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Everything posted by lowdown

  1. [quote name='nuno1959' timestamp='1404840697' post='2496299'] just tell me then where can i buy ''my pwecious'' ( USB3 preferably.. ) [/quote] Well first things first, USB3 is pretty much a no go at the moment. USB3's would be good for moving lots of audio channels with that extra bandwidth, but most USB2's handle plenty of audio with the bandwidth available to them and world wide they are used in their millions, so they do work....lol.. Secondly I only know of one USB3 Interface, and it ain't cheap....about £1700.00. The MADiface XT, but a stunning interface. http://www.audiomedia.com/reviews/0011/-rme-madiface-xt/1048 http://www.musicradar.com/news/tech/musikmesse-2013-rme-madiface-xt-is-the-worlds-first-usb-3-0-audio-interface-573725 Not sure what your budget is, but if it is on the good side of say £500/600, I would be looking at the RME range. Very solid ASIO drivers, stable MIDI and great Audio conversion, and a company that are universally a big hit. http://www.rme-audio.de/en_index.php But I am sure there will be folks popping in who can recommend something highly rated on a lower budget.
  2. Bob Babbitt on what happened regarding recording credits and payments (who played what). "War" is an interesting little mess.....lol.... http://bobbabbitt.com/Bob_Babbitts_Site/Whos_Playing_Bass.html
  3. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1404754141' post='2495448'] Of course, I can't know how it sounds on your system, but my uploads are less 'sharp' than the original version, and this, consistently. I think it's inherent in the Soundcloud treatment. I'd very much like to hear that I'm wrong, and that there's a way of retaining the original sound. Anyone with more experience on this subject, please..? [/quote] This is worth a read Dad. Particulary No7 (LUFS), these measurements are what I have to pay attention to in the main. http://www.justmastering.com/article-mixingformp3.php
  4. [quote name='drTStingray' timestamp='1404692735' post='2494810'] You would have been hard pressed to hear much Motown and Soul back then other than the big hit singles like Baby Love etc. My recollection of tele programmes other than Ready Steady Go, Top of the Pops and Thank Your Lucky Stars was of Nina and Frederick, Val Doonican and the like - and The Spinners (not the Detroit ones). Totally MoR The early/mid 60s was very much an era of tinny sounding music with particularly tinny sounding guitars until the Hendix/Page/Lee/Green era of guitarists. Motown had exciting bass playing (this is how I recalled it as a lover of what was called 'progressive' music at the time - most of my mates turned their noses up at Motown as mere pop music - incomparable with the likes of Floyd, Cream, Fleetwood Mac, the Nice etc - and Motown tended to have a skinhead audience along with Reggae - Motown Chartbusters Vol 3 was a particular favourite at the end of the 60s... There was also a Caribbean audience - but skinheads were totally associated with street violence so liking Motown was not an option for most hippyish music lovers of that time) . Things were no doubt different in the US, but even there Motown would not have got played on mainstream radio in the mid 60s because the country had racial segregation which pervaded its music industry/radio also. [/quote] Pretty good summing up really. The music was there, but you had to hunt it down. Specialised Coffee bars/ clubs etc were the real places to get a good diet of hip music. TV and Radio really was force fed LIGHT entertainment. My parents would regularly visit certain record shops up in the West End or West London to get all the latest incoming American offerings. So for me in my teenage years (60's) it was all Jazz and Motown in the house, any (what was considered cool) Rock music would be listened to around friends houses when their mums and dads were out.
  5. [quote name='SubsonicSimpleton' timestamp='1404292388' post='2491124'] but I'm woefully ignorant about traditional latin music, latin jazz fusion and whatnot, so was hoping for some guidance on artists/albums even online learning materials. [/quote] You are not ignorant at all if this track is drawing your ears in, in fact you are spot on. The Bass on that track is very much the starting place, and a lot would be learnt from it. Feel, note placement and rhythm in traditional form right there for Cuban style (well one of them). Any Funky Latin Bass line would evolve from that groove (Cuban 3:2 or 2:3 clave). Some basic Bass chart ideas. http://www.nzmusician.co.nz/index.php/ps_pagename/article/pi_articleid/668 Basic Clave chart here. (Drum& Perc). http://www.formedia.ca/rhythms/1clave.html If you liked that track that you posted, you might well like the videos below as well. Afro Cuban All Stars Big Band. A nice live feel. http://youtu.be/bZ2mJehaNbE http://youtu.be/QS6LX0trgio
  6. [quote name='jakenewmanbass' timestamp='1404554790' post='2493655'] I've actually got a session tomorrow!! [/quote] But are you sure? It may be just another dream.......
  7. [quote name='Weststarx' timestamp='1404378032' post='2491981'] I rarely see an Overwater in music shops which means they don't sell - which there'll be reason for. [/quote] Overwater basses sell just fine, the high end (and custom) versions usually come directly from their gaff up at Carlisle, a good service for their strings as well. http://overwaterbasses.com
  8. I thought the "Latin (American) Music" term just described any Spanish and Portuguese language genres. Then geography wise you then get into the localised styles, Tango, Merengue, Salsa, Bachata, Bossa, etc etc, and of course all the various Cuban Rhythms.
  9. [quote name='jakenewmanbass' timestamp='1404416188' post='2492517'] Yep, I've dreamt I have to sight read classical piano!! ARGGGHHHHH! [/quote] A Facebook reply... "At least you're still getting called for sessions"........lol......
  10. [quote name='sprocketflup' timestamp='1404414560' post='2492497'] I have a similar thing but its in the lucid world not the dream one, where I come off stage thinking I played really well, and then a few days later I see a vid of the gig and the horrible truth hits me....... [/quote] Ah.....The world of nightmares......
  11. A keyboard player friend of mine has an interesting Facebook subject going on at the moment, about being booked on a session/ gig on an Instrument that you CAN'T play. The thing is, it's only a dream. I have had this from time to time, being booked on Trumpet (which I can not play at all). Standing there in a full section (both Jazz & Orchestral). just making horrible noises, and not one person saying a thing. I am not sure what this is all about, anyone else had these dreams?
  12. Michel Camilo (mano a mano trio live here), (from the Dominican Republic) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=szmeI3HjGNU Edit - Beat me to it from above.
  13. [quote name='RockfordStone' timestamp='1404390781' post='2492201'] if i get any time [/quote] You don't need any time, just as loose as possible will do, to go with the noises you get.
  14. Good advert for porn sites for the unstable. Are you a "Perve with a Curve" ?
  15. [quote name='RAY AGAINST THE MACHINE' timestamp='1404388592' post='2492163'] Thanks basically, I'm using a corner desk , which is rather small for my requirements . Was thinking of a long white desk , about 6' long . Then I thought that a cupboard may be tidier . [/quote] There you go.... Just a matter of bumping up the thread. Plenty of folks will be along to help out with ideas. Your vision will start to come together...lol....
  16. What Bilbo said............lol..... Listen, listen, and keep listening. Funkyifying the Clave, is a good book & DVD for getting your teeth into (funky) Latin, that is If you are having trouble getting to grips with the style(s) ear wise. And it will not be something you will grab over night. http://youtu.be/x42JE5mZWH4
  17. Not sure why you want a cupboard? Why not just get a (DAW) desk? Personally I just went to IKEA with some measurements, and got a couple of mix and match units. There are purpose built DAW units but tend to be expensive. You first need to check out how much space you have, and the ideal spot in your room for monitoring, convenience etc. To get some ideas I just went to few DAW forums and looked at their Home Studio (porn) threads. Good place to start is the Basschats Home Studio thread, http://basschat.co.uk/topic/212756-home-studio-porn/
  18. [quote name='ambient' timestamp='1404219095' post='2490413'] Notion's the software advertised by Esa-Pekka Salonen in the iPad Air advert, that does look really good, and it's something I'm planning to get when I get an iPad. [url="https://www.apple.com/your-verse/orchestrating-sound/"]https://www.apple.co...strating-sound/[/url] [/quote] That Orchestra app looks Interesting. Re Notion. If you do get it, it's worth Investing in the extra sounds. The sound pretty good, (not up there with Spitfire Audio of course , but very useful). The sampled articulations work well with the notated articulation markings.
  19. Although I use Sibelius for work, another package well worth considering (and it is up there with Sibelius and Finale), is Notion4 (£40.00). [url="https://shop.presonus.com/products/notion-prods/Notion-4"]https://shop.presonu...-prods/Notion-4[/url] It is very easy to use, incredibly stable with a very simple work flow. (worth checking out the tutorial videos they have, and on YouTube). I use Notion 4 on the iPad for my own personal use and it works a treat (about £11.00, or £21.00 for all the in App purchases). If you purchased Notion4 desktop @ £40.00, you qualify for a crossgrade offer to Sibelius 7.5 full version @ £160.00, (so, total of £200.00) and a saving of around £200.00 on the full version. - Worth considering... If you are after free, then MuseScore seems a safe bet, plenty seem to like it.
  20. Mid 90's I started using Will Lee sig from Dean Markley, and loved them. To my horror they stopped making them (so I thought). Then I found out that they just renamed and re packaged them. (Dean Markley Electric Bass SR2000 Super 5 String Will Lee, .047 - .127) Still use them to this day. Thomann have been my saviour for these the past five years or so, I tend to by a few sets at a time. Hopeless trying to get them in the UK. I feel your pain man.
  21. [quote name='toneknob' timestamp='1404043896' post='2488697'] What's wrong with solos? [/quote] None in my book, I love them (all Instruments). It was just a tongue in cheek quip from me (I can't get BC emoticons on my iPad for some reason). Cory Henry is just great. http://youtu.be/aMRgsxF1jJ0
  22. I know solos are the work of the devil on Basschat, and possibly need to be cleared with the mods first. But this keyboard solo (in the middle) is just fantastic (my opinion of course). http://youtu.be/L_XJ_s5IsQc
  23. [quote name='chrismuzz' timestamp='1403899074' post='2487603'] very fast, [/quote] Does that mean he finishes the gig before everyone else then? Packed up and long gone before the last number? If so, sounds ideal......lol...... Groove, swing, phrasing for me. Someone who listens to everyone around him/her. Can't be arsed with all that "I play in front/behind" "it's more organic", That's just sloppy hippy nonsense.
  24. Morning folks, voted (well yesterday). Plenty on offer this month all with different approaches, and all well put together. Been a good listen - Great stuff people.
  25. Clambering over trumpets and trombones, working my way past tightly packed music stands, treading on musicians feet, avoiding end pin cello spikes, usally in the dark while trying to avoid falling into the bell end (or a bell end) of a giant tuba and never to be seen again. [URL=http://s1344.photobucket.com/user/gwcmusic/media/n9427377_33942880_7606_zpsedbc636f.jpg.html][IMG]http://i1344.photobucket.com/albums/p657/gwcmusic/n9427377_33942880_7606_zpsedbc636f.jpg[/IMG][/URL] Other than that just walk on and pick up my bass and wait for a "1 and 2 and 3 and 4 and", even if the tune is in 3/4.
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