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Everything posted by lowdown

  1. [quote name='RockfordStone' timestamp='1415104334' post='2596654'] link isn't working on any of my browsers [/quote] Might be something to do with the shade of blue on the link.
  2. [quote name='DanR' timestamp='1415035618' post='2595929'] That's it. ProTools is a great bedrock for the full blown studio, but other DAWs are leagues ahead on intuitive / creative audio manipulation. [/quote] Yep, although PT's is trying hard to catch up. Another good use for those samples you have is to extract as midi. Single lines or chords these days, depending on DAW and software. You can then use the midi info as groove quantise pre-sets. All manner of feel and swing% then available to you for humanising static programmed lines.
  3. Waves sales ends today. Only just noticed this, so not much time left. http://www.waves.com/plugins#sort:path~type~order=.default-order~number~asc|views:view=list-view|paging:currentPage=0|paging:number=20
  4. [quote name='bassace' timestamp='1415003047' post='2595405'] A pal of mine sent him a get well card when he was undergoing therapy some time ago and he sent one back saying 'I'm undergoing radio therapy; I thought it would be a bit like Radio Bristol but I've discovered it's even worse'. RIP Ack. [/quote] Ha ha, that sounds like his humour. RIP
  5. [quote name='Roland Rock' timestamp='1414431307' post='2589210'] Jerry Jemmott is well worth a mention [/quote] Worth a few bars of 16th note mentions. Great, melodic groover. I might be wrong, but I think Jaco mentioned him as an influence.
  6. When I click on it, it takes me to Flickr. It then says "This photo is private". So one can only guess what's there. Maybe a wand Paul Daniels doesn't want us to see.
  7. Kick start. It's for side chaining and making space around instruments. Very little CPU hit, and really easy to use. Oh, and it's cheap. I use it all the time on anything electronic, but I found it useful in other situations as well. http://www.kickstart-plugin.com/ Also a couple from a company called 'Cableguys'. Volume Shaper, again very cheap. http://www.cableguys.de/volume-shaper.html And the 'Free' Pancake 2 for Pan modulations. http://www.cableguys.de/pan-cake.html All above have demos and worth a try. Other than mentioned, pretty much anything stock in Cubase 7.5.
  8. Check out the live Paris sessions, they are great! the full compliment of blowers, and super tight, and yes some great Bass playing. http://youtu.be/c1kmQ-PcpnY http://youtu.be/ESqOSPvJ41g
  9. As many have said, the promo video needs to be more professional, visually and audio wise. A lot of bands go to great extremes and cost to get that right these days, after all, it is still business at the end of the day, and you are in competition I used to do plenty of cruise gigs, mostly the pit/orchestra/backing the productions shows, and they were certainly better paid than the lounge or guest bands. More than likely because you were on standard MU contracts, which meant weekly show fees, show rehearsal fees if needed ( and usually were for cast), travel to and from port/airport and in port maning if you wanted it. The lounge gigs where not so desirable because of long hours and some times day gigs or lunch time bar sessions. Two or four week depping was also regular, the guys who were on long term contracts would need the breaks. Those days are now gone, sadly. I know a few younger single guys and girls who do cruise ships, and I was surprised at how low the wages are these days. If you are single, still a good gig to do and you will save money. Good for your chops, and of course, you get to see the world - great social life. Good luck with it all.
  10. [quote name='lurksalot' timestamp='1414615088' post='2591471'] I only get in because I keep trying to kick the door down [/quote] Well at least it's the front door.... Most of us Bass players have to go in through the kitchen door......lol....
  11. At a pub in Peckham during the 1985 Brixton riots, some nutters ran into the pub and fire bombed it before emptying the cash tills. (It was a Jazz gig, not sure there was anything cash to take...lol). Another time in the 80's while backing a cabaret act in a chicken in a basket club, the police came up onto the stage and arrested the Drummer mid song, apparently he had been involved with the robbing of a petrol station. What was it with the 80's?
  12. Good stuff all round this month, well done folks. Between Bilbo and Alibabu for me, they went down the theme route, as opposed to the Industrial and Mechanical soundscaping (which ALL sat well with the pic - imho). Alibabu got my vote, for his moody and lyrical theme. (It would be interesting to hear it in an Orchestral and electronic hybrid style).
  13. I would like to post a link for a guy called Carles Piles (New Zealand). His superb use of articulations and dynamics in his midi scores are pretty stunning, and his Orchestal composing technique is just...well.. superb, lots of ideas. A great knowledge of what the Instruments do and there place within an arrangement. https://soundcloud.com/carles-piles/sets/greenstonekingdom-wip Yep folks, all midi composed and sequenced.
  14. [quote name='leschirons' timestamp='1414097003' post='2585929'] Have you read 17watts? a great and entertaining insight into the birth of rock, and his career. [/quote] Yes...A really good read.
  15. Yes...Mo Foster. Well done. Just been reading his credits, he sure did/does get around. http://www.mofoster.com/biog.php
  16. Music dying? Very odd thing to say (imho of course). She is terrific entertainment, with a great voice. Well played Jake, great stuff.
  17. Any good? Yep, he is great, but not who I had in mind. Next....lol...
  18. Ha, Ha...... Here you go. Sheena Easton Cher Jeff Beck July Tzuke Olivia Newton-John
  19. Love Randy's playing on the OP video, reminds me (as do the whole band and arrangements) of Rocco and Tower of Power early days. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-9u8KuHArBw
  20. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1414007262' post='2584849'] He bowed out gracefully and in fairness he would be the first to admit his lack of ability, I wouldn't normally judge anyone like that as everyone has something someone else can't do imo and ime but seriously the guy isnt really ready to be in a band even playing simple stuff. He's a nice guy though. [/quote] I wasn't digging, Pete.... Just amusing myself with 'Previous'....lol...
  21. I did say some take longer, but none the less.... Getting sent down for wrong notes is a bit strong... Who was the judge?
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