for single channel use and Dynamics I need to get more to grips with. The reverbs in Guitar Rig (Reflektor), which is also part of the package, are really nice. I love Massive and Rounds, and Polyplex is a really good sounding 8 pad drumkit synth. All part of the package also. I think Guitar Rig itself for bass is less exciting than Ampeg SVX, which sounds simply great to me. More tweaking needed. I paid £389 for Komplete because I didn't want to faff too much with loads of different sample libraries and Fx from different manufacturers. So far it seems good value. [/quote] NI are giving away a free (Replika) Delay FX VST for Kontakt users (or maybe even non registered customers). Just download and register through the service centre. Downloaded today, and it is very good. http://www.native-instruments.com/en/specials/happy-holidays-2014/
  7. I thought it was Carol Kaye as well. Although I do seem to remember reading that the theme tune was re recorded two or three times over the seasons (not sure how many there were). So maybe the OP version is one of those. I am sure someone will be along who knows. I love all those American TV themes from the 70's, apart from great playing all round, the writing and arranging is terrific.
  8. ^^^^^^^ I suppose the upside of this was. there was no audience left to witness the Red face disaster. Upon seeing the 'Stand', they had all done a U turn during venue entry.
  9. [quote name='Hutton' timestamp='1418898911' post='2634543'] Perhaps the OP should change the title of the thread to 'Recommend me some stuff in the style of Rock Candy Funk Party' if it has to be as narrow as that. [/quote] Nah, don't do that. I am sure the OP might appreciate (along with other Basschatters) a wide selection and differing opinions of what Jazz/Funk is, sounds like. Music ain't it? On a Musicians site. Otherwise I wouldn't have got to hear that Fred Wesley track you posted.
  10. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1418896705' post='2634504'] Sigh.... [u]this[/u] is Funk. and this and the original version There's so much more..... [/quote] Yep....
  11. [quote name='Mornats' timestamp='1418847150' post='2634092'] How come? Surely they're just making sure their guitars are stood up safely? [/quote] That's the point, when you go to a Pub, You don't want to do safely.... You wan't a big debauched tear up, otherwise it ain't Rock & Roll. Safely means Country & Western, leading to a walk out.
  12. If you have depped regularly over the years, it ain't a problem. (That goes for Guitar, Keys and Bass). You kinda build up a huge repertoire, quite often knowing as many or more tunes than the band you are depping in (that includes the real (Jazz/show tune) standards that can sometimes pop up at weddings or functions). The only issues you might have, might be at endings or linked segues. But your ears usually get you through that. If a set list is sent to you, maybe only a couple of tunes are needed to be learned. Original bands are different matter of course. There will be times when charts are handed to you. This is where a Music Stand really takes centre stage - I have a big chunky 'Pro' Black one. I usually get paid more and rebooked if I whip that out.
  13. [quote name='Coilte' timestamp='1418853157' post='2634181'] IMO the early "Crusaders" albums are great !! Here's a taster : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5DqfX6PJZQE [/quote] And what a fine album that track is from. Here's another one to go with it. The great 'Pops' Popwell doing a very nice solo in the middle. http://youtu.be/sUs1heMlxto
  14. What about Sea Bass? Fishmongers make money from them.
  15. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1418754815' post='2633013'] and he'd had no luck getting a yes elsewhere....??? [/quote] I suppose Andy should take some comfort that at least he was on the list, all be it, at the bottom.....lol.... Hope you get it sorted AndyBob, and it all works out. Not a nice situation to be in.
  16. [quote name='Truckstop' timestamp='1418734308' post='2632761'] Sorry pal but you've made a massive mistake and I think you should be expecting a dressing down of the highest order. Why would you take work without speaking to your family or current commitments first? So you've pissed off your agent for turning down the work after agreeing to do it and your family and colleagues by assuming that they'd be ok with you buggering off for 5 weeks. I'm sure you know this already but that's a real bad show! I'm surprised at the reactions of some of BC's regulars too. Doesn't anyone else think this is really bad form? Truckstop [/quote] ^^^^^ This. At the moment the agent will be busy (trying) to sort out someone else. You will be last on his radar, if on it at all again. Plenty of more good Bass in the sea.
  17. Interesting thread, nine pages about a music stand....lol.... For those who like to stay faithful to not using a stand, how about letting you hair down and have a party night of debauchery. Have a One-Night Stand.
  18. Great Percussion Library for Kontakt (14 gigs download). Very Cinematic sounding. It's a minimum $25.00 donation. 60% goes towards refurbished Instruments for school programmes. Links over at V.I Control Forum (A great forum resource for composing and recording). Short review. http://www.askaudiomag.com/articles/review-perc- Link. http://www.vi-control.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=42489
  19. RME Babyface - now going for £415. http://www.amazon.co.uk/RME-BABYFACE-BLUE-Audio-interfaces/dp/B004GXA41C Specs. https://www.google.co.uk/?gfe_rd=cr&ei=ePVkVJDsJIGZ1AWkvYD4DA&gws_rd=ssl#q=rme+babyface Absolutely rock solid ASIO drivers and excellent Midi timing.
  20. lowdown

    NI Komplete

    [quote name='funkle' timestamp='1418332765' post='2629349'] Bought it. Mind blowing. And we'll cheaper than a bass. Great value. This and Reaper are definitely floating my boat. [/quote] Great deal ain't it? Shame it was just about the only thing NI didn't do 50% off on Black Friday. Or did they? Enjoy, it's a great deal and bundle regardless.
  21. If it helps... I have done several theatre show tours, always work visas. On one occasion, a musician applying for a visa was declined a work visa because he had previously been caught working on a tourist visa. (He had to be replaced before the tour started). You may well get away with it, but if caught, it will more than likely mess you up in the future for a visa. Something to seriously think about.
  22. [quote name='seashell' timestamp='1418129394' post='2627095'] Stand of Hope and Glory (I'm on a roll now!) [/quote] Well, I am enjoying them... So Seashell.....take to the stage....take it away...And Stand and Deliver!!
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