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Everything posted by lowdown

  1. Just seen this on Facebook postings as well. A real shame and loss.
  2. Horses, bolts, gates etc.......I know, but for future.... Apart from saving on a regular basis Crt+s/Command +s etc.... It's always worth doing a save as - IE Project name, then after a change or edit(s)... Project name A, then Project name B and so on... That way you can always go back a step(s) and recover any earlier recordings or programming/edits.
  3. [quote name='Chris Horton' timestamp='1389619399' post='2336135'] I will also check my plug-ins on that channel. [/quote] To be honest that might be a good place to start - I am sure someone will be along soon to help you out who has more experience with PT's. Good luck with that Chris.
  4. You need to give us more information regarding Daw, software etc.............. but my immediate thought would be to turn your Mac the other way around - That might sort it.
  5. [quote name='KingBollock' timestamp='1389572774' post='2335784'] I play with my bass on a strap and hanging [i]between[/i] my legs, it doesn't rest on either leg, [/quote] I see....So it rests on your KingBollock ? [size=4] [/size]
  6. [quote name='lurksalot' timestamp='1389561271' post='2335601'] Mines done , I suppose it is a bit of a cheat as I didn't do a lot of playing on this one , but it was great fun putting together , you will have to struggle through my vocal though [url="https://soundcloud.com/lurksalot/toke-on-my-stogie"]https://soundcloud.c...ke-on-my-stogie[/url] [/quote] [size=4] ...That's what I like to hear....A bit of fun...!![/size]
  7. Great tune. Never imagined it as a Blue Grass tune, but then Bruce does have his country back ground. Great stuff. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UjlfjuUXCUo
  8. I love this (standard) tune, and have always loved Chaka (still do). Although this is not her best version of this tune, there is another one on Youtube somewhere, where she is a lot more together. Still good stuff though. Melvin is such just a great player, love his groove and timing.
  9. [quote name='UglyDog' timestamp='1389525687' post='2334987'] Ok, so if I can't pass on my house to my kids when I die, who do you think should have it? [/quote] Now.....the response to this should be interesting.. [size=4] [/size]
  10. Looks great - I think I will grab this for my iPad, it will be useful for on the go. The App is a decent price as well. I have Transcribe on my desk top (and of course it's great) but it does look a[size=4] bit like some cartoon animation.[/size] [size=4]Thanks for the heads up [u]low&.[/u][/size]
  11. Ambient, I am not sure if you have Kontakt, but if you have, I posted a link here [b](Freebie)[/b]... Not a bad true Legato. (only goes up to D4 I think). [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/225841-free-stgs-full-kontakt-version-only/"]http://basschat.co.u...t-version-only/[/url] Unfortunately to get good realistic playable Legato patches, you do have to pay. Spitfire Audio, Vienna, Symphobia, Hollywood, etc - But they do sound pretty impressive. 8Dio do some amazing stuff. [url="http://8dio.com/"]http://8dio.com/[/url] As do Cinesamples as well. [url="http://cinesamples.com/"]http://cinesamples.com/[/url] Cinestrings. [url="http://cinesamples.com/products/cinestrings/"]http://cinesamples.c...ts/cinestrings/[/url] And of course LASS. (Check out the second demo for Legato - Amazing, including the velocity controlled slurs) [url="http://audiobro.com/demos/audio-tutorials/"]http://audiobro.com/...udio-tutorials/[/url] Warning..!! after listening to this stuff you will be reaching for your debit/credit card....
  12. I generally like the track and production etc, and it's all very well put together. Top marks. However, I am another one uncomfortable with the (Lyrical) pitch, and agree [size=4]with the point(s) skej21 made about it being [/size][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=4]atonal/dissonant etc.[/size][/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=4]Just a view from my ears of course, and not intended to cause offence.[/size][/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=4]But like I said earlier. the rest sounds great. [/size][/font][/color]
  13. [quote name='urb' timestamp='1389346240' post='2333015'] So in an age when actually selling a physical product - i.e. CD or even a download (which isn't physical) - and there are increasingly fewer gigs for an ever expanding number of musicians - how exactly do you propose people make a living from producing and playing music? Licensing music so that an company can use it as a familiar soundtrack (i.e. using a Blur track on a British Gas ad) to potentially make millions of pounds of sales - mainly thanks to that lovely familiar piece of music that you'll be humming all day after hearing it - surely justifies the artist/composer of that piece of music being paid something? There are countless ways music is exploited like this and whether you agree with it or not it's one of the few ways that musicians can make something close to a living wage - I agree that in an ideal world music would be created purely for its own merits - i.e. for the life-enhancing thing that it is - but the idea that it everyone should simply give away every piece of WORK that they do for free is, at least in our current socio-economic environment, ridiculous. Top photographers charge a lot for their pictures because they help sell newspapers - the skill involved in taking that one special shot would have taken (in most cases) years of dedication and skill to capture that one micro-second of magic - is that any different to writing a song in five minutes that becomes a huge hit? Intellectual property is a tricky one but I'm on the side of those doing the creating and think that they, like anyone else at the top of their game, should be able to earn a living like everyone else - copyright and publishing rights are a perfectly justified means of doing this. [/quote] It's this really. (IMO of course)
  14. [quote name='skankdelvar' timestamp='1389287993' post='2332439'] The recording studio and personnel get paid according to their rates; the session players, arrangers and producers are (usually) on a fee; the performer enjoys income from live appearances; the management skims off the top and take kickbacks; crikey, even the performer's [i]dealer[/i] gets cash on the nail. [/quote] Not to mention all the Dog & Duck Bands getting wedged up for covering the songs.
  15. [quote name='Zenitram' timestamp='1351258686' post='1849369'] Bit of Trev on double bass with the AoN gang: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i4THY1v3a5k [/quote] The wonderful Anne Dudley on Piano and Keys there. I think she was involved with Two Tribes as well. Fantastic composing and session career behind her. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anne_Dudley
  16. Pretty standard set up for me, I have my DAW(S) and Vst/Vsti's on the system drive (SSD) Quadcore i7/16 gig Ram. Sample Libraries (in my case Kontakt libs) on one external drive, and also any other Synth (Omnisphere/RMX etc) libs on this drive as well, Then my Daw/Audio projects along with any video cues on another external drive (I also burn finished projects to dvd discs as well) Everything at 24-bit/48KHz, it all seems to work for me while running quite a lot of midi/instrument tracks. Although I am now seriously investigating this for running two puters. [url="http://www.viennaensemblepro.com/"]http://www.viennaensemblepro.com/[/url]
  17. Nice Video explaining loudness metering. It's more aimed at working in Broadcast, but useful anyway if you want to understand what it all means. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=31zHqzjRn4c[/media] Some more here. [url="http://productionadvice.co.uk/lufs-dbfs-rms/"]http://productionadv.../lufs-dbfs-rms/[/url]
  18. One of the Arabic scales is good fun. You can get some unusual chord and harmony progressions going (great for out of the box composing) Hopeless on a twelve bar blues gig though.. [i][b][size=4]C/Db/E/F/G/Ab/B/C [/size][/b][/i][size=4] (Double Harmonic Major Scale or Byzantine Scale)[/size]
  19. [quote name='Philwbass' timestamp='1388750841' post='2325523'] I gathered everything I could find into one article on the bassists of Abba: [url="http://philwbass.com/2014/01/02/the-bassists-of-abba/"]http://philwbass.com...ssists-of-abba/[/url] Phil [/quote] Thanks for that - A very good read. I have done a couple of ABBA theatre production shows over the years, and the tunes are great fun to play.
  20. [quote name='Bilbo' timestamp='1388485357' post='2322438'] touring groups get a couple of weeks of rehearsal in before the show hits the road. I think, with that amount of time invested, it would be relatively 'easy' to nail it, given an acceptable level of competence. [/quote] Yep. [URL=http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/21/0t4n.jpg/][IMG]http://img21.imageshack.us/img21/8344/0t4n.jpg[/IMG][/URL]
  21. Just finished reading this, and a good read it is. Great stuff Rob.
  22. A very nice (Free) lite version String patch from Embertone (Their Samples are excellent). Only for Kontakt full version. The Legato sounds are really. really nice. Check out the demo's on the left hand side. A few other freebies as well. To be honest, the prices of the Embertone libraries are good value. http://www.embertone.com/freebies/intstrings-lite.php
  23. [quote name='RandomBass' timestamp='1388498680' post='2322687'] Was that on his famous hit 'Stand And Deliver', covered by Adam Ant many years later? [/quote] That's the one - Dick was really a Jazz musician, even back then it did not pay the bills, so he resorted to pop music when the stage coach business dried up a little.
  24. [quote name='owen' timestamp='1388498036' post='2322668'] [url="https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/the-bottom-line"]https://groups.googl...the-bottom-line[/url] It would appear that I am older than I think. I thought everyone with a hint of bass geekery knew about it. [/quote] Indeed, I also remember doing sessions with Dick Turpin. It was real analogue Tinterneting - And excellent it twas.
  25. Terrific stuff on that video. He just oozes class as an all round top musician, and his[size=4] vocal range is pretty amazing as well.[/size] Only ever had one No 1 single in the UK.
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