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Everything posted by lowdown

  1. [quote name='leschirons' timestamp='1407092305' post='2517268'] Admittedly Never can say goodbye is the odd one out but at the moment it's my all time fave feel-good number. The band had doubts but it's a winner. [/quote] There was a few versions of that knocking around about the same time, done in different styles. Gloria Gaynor, Isaac Hayes and The Jackson 5. And it is a feel-good tune, punters love it.
  2. [quote name='Jazzneck' timestamp='1407084512' post='2517170'] Try 'La Mer' by Charles Trenet on 'em, Les. [/quote] One of my fave all time tunes. Particularly the big band versions from Bobby Darren and George Benson. I am the reverse of the OP, I was playing all those tunes in a function band when I was sixteen (1973), apart from Never can say goodbye, it was not even released then! (Well not the Disco version). It was a good introduction to learning all the Jazz standards, and not to mention busking. The only time I get to play those tunes these days is during dinner music (sometimes) at Corporate functions in the West End hotels.
  3. [quote name='alibabu' timestamp='1406965693' post='2516227'] If you like Andy Narell (the guy on steel drums), be sure to check out his band "Sakesho", with the great Michael Alibo on bass: http://youtu.be/cpAw75qkBU4 The same Alibo also plays in Sixun, with Paco Sery on drums: http://youtu.be/lnSMDmtOx4s [/quote] Thanks for posting that, something for me to check out to day...lol. Great stuff.
  4. I have lost count of how many BF albums I have. There is everything from out and out Blue Grass to Symphonic stuff. Here is a break down of albums since the 70's, it's worth reading, then going through YouTube etc. there really is a lot of variation. http://belafleck.com/discography/
  5. [quote name='risingson' timestamp='1406924181' post='2516016'] Playing the same thing night in night out can be boring, even if some people won't admit to it [/quote] I am quite happy to admit it, no problem from me with that. Although I am not sure I have ever fallen asleep....lol.....
  6. [quote name='Weststarx' timestamp='1406921306' post='2515976'] My band want to play 'These Boots Are Made For Walkin' so I've just started learning it and I'm by the end of that rundown I'm on the floor asleep[/quote] Not sure why you fall asleep ( that's if it is the Nancy Sinatra version). Two Basses on that version to keep you awake, played by two top in demand players of the time (Carol Kaye & Chuck Berghofer). To be honest, it's just a typical pop tune of that era.
  7. Welcome to Basschat Lebowsky. If you need the chords or dots for "Ain't no mountain high enough", they will be down in the theory forum.
  8. I had this happen to me a few months ago in Dubai. It was a three day gig, and my Bass turned up at the hotel on the third day. Two day Bass hire was eventually paid for by British Airways. They gave me a reference number, and on exit their CS desk on receipt of the hire invoice accepted this. Three weeks later a cheque arrived from a UK BA office. The production company tour manager on the show said she would pay If BA did not. So from that experience, maybe your promoter should cough up, or if not, next port of call should be the airline/handler. (Although I think that should have been done at the time).
  9. As Clarky has said, try the Facebook route first. With recent positive (I believe) happenings they might be In a better position to sort your Bass out.
  10. [quote name='paul_5' timestamp='1405343278' post='2500974'] If you need to buy new, and want a Jazz that'll outperform anything in its price bracket (and a few things outside of it too…) then I'd seriously consider a Blade B1. Best Jazz I ever had. [/quote] Yep, they are great. I still have my Levinson Blade Jazz (about 25 years now). Are you the guy that was selling one on Ebay last year up in the North West? In fact there is White Jazz B1Tetra up on the Bay at this moment (about 2 hours left). http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Levinson-Blade-Tetra-Standard-Jazz-Bass-Guitar-Vintage-white/181473477179?_trksid=p2047675.c100011.m1850&_trkparms=aid%3D222007%26algo%3DSIC.MBE%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D20140107083358%26meid%3D8686426856419869100%26pid%3D100011%26prg%3D20140107083358%26rk%3D1%26rkt%3D10%26sd%3D141057240756
  11. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1406743973' post='2514350'] ... which would be jazz. [size=4] [/size] [size=4] [/size][size=4] [/size] [/quote] No it wouldn't....it would still be crap..lol..... However, playing a tone or two or three out.... Now that would be Jazz, or even a bit Homer Simpson. Sorry I can be a bit Try(tone)ing at times.
  12. [quote name='BigAlonBass' timestamp='1406665266' post='2513607'] Woodchopper's Ball - reading the dots - 1965. (It was with an Old Tyme Dance Band who paid VERY well!) [/quote] Would that be a (Jimmy) Lally arrangement by any chance? Spent many a gig sat behind those arrangements in DJ's or red frilly shirt (donkeys years ago, of course) Not me by the way, but I was supplied with one of those shirts and large bat. [URL=http://s1344.photobucket.com/user/gwcmusic/media/143923017_zps160a4f4c.jpg.html][IMG]http://i1344.photobucket.com/albums/p657/gwcmusic/143923017_zps160a4f4c.jpg[/IMG][/URL]
  13. Some seriously good music on the web site Isabel, and great vox with some really nice ideas.
  14. [quote name='lee4' timestamp='1406639541' post='2513286'] I'm ringing the builder as we speak! [/quote] No need, If your son is a Drummer shed building should come easy.
  15. [quote name='Bilbo' timestamp='1406647860' post='2513416'] No wonder I can't remember the middle eight on All The Things You Are. [/quote] If you ever find or remember a middle eight on that tune, Jerome Kern might like to know...... because he never found one.....lol......
  16. Always been my preferred style, and still is, I just love hanging around that back pick up....lol... I went down the floating thumb route for a while, but I could not get the bite and attack. Guy is a great player.
  17. [quote name='dmccombe7' timestamp='1406645351' post='2513380'] Ships In The Night - Be-Bop Deluxe [/quote] I remember the "Sunburst Finish" album cover very well, It was better than looking on the top shelf......lol...
  18. [quote name='Hector' timestamp='1406637315' post='2513236'] This is hot hot hot hot hot, DJ played it at Love Supreme a few weekends ago: [media]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gMgN50wSnNc[/media] [/quote] Heard that a while back, and one of my faves at the moment, also the Keith Jarrett/Charlie Haden - One Day I'll Fly Away (mentioned above).
  19. 1973 "The Irish Club" near Dartford Station. I was 16, played my first Bass gig, I got £4.00...! http://youtu.be/ThSIVW6eb58
  20. What about trying to DI the cat?
  21. [quote name='JapanAxe' timestamp='1406455570' post='2511527'] Oh well, nothing new under the sun, as they say. [/quote] Worth a shot though JA, we might get to see a few BC weddings. And when there is a wedding, they will need a band.
  22. Not new, I don't think.... I have seen a couple of forums in the past were "the car park" was called " the cage"... And once the bun fighting offenders were dropped in there through a mods trap door, that's where they stayed. As far as I know they are still there, or married each other.
  23. I have one of these (about 4 years now), and this is a great price for an absolute terrific sounding DI/Pre-Amp. Have a bumperty bump.......
  24. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1406327235' post='2510756'] Another thing, I don't know what it's like in the UK, but really good opportunities are not advertised publically. The really hot bands making big $$$ have their own camp and resources for their opportunities. Blue [/quote] Pretty much here in the UK as well. Most of the top regular working corporate function bands (which includes overseas work), dep (sub) wise, tend to pull from a regular pool of musicians, and if a permanent position becomes available, would go to those regular dep(sub) guys first, and then onto recommendations from those guys before any auditioning.
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