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Everything posted by lowdown

  1. [quote name='Roland Rock' timestamp='1403089827' post='2479595'] Test: Excellent! Thanks folks [/quote] Very nice, but he really does need to see the Dentist.
  2. [quote name='Roland Rock' timestamp='1403087353' post='2479559'] Haha, yeah, my dad's alpacas. So did you copy that into photo bucket? [/quote] I clicked the link, that took me to dropbox, then saved to Photobucket. In Photobucket, copied the URL link and pasted into my post. Might be easier ways, but works for me.
  3. [quote name='Roland Rock' timestamp='1403083381' post='2479501'] [url="https://www.dropbox.com/s/16bb6cbt9zbrh4o/100_2199.JPG"]https://www.dropbox....4o/100_2199.JPG[/url] [/quote] Good one. [url="http://s1344.photobucket.com/user/gwcmusic/media/100_2199_zps7a922088.jpg.html"][/url]
  4. When someone above said "Left-winger Arsehole Numpty!!!!!!!!!!!" I presume they where talking about Wayne Rooney? In that case it might be better placed in the "World Cup 2014 - Party Time" thread.
  5. [quote name='Jus Lukin' timestamp='1403013580' post='2478844'] As with any joke, I'm just recycling it! [/quote] JL, I am glad you said that, Hopefully it will stop some PC misery guts hopping along to tell you it was kinda funny December 1963.
  6. [quote name='the boy' timestamp='1402911987' post='2477707'] What else did he say? I often trim posts the morning after. Very wise indeed. Lol [/quote] So do I, Well it was something that amused me.
  7. [quote name='BassTractor' timestamp='1402871111' post='2477507'] Beautifully spoken, I think. In this, there's not only the violence referencing frame-of-mind, but also the aspect of the adversary almost not being able to prove otherwise, and left unable to defend oneself against the accusation. Therefore, the "bet you wouldn't..." construction in its essence is the tool of the coward. It's not necessarily the other way round. IMHO of course. [/quote] Blimmy, you have trimmed that back a bit with that edit (since last nights original post).
  8. Thad Jones/Mel Lewis Orchestra. Just seen this doing the rounds (I have not heard this for ages) The playing goes without saying, but the arrangements are just fantastic. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d3-HT0GhHWo
  9. Great stuff Ben. That's a lovely Bass tone you have as well.
  10. For those of you using EZD2, there is a live stream master class from a member of Toontrack tonight. It starts at 17.00. The live stream is free, but if you would like to catch up at a later time/date, It is then subscription. https://www.creativelive.com/courses/songwriting-ezdrummer-2-rikk-currence?utm_source=creativeLIVE&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Course_Reminder_Pre
  11. Hey Mike..... I keep forgetting about this sub forum and have only just noticed this thread. This looks like an interesting and fun project, and does sound good. Excellent soundscape ideas.
  12. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1402420575' post='2473337'] Remember them well - one end was for opening bottles, the other end for making holes in drinks cans as you described. No self-respecting male would be without one! [/quote] That's a 70's gig spanner, standard issue, it came free when you joined the MU. It was also very useful for levering off underwear and socks after a three month tour.
  13. In Some DAWs, if you need to use different sample rates (48 kHz), It needs to be changed at the Audio interface level first, then it can Be set to 48 kHz under the DAW preferences, otherwise the DAW will keep defaulting to 44.1 kHz (or whatever it was set to originally).
  14. [quote name='Big_Stu' timestamp='1402388132' post='2472786'] So you're concerned as to whether he would follow through ........................ on the discussion? [/quote] Slightly concerned....................... But I should think that he would be more concerned, or whoever does his washing, even more concerned......
  15. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1402352259' post='2472645'] Pre-PC days. Who, nowadays, would play drums with a Robertson's gollywog on the front head..? [/quote] When I was very young, I used to live directly across the road from the Robertson's factory in Lewisham. I used to wake up every morning with a view of a giant gollywog on the front of that building. At the end of the working shifts, staff when leaving, would hand out gollywog badges to Us kids hanging around the gates ( I had boxes full of them). The days of innocence, busy Basslines and hired (named) arrangers and orchestrators throwing in String and Brass lines at every opportunity on pop songs.
  16. Come on chaps, he might have a wind problem. Have you tried punctuating while you are flatulating? Something has to give.
  17. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1402324745' post='2472151'] [url="http://s1128.photobucket.com/user/h4ppyjack/media/Just%20Stuff/GIF%20files/SpinningGirl.gif.html"][/url] [/quote] Shame about the curlers though, might be grounds for a fred lock.
  18. [quote name='xgsjx' timestamp='1402319630' post='2472036'] [/quote] Good grief..!! What's going on here then?
  19. Well, you don't ask another Bass player about their Bass and equipment, you tell them where they are going wrong with their Bass and equipment.
  20. [quote name='Thunderbird' timestamp='1402307836' post='2471827'] [size=4]So I am sitting here reading through some of the posts on here and there always seem to be somebody complaining about something or another when there is a debate going on throwing there toys out of the pram if some one else says something that they don't agree with it is not just on basschat that this happens it is on other sites too I must admit I sit here and laugh to myself at the thought of some one getting all steamed up banging away on there keyboards in anger or complaining to mods about people like little school children when there really is nothing to complain about. So why take it so seriously it is only the internet I can understand getting upset if somebody is personally attacking you but 9 times out of 10 people just have no sense of humour and take it all to seriously.[/size] [/quote] Is this Rap ?
  21. Very much in keeping with styles and Orchestrations of the time. He lays back in the quite sections. The drummer loves his triplet snare drum fills though.
  22. [quote name='alembic63' timestamp='1402218796' post='2470998'] Saw a documentory on them a bit back, really enjoyed it and suprised to find out what an acomplished musical background they had[/quote] Yes, that was a good programme, and certainly they know what they are doing. Great stuff.
  23. Yep, it does seem like yesterday, and enjoyable times. I did a summer season theatre show with them back in the 90's (I was in the show backing band). I got to play that P Bass, and indeed get very drunk with the three of them a few times. All top, top geezers and very funny. Also not forgetting that they were great players/Musicians.
  24. [quote name='Stephen Houghton' timestamp='1402168820' post='2470743'] Here is my setup, my mate just knocked me the rack boxes up from scratch as a prezzie, very nice man indeed [/quote] Yes, those boxes do look very nice. You have got me gassing now....lol....
  25. For PPL, you can register as an individual. That way any sessions (recordings) you do for any one else in the future will also come your way. You do have to provide proof of you being on recorded sessions when joining (or at some point), This could be union contracts, letters from agents/fixers, record/production companies, pay slips etc. Link to payment schedules relating to various countries. http://www.ppluk.com/I-Make-Music/Understanding-Your-Payments/When-will-I-get-paid/
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