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Everything posted by lowdown

  1. I agree with what Skol has said above about the substitute for the real thing. Of course if you want to get a bunch of Mp3's to sit up a bit more, a great idea because it is free. However, if you want to use Wav files with all the various bit and sample rates, it will start to get pricey. Plus the fact, if you are not quite happy with the final version there is no way of amending/fixing it. You are stuck with it. But at the end of the day, if your stereo mix is good to start with, it would be a good way to get something finished quick. I recently got Ozone 6 (£150), and it has a lot of great starting pre-sets. It's worth trying the 10 day demo with your Wav files. https://www.izotope.com/en/products/mixing-mastering/ozone There is a great mastering PDF from Izotope/Ozone, really worth checking out. No substitute for a good engineer, but an excellent resource if you want to attempt at getting a final presentable master together, and stop yourself getting carried away with pre-sets (like me). http://downloads.izotope.com/guides/iZotopeMasteringGuide_MasteringWithOzone.pdf
  2. The Aldi ad is a bit Syrupy, but most Xmas adverts are. I suppose for JH and the band, just a case of turn up and look cheesy in a Christmas way, or at least get one arm in view. Like or dislike Jools Holland, he has managed to keep a Big Band regularly in TV and Radio broadcast work, yearly tours in the UK and overseas. Annual album releases, all this, consistently over a thirty year period. Personally I take my hat off to him, he has kinda of earned his celeb status. (all in my humble opinion of course).
  3. I don't know about you lot, but I do get stumped sometimes on building a repeating theme/motif/tune. (to much/to little/fill all gaps, is it really finished, nah, I will just add some more, mix goes to pot, start again or bin it) I suppose this is where a good knowledge of orchestrating comes in, or at least being creative, with ideas to build without over exaggerating and getting carried away. I think composer Nick Murray hit the spot with this Disney Trailer for Cinderella. Not the most complex arrangement, but little interchanges going on that seem to really lift the arrangement. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8dKj7xD5gec&feature=youtu.be[/media]
  4. Hey Wojtek, Just been over to your Soundcloud and all very listenable. Lovely playing, all very melodic and right on it. Love the Bass sound(s). Great stuff mate.
  5. [quote name='Monckyman' timestamp='1416235523' post='2608138'] I also organise my lot The drummer helps with logistics and planning etc,and is always there for load outs and ins,unlike the singer and guitarist but I; Supply and drive the van, Provide,assemble and operate the P.A, which consists of a Soundcraft SI 1 or 3, into a Bill Fitzmaurice DR250/Titan39 rig with qsc amps,and 4 stereo in ear systems, all mics, D.Is, cables and stands.( and (that's every rehearsal when it needs putting back together after a gig, and every gig after packing it away after a rehearsal,and that's if nothing needs fixing or replacing). Supply, rig, and program the lights with my truss,par cans, scanners, smoke machine and small DMX desk. Create and operate the backing tracks we use, using my Macbook/logic and iPad,in my studio. Record and produce any promotional recordings we need. Manage the band kitty and pay the bills on the rehearsal room, clean and organise the rehearsal room, Manage the sub letting of the room to offset our outgoings and do DIY improvements like shelving curtains chairs, kitchen items , fridge and a microwave. Pay for the web hosting for the website, manage the facebook and Northwestbands accounts. Run the online diary. Oh yes, I play bass and sing as well. And work as a freelance engineer. My lot are lucky, as I operate a small hire company and they get the benefit because for me, it has to look and sound as good as possible, but I also keep telling them that turning up on time and playing their chosen instrument is the minimum they are expected to do, if they want to be part of a reasonably well run and profitable band. So to the OP. don't tolerate laziness from your partners, otherwise you will end up carrying all the responsibilities,make no money and eventually end up destroying the band out of resentment. [/quote] Top, top man, and hats off to you. With that kind of commitment and Organanisation you must be a very busy band.
  6. In the pocket, Sinatra and Basie. Great building arrangement, with a nice flute solo in the middle. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wfI92cZ_xLI
  7. My favourite two Vsti's are both from Spectrsonics. A great Synth called 'Omnisphere' and an awesome Drum & Percussion module called 'Stylus RMX'. Been using them both for five or Six years now. RMX is terrific for on the fly programming , take any supplied groove and with the use of Midi learn, turn it into your own. They me seem pricey, but you get an awful lot with both. http://www.spectrasonics.net/index.php
  8. Been a member for about eleven years now. The Double Bass forum is a great resource. Yep, it has a big user base, but generally find it quite friendly and with a plenty of decent Bass drivel.
  9. [quote name='dood' timestamp='1415832635' post='2604395'] Toot toot, I'll just leave this here... [/quote] Cool looking Bass.
  10. Funny enough, a few days ago I watched the film at Cafe Di Nero in Palmers Green.
  11. [quote name='ras52' timestamp='1415806933' post='2603975'] I'm keeping my eyes peeled... although I'm still to use most of the Waves bundles I bought in their Halloween special at 80% off! [/quote] I nabbed a few singles in that deal. I was pondering during the two hour countdown and couldn't resist.
  12. Ugly (to some)? Maybe. Any difference in tone? who knows, more than likely not. Had mine built to spec, and it works (great) for me. People generally like it when they pick it up. I just fancied one at the time, and it turned out better than I expected. Been using mine for around ten years, really the only fretted Bass I use. No neck dive, balances well when standing or sitting in pits/studios etc. The whole thing feels really solid with great upper register access. [attachment=176198:17082006996.jpg] [attachment=176199:170820061004.jpg]
  13. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1415789060' post='2603716'] I've no idea. From now on, you're on your own. [/quote] Someone will be along who will know. After all, this is Basschat, home of all knowledge.
  14. [quote name='the boy' timestamp='1415747941' post='2603475'] This.... [/quote] And another 'This'..... Guess the film. "See this? This is this. This ain't something else. This is This!"
  15. [quote name='Bilbo' timestamp='1414781201' post='2593308'] Recommended. 'The Suitcase', a live Steve Khan 2cd featuring Anthony Jackson and Dennis Chambers. Jackson is ON FIRE!!! Check out this rare Anthony Jackson solo - it beats 99% of all other bass guitar solos for inventiveness and originality. And you never hear AJ solo!!. [/quote] I got this on Friday and been playing it today. Great playing all round, a good album, and as Bilbo said...Recommended.
  16. ^^^ Yep, what Bolo said (but I am pretty sure you would be aware of them). A real joy to listen to with a very large repertoire (plenty on YouTube). Superb Musicians.
  17. The fact that you mentioned 'six string bass' sent them all running. You should have posted in off topic under 'tic tac' and fooled them. Yep, a good listen and a real legend.
  18. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1415226707' post='2598270'] [size=3][size=4][i]Shoo[/i] shoopy [i]shoo[/i] shoopy shoopy shoopy [i]shoo[/i] pah pap pah [/size][/size] [size=3][size=4][i]Shoo[/i] shoopy [i]shoo[/i] pah pap pah shoopy shoopy shoopy [i]shoo[/i] pah[/size][/size] [size=3][size=4]...[/size][/size] [/quote] Oh come on mate......is that called for? There are kids on this forum!
  19. [quote name='Lynottfan' timestamp='1415211226' post='2597982'] Ai No Corrida by Quincy Jones, the original take with Louis Johnson on the Stingray bass, MAN dat is groove! [/quote] Yer, I have a soft spot for that groove. The great John Robinson on Drums of course, everything he touched just worked.
  20. [quote name='bubinga5' timestamp='1388069051' post='2318260'] what company sells this software.? sorry just got it. [/quote] Spectrosonics, along with the lovely Omnisphere Synth and Stylus RMX Drum/Perc module. http://www.spectrasonics.net/index.php But there are other good Libraries out there that can be loaded into Kontakt.
  21. [quote name='Skol303' timestamp='1415109594' post='2596748'] It's a cunning ruse! Dad is nearly always first to finish his composition, so he's pulling our legs with a post 10 minutes after I set up this month's challenge. Although to be honest, I [i]did[/i] on click it half-expecting him to have finished something already. [/quote] You have gone above and beyond your call of duty as a mod there. I would have let that run for a few more days.
  22. Lordy Lordy, I wouldn't know where to start with this. So many over the years. Today's choice would be anything from the 'Nightfly' album (Mr Donald Fagen). Tomorrows choice would more than likely be different.
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