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Everything posted by lowdown

  1. Where can input trim come into play ? (On the DAW channel) The channel fader lowers what's going to the master Buss (or a Buss) etc.. So if you have an audio file that is quite hot (not over 0db of course) would the thing to do, be to pull back the input trim ? I tend to do this if I am going to use a few effects on that track, and I need some spare headroom. Would this be the correct way of thinking ? I know it's better to have an original file that's not so hot (at 24bit) ? Just curious.
  2. Do you have another blower in the band ? If so, you really need to ask him his thoughts. Phrasing, tuning, does he think 1 or 2 sits with him better.
  3. Not really what you are after, but the'Canadian Brass' sometimes throw in the odd surprise hear and there. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ol9LgJQWikI[/media]
  4. There will be loads. I will start it off then. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nWgiNhTjIhU
  5. [quote name='Paul S' timestamp='1392231813' post='2366293'] They are very good. Been enjoying a load of their others, too. Hotel California? [/quote] Yep, been having a listen as well (and enjoying) Nice version of 'Behind Blue Eyes'
  6. Seen/heard this a while back...Top stuff. [URL=https://imageshack.com/i/ndwt5vj][IMG]http://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/xq90/841/wt5v.jpg[/IMG][/URL]
  7. [quote name='Scott S' timestamp='1392173158' post='2365667'] BTW, didn't Marcus play on a track called "Rio Funk" years ago? [/quote] Yep - The original studio version. The Marcus solo is about 02:55 [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8KC-PLSkQn0[/media]
  8. [quote name='hiram.k.hackenbacker' timestamp='1392146044' post='2365342'] Pull me up for dropping a couple per gig and you had better be wearing some ear muffs! [/quote] I think you mean nose clips.
  9. [quote name='chardbass' timestamp='1392141684' post='2365279'] Aaaah, Carlos Vega. What a loss!! [/quote] Yep, real shame. I was watching the Lee Ritenour/Dave Grusin 'Live @ the Record Plant' Video earlier today, And Carlos Vega played just superb on that (as did they all).
  10. Have you done an updated re-scan in Cubase ? Or maybe uninstall Amplitude, then when doing a new install, during installation direct it to the Cubase VST folder, rather than it's suggested path. Sometimes (with some software) just manually moving DLL does not always work.
  11. Also another JJ fan, I first heard him (also) on The Grasshopper album (Wayne Johnson) way back yonder. Such a melodic player, and great grooves full of ideas. Well played Bill.
  12. This is a really cool track. Nice playing by all, tight and clean. I really enjoyed that.
  13. [quote name='dave_bass5' timestamp='1391632693' post='2359600'] Windows 8.1? Is that the leaked ISO or beta? Its not due out until about April i believe. [/quote] It's been out a while I think. http://windows.microsoft.com/en-gb/windows-8/update-from-windows-8-tutorial
  14. [quote name='Ou7shined' timestamp='1391631464' post='2359572'] I thought it was a good introduction to making a midi track though. [/quote] Go on then - I'll give you that one. [size=4] [/size]
  15. [quote name='Ou7shined' timestamp='1391623961' post='2359406'] You may want to set a click track first though as it makes syncing everything much easier later on. This requires a MIDI track. Select your track (click on it) and with the right mouse drag/select say 4 bars, then at the top click Insert > New MIDI item. This creates a Midi zone in those 4 bars. Now click where it says FX on your track - this will open up all your plugins. You want a drum instrument so select VSTi in the left side. Now all your instrument plugins are listed. I think the only native plugin that you could create a metronome in is ReaSyndr - click on it. Now go back to your track and double click on the MIDI area. This will bring up your midi keyboard - you should be able to scroll through the various sounds. Simply click on whichever sound you want at the appropriate place in the bar (the grid) you wish it to make a sound. Volume sliders on each track allow you to crudely "mix" the levels of each track. [/quote] For a basic click track, Reapers internal click is much easier - Just toggle it on and off, or use a key command - It is on the tool bar. You can set it up for pre roll, x amount of bar(s) count in, and of course you can change the sound (.wav) It will follow BPM changes. http://en.wikiaudio.org/Reaper:Metronome Of course, your way of doing it would be good for setting up off beats or odd time sig bars (3/8 etc) etc. Maybe the latest update addresses this (I am not a Reaper user)
  16. Looks like the Bassment has been updated. Some good transcriptions here. http://www.thebassment.info/transcriptions.html
  17. Great Solo played by Jeff Andrews from way back. Here is a link for the solo written out - PDF and Sibelius files (Midi Files as well) [url="https://www.dropbox.com/s/vaqm8kou2adxjdy/Jeff%20Andrews%20Solo.zip"]https://www.dropbox....rews%20Solo.zip[/url] Not sure who transcribed it, but Rufus Philpot posted it up on Facebook. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xb6PkN5ezGc&list=RDnr7bcj79Rn8&feature=share&index=1[/media] Garry
  18. Voted - Although the vocal was a bit heavy going for me. Good stuff folks.
  19. This is always in my head, But If I sing this Bass line at home Acapella style, I have to tap my feet and slap my thighs in 4's as well, otherwise my family don't know where the feck one is. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qz7zo7wIlbU
  20. [quote name='wombatboter' timestamp='1391113264' post='2353511'] but this blew me away... great sound and energy [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=esODDfuN3lg[/media] [/quote] That's great......
  21. [quote name='ahpook' timestamp='1391104273' post='2353347'] shamelessly stolen [/quote] Well, It is in quotes .... And to be fair, it is an oldie.
  22. [quote name='Hobbayne' timestamp='1391076679' post='2352871'] [/quote] For balance (from Facebook). [size=4][color=#333333]"What do those two knobs at the front do?" - "They sing and play guitar".[/color][/size]
  23. That's just a kids one string Bass - Some of us old geezers have used the real deal. [URL=https://imageshack.com/i/0eaajuj][IMG]http://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/800x600q90/14/aaju.jpg[/IMG][/URL]
  24. A decent Synth here (x32/x64) Windows and MAC. Good for Sound Design. [url="http://futucraft.com/2014/kairatune-update-1-2-3/"]http://futucraft.com...e-update-1-2-3/[/url]
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