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Everything posted by lowdown

  1. I think they are doing a deal at the moment with a Big Muff Fuzz Box.
  2. This guy just composes using PRV (Painting/writing in the notes) It's worth checking/subscribing to his site - Some good tips regarding cc#'s. Some of it he does in real time. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=umWyCgyVg6k
  3. [quote name='deepbass5' timestamp='1391037827' post='2352676'] After the show you will see adverts for used Vaginas [/quote] In Salmon Pink.
  4. [quote name='Skol303' timestamp='1390909040' post='2351054'] but a texan in a hat is well... a texan in a hat! And not so open to musical interpretation.[/quote] [size=4]Ahhhh..but you could have taken the 'The Big Country' theme or 'Dallas' route...[/size] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hjz6tNPyxZw http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AQTH3a0mjR8 [size=4] [/size]
  5. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1390858185' post='2350628'] it's bloody hard work requiring great strength, skill and stamina. [/quote] And that's just to get the full metal jacket Codpiece on. High action for me, on fretted and fretless. I tend to hang around on just the back pick up for a tight punchy sound. [size=4]Low action for me just ends up being floppy and sloppy.[/size] Everyone each to their own.
  6. I posted a Video outlining levels and definitions regarding broadcast a few weeks ago, worth a look. http://basschat.co.uk/topic/226480-understanding-loudness-meters-video/
  7. Soul Train was a great programme. There was a similar show in the UK in the 80's called 'Solid Soul', plenty on Youtube. Chaka Khan and the likes used to turn up for that one.
  8. [quote name='leschirons' timestamp='1390589829' post='2347397'] Not in my world it isn't [/quote] [size=4] I am Googling Le Creuse as we speak... [/size]
  9. DP...... [size=4] [/size] [size=4]Digital Performer...... [/size]
  10. Still playing great - Top player indeed.
  11. [quote name='RockfordStone' timestamp='1390486082' post='2345928'] in the end its personal preference, affordability and compatibility [/quote] Yep.......
  12. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1390483011' post='2345874'] Why Cubase, though..? What's wrong with [b]ProTools.[/b].? [/quote] [quote name='RockfordStone' timestamp='1390397623' post='2344892'] I have stuck with [b]Cubase[/b] is its bundled VSTi's, Halion 1, Spector and such as reaper doesn't have any.[/quote] That's why.... [size=4] [/size]
  13. [quote name='redstriper' timestamp='1390474581' post='2345742'] He needs to have the timeline in cubase (blue line at the top) set to the full song and not just the vocal track when he renders each track. [/quote] Just this really.
  14. If you want some freebies, try Basschats very own source(s) [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/77603-free-vsts/"]http://basschat.co.u...7603-free-vsts/[/url] A great free sampler/rompler here. (with about two gigs of sounds to download). Check out the demos at the bottom of the page You can also buy some fantastic sounding libraries for it. [url="http://pro.magix.com/en/independence/independence-free.1013.html"]http://pro.magix.com...-free.1013.html[/url] Also Engine by Best Service (free version). Again with about 2 gigs of download sounds [size=4]that are excellent.[/size] [size=4][url="http://www.kvraudio.com/product/engine-by-best-service"]http://www.kvraudio....by-best-service[/url][/size] [size=4]And of course the Kontakt 5 free player (half a gig of sounds)[/size] [size=4]http://www.native-instruments.com/en/products/komplete/synths-samplers/kontakt-5-player/free-download/[/size]
  15. Some of the Cubase Vst's and Vsti's are vendor host only.
  16. The downside of Musescore (well one of them) for me, is no VST support to play back my sample libraries, you are stuck with those horrible general MIDI sounds, and no x64 version (although that don't matter with no VST support) You will get these with Sibelius and Finale (they have good libraries - well the new versions have) But for general jotting down - Musescore works fine. I have been using Notion 4 of late (£83.00) and it comes with over 7 gig of play back sounds (and they are pretty good) plus you can add extra sound sets/articulations as you go (reasonably priced as well). The articulations markings work really well for play back, and sound very good for that 'more human' feel. It really is straight forward and easy to use straight out of the box. I like it because I can use the iPad version when out of the house, then when at home the desktop version will read the iPad version file (pretty neat) It can use any Vst's that you have, and has a really good mixer. You can export/bounce down to audio files as well as the usual notation files (PDF/XML etc) It's worth checking out. Mac, PC (x32 and x64) and iPad version ($16.00) [url="http://www.notionmusic.com/products/notion4.html"]http://www.notionmus...ts/notion4.html[/url] Mac/PC Tutorial Videos. [url="http://www.notionmusic.com/support/tutorials.html"]http://www.notionmus.../tutorials.html[/url] iPad Tutorials. [url="http://www.notionmusic.com/support/tutorials.html"]http://www.notionmus.../tutorials.html[/url]
  17. To me that first note (at normal speed) sounds like one heavy 'dug in' note against the fret on a very low action, not Flamenco style or trill. The slowed down version really just sounds like software related. Some do extreme tempo manipulation better than others.
  18. [quote name='ambient' timestamp='1390234207' post='2342919'] Here's the normal speed version. [url="https://soundcloud.com/ambientbassist/02-the-fifth-copy-1"]https://soundcloud.c...he-fifth-copy-1[/url] [/quote] Good grief ! Why do you need to slow that down by 50% ? [size=4] [/size] [size=4] [/size][size=4]Only kidding, it does start to get a bit hairy later. [/size]
  19. [quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1390152333' post='2341998'] Do you find being polygamous in Essex much of a problem, Gary? Four wives must cost you a fortune in white stilettos, never mind what the neighbours say . [/quote] I travel overseas a lot, so only one in Essex, the other three scattered around the world - The neighbours are convinced I am a MI6 spy, so know better than to poke their noses into my shoe fetish.
  20. I am a Bass player who sings as well - My four wives are happy with that.
  21. A good site for Jazz and Big Band arranging/harmonising. http://www.northernsounds.com/forum/forumdisplay.php/107-Jazz-Arranging-Online-by-Prof-Chuck-Israels
  22. [quote name='Bill' timestamp='1389897329' post='2339327'] understanding of harmony/playing over changes/phrasing/rhythm etc! [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J0Xq-nMIRmo[/media] [/quote] You have a nice lyrical style in soloing Bill. Something a lot of Bass players struggle with when soloing (IMO) And well played in the OP video, nice phrasing and cleanly executed.
  23. [quote name='BobVbass' timestamp='1389791684' post='2337909'] The Rock Garden at Covent Garden! what a hole that was - lugging your kit for miles over a load of cobbles as there was no where to park, playing to a load of tourists who wandered in bemused because Dire Straits played there once ten years before and having to buy tickets off them to "sell" to people for our fee - I wonder why we only played there once! [/quote] [size=4] [/size] [size=4] Yep..... and coming out of there stinking like a used ashtray.[/size] [size=4]And the Roadhouse ain't much better - There is more interest in the Tom Cruise bottle spinning bartender comp,(if it is still going).[/size]
  24. No, the Rock Garden opened up Mid 70's some time, and it's the other side of the Garden from the Roadhouse.
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