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Everything posted by lowdown

  1. [quote name='ubit' timestamp='1413995397' post='2584618'] To be honest I've never come across another musician who didn't have the ability to pick stuff up by ear. [/quote] I should think all and every Musician can pick stuff up by ear. Some just take (a lot?) longer - No big deal really, it depends on experience and maybe a (natural?) ability to hear things, In the heat of battle on a paid busking gig, a different matter of course, (taking longer I mean).
  2. £27, (assuming the cheque did not bounce) would have been around the minimum MU rate at the time for a standard three hour session (porterage and doubling on top, if a MU contract). Those guys might have been doing three sessions a day. They wouldn't have a clue what would be a 'hit' or not, so would take the money and run. Regular studio/TV/film players did really well wages wise back in those days, because there was so much of that type of work available.
  3. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1413993066' post='2584558'] Good save, job done, the bass player rescued it. [/quote] And a reliable Martin(i) Henry, breech-loading single (malt) shot, lever actuated Drummer.....Sir.
  4. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1413990513' post='2584506'] ha ha ...now, that is a tune that someone should at least be able to start... [/quote] Sure...it was me....and the toastmaster....
  5. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1413986151' post='2584428'] mass slaughter of even such well-known ditties as the National Anthem (never heard football or rugby teams before an international match..?), [/quote] I know that feeling (silence rather than slaughter)....At a recent dep function I did, the old school toast master came up at the end and said to the audience,,,, "All rise for the Queen"....the Drummer obliged with the Snare roll intro...this went on for ever....and ever.... Guitarist and Keyboard players shrugging their shoulders and not a single note......
  6. [font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]Another one gone today.[/font] [font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif][size=4]Raphael Ravenscroft's solo on 'Baker Street' is a very memorable pop sax line.[/size][/font]
  7. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1413623971' post='2580212'] That's the sort of thing I'm on about, saying it's in C would have been better! [/quote] And even then, they might have meant C minor.
  8. Bilbo is right (but as he said - much of the time). Key changes could put a spanner in the works (although there seems to be little of that these days ). 'Mack the Knife' would leave you dazed and confused.
  9. Yep, very annoying. Although I remember the days on busking gigs when bandleaders just gave fingers for keys. One finger up for 'G', three fingers up for 'A', two fingers down for 'Bb'...etc... I still come across it on occasional Jazz gigs with older gentlemen. After the final tune you just hope that you don't get 'two fingers up' aimed in your direction...
  10. [quote name='yorks5stringer' timestamp='1413559452' post='2579600'] Chuffin heck! I genuinely( and honestly) went to bed last night thinking I bet he chooses Neil Stubenhaus in the morning and you did! I know it sounds trite to say that after the reveal, but I reckon I must have a 6th sense!! Scary or what? Now if only I could do the same with the Lotto..... [/quote] Blimey! that's pretty impressive......And spooky.
  11. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1413558723' post='2579583'] I think that might be the shock of finding out it's not a dog [/quote] Sorry..... Just had to have a titter to myself there.
  12. [quote name='BassTractor' timestamp='1413545661' post='2579349'] OK then, here's a Brazilian Shorthair after having received mentioned Close Shave. Dunno why you need pics of it, but there you are. [url="http://s1170.photobucket.com/user/basstractor1/media/Brazilianshorthairaftercloseshave_zpsaff680b6.jpg.html"][/url] [/quote] Good grief!, I wished I never arsed.
  13. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1413543942' post='2579304'] hope you aren't laughing at my album collection [/quote] Well, I was actually, pretty much the same as mine.
  14. [quote name='Conan' timestamp='1413528665' post='2579102'] Brazilian eh? Sounds like she had a close shave... [/quote] You don't get away with that, that easily. Pictures needed.
  15. Yep, Neil Stubenhaus. As well as all the adverts, TV and Film scores, his album credits list is pretty impressive. One of the real Studio masters. [url="http://www.allmusic.com/artist/neil-stubenhaus-mn0000379683/credits"]http://www.allmusic....0379683/credits[/url] Take it away JT.
  16. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1413541649' post='2579268'] Abe Laboriel [/quote] No mate, although might of been on some of these albums as well. A lot of the guys like AL and others, tended to appear on the same albums.
  17. Here we go. This player has played on hundreds of albums and is still going strong. A selection of 80's sessions. [b][u]Album [/u] [u]Artist [/u][/b] 20/20 - George Benson Emotion - Barbra Streisand Bad Girls - Donna Summer Mr. 335 Live in Japan - Larry Carlton Breakin' Away - Al Jarreau Bodies and Souls - Manhattan Transfer L.A. Is My Lady - Frank Sinatra Rapture - Anita Baker Dancing on the Ceiling - Lionel Richie Beaches [Original Soundtrack] - Bette Midler Back on the Block - Quincy Jones
  18. [quote name='yorks5stringer' timestamp='1413483763' post='2578799'] You are correct but there was no intention to mislead on my part.... [/quote] No, I know mate. Their was an article I was reading a few months back, talking about the two players and their envolvements with various bands/albums over the years. The Dianne Birch album I did not know about. I will do a player in the morning, just on my way out.
  19. Sounds a bit of a trick question Yorks. Two Bassists, (and both producers) worked on the first two albums I think. So I will go with Nick Movshon. (I think I have spelled it right) I won't name the other one in case I am wrong.
  20. [quote name='flyfisher' timestamp='1413294945' post='2576803'] . . . . plus a spare toilet of course! [/quote]
  21. So some folks are taking 2 Basses and a toilet to the gig?
  22. I used to slum it with Bernie on function gigs. He don't seem to get any older....lol..
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