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Everything posted by lowdown

  1. Also don't forget PPL, a different collection agency from PRS, Especially if you are a band performer or studio player, and not part of the writing team. http://www.ppluk.com/About-Us/Who-We-Are/
  2. Little shop is pretty straight forward. But do remember that the carver/MD is as god as god can get. If he want's to move tempos around he will. A big job for him is connecting the chorus/ cast with the band. So it's all ears as well as eyes. Good peripheral vision from behind your stand, And don't get distracted. Above all, relax and enjoy, no will one will die, Unless it's Jesus Christ Superstar.
  3. [quote name='Skol303' timestamp='1402001797' post='2469214'] I don't have one myself... although I use Reason software... but it gets very positive reviews and can be used with any DAW, just like any other interface. One of its best features appears to be a 'no clip' feature, which helps to ensure you don't record things too loud and distort (aka clip) the signal. Comes with Reason Essentials, which allows you start recording stuff and writing tracks 'straight out of the box' (and is very easy to use). Definitely worth a look. But again, I'm biased [/quote] I think the hang up for other DAW users, would be the price bracket. You don't get any Midi, and there are other units out there with more inputs/outputs and better monitoring for less dosh. The clipping feature looks good though. I think there is a review knocking about. Edit - Sound on Sound review. http://www.soundonsound.com/sos/jan12/articles/propellerhead-balance.htm
  4. It's not a DAW though, it's an Audio Interface (no midi in and out). Seems like it has a few nice features when used with Reason. But for other DAW users it looks a bit limited.
  5. [quote name='shizznit' timestamp='1401973397' post='2468802'] I could string two notes together. [/quote] That's fine, don't worry. It's when you string three notes together, then the problems start. People accuse you of being a chops Meister player, Or even worse......A Jazz musician.
  6. [quote name='visog' timestamp='1401957405' post='2468593'] Such lists obscuring his genuine innovations and talent, and ignoring the contributions of the legions of people who helped Jaco along the way, e.g. re. orchestration and composition, where he got pretty intensive 1:1 training from Charlie Brent and Peter Graves. So I hope the doc strikes the right mix. I like Will Lee's musical memories of Jaco: https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=RfhkkFcGo0c [/quote] Yep, WL's memories are great, and agree regarding his composition and orchestrating. Yes it will be boring to some (most?).
  7. That was me officer.......My finger slipped..... Can I choose my own noose? I prefere red white and blue and XXL.
  8. [quote name='ambient' timestamp='1401901364' post='2468101'] It's no good giving a string ensemble a chord chart . [/quote] True dat is. And on the other hand, if you want a Guitarist to shut up and tacet, Give him a sheet of notation.
  9. This sounds like a very interesting little exercise, and it will be fun to find out the results. I was trying to visualise how you would go about the blind test. Would people be led off to a small room one by one and then sat on a stool in front of a camera, Someone (possibly a mod) places a black hood over their head, followed by a version of a P Bass slung around their neck, Then unison screaming demands that they play Moondance? I suppose after relatives have been informed, the resulting outcome would then be posted up on Basschat like one of those terrorist hostage videos?
  10. Voted and well done all. Down to two for me in the end. They both sat well with the picture, although both very different in style.
  11. [quote name='pierreganseman' timestamp='1401265636' post='2461716'] . [/quote] On the subject of critical, I have often wondered why there is not a Basschat emoticon option for us Left handed winkers.
  12. I believe these days the term is "they are having fun, what's the problem?" So all in all, it don't really matter about Musical quality control. I would not worry about it Steve, just get hip and join in the fun.
  13. [quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1400948380' post='2458477'] What about a Milli Vanilli tribute act, or Boney M? Would it be wrong to mime to songs that were mimed by the original acts that were supposed to have performed them , but in fact didn't? You would in fact be being more authentic by performing to a backing track created by someone else. [/quote] Re Boney M. Marciano Barrett, Maizie? and Liza Mitchell did record the tracks. (Although they seemed to have mimed them as a career) Bobby Farrell did not record the male vocal, that was writer and producer Frank Farion, who being White, German and ugly, did not quite fit the image with the girls for TV, Stage and Promotions.
  14. [quote name='rogerstodge' timestamp='1401113464' post='2460164'] This won't help you much but its a good watch http://youtu.be/W2KbsWz950E [/quote] Herbie. "Sounds stupid.....dun it".....02:49 "That's what Jazzers do" 03:11 Priceless.... The man is a legend, and of course a terrific Musician.
  15. Love Gino, and Brother to Brother is one of my Fave albums.
  16. Well first things first, I do like slapping, I do like folks stretching Out on these YouTube vids, otherwise you might just as well post this In that Tribute Band thread that is knocking around. But this guy playing in the vid is messy, and is crawling all over The Guitar part, he is not using his ears and listening. There is no solid (1), and no drive with the kit. I know he is just having a bit of fun, and normally I like this guy, But this one should have stayed in his Video folder.
  17. I posted in another thread about this rather useful Sidechain Fx that people might Be interested in. It works very well (Very cheap as well, about a tenner). http://www.kickstart-plugin.com Also something very similar, more to do with volume shaping, but also does ducking/sidechaining.(again, quite modest in price, twelve and a half quid). http://www.cableguys.de/volume-shaper.html Both tools that I have found very handy, and work very well. Demo available for each FX.
  18. [quote name='Diablo' timestamp='1400860267' post='2457697'] CCR do my favourite version of "Heard It Through The Grapevine", much better than the Smokey Robinson one. [/quote] Although I do like that version (apart from the out of tune single line picked Gtr part}, it's quite rough and ready from the band (In a good way), vocal wise it is terrific. Marvin Gaye's version is pretty cool (My Fave), and Gladys Knight gives out a nice Funky Soul version, With a terrific Bass line.
  19. [quote name='PaulWarning' timestamp='1400850708' post='2457529'] Don't Dr Feelgood do the rounds without any of the original members, doesn't that make them a tribute band? [/quote] I think you are thinking of the 007 Tribute - Dr Nogood.
  20. A nice little VST plugin for easy Side Chaining. 10 Euros, and it works great (demo download available) Mac and PC. [url="http://www.kickstart-plugin.com/"]http://www.kickstart-plugin.com/[/url]
  21. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1400526522' post='2454695'] I may wear sunglasses as a concession to a Blues Bro gig [/quote] Black sunglasses on a BB tribute gig ain't a concession, They are more important than the right crotchets and quavers.
  22. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1400510468' post='2454467'] I'd do a few tribute dates as long as I didn't have to pretend too hard or wear any clothes[/quote] So where do you do these tribute gigs in the nude?
  23. Wey Hey !! I still have this album on vinyl upstairs somewhere. It is Barry Johnson doing Bass on this track. He also sings on the album. A must have album. BJ, Bass on this track as well. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Y5ux-qWhFg"]http://www.youtube....h?v=9Y5ux-qWhFg[/url]
  24. [quote name='BetaFunk' timestamp='1400424628' post='2453669'] Perhaps someone could make a list of 'good music' and 'bad music' just so we all know. [/quote] Yep, I would like to know. Good, bad, it's still all noise. Sir Thomas Beecham. “The English may not like music, but they absolutely love the noise it makes.”
  25. [quote name='lobematt' timestamp='1400415748' post='2453586'] That looks pretty good!! Will have to give that a go! Been trying Finale Notepad this week, not too impressed... [/quote] If you go for it, check out the tutorial vids on the tube, very helpful. Also on the Notion site.
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