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Everything posted by lowdown

  1. Well done Spoombung, great bit of writing. Garry
  2. Sorry to hear about your Father and the bad news. Gear is all replaceable (sell it all). Best wishes with all this. Garry
  3. If you are looking for a really good notation package with good bundled sounds, it really is worth checking out Notion 4. Over 7 gigs of bundled sounds, and really easy to use. Great helpful forum and plenty of tutorial videos there as well. Score wise, the written articulations can bring the whole thing to life, you can also export as midi or wav/audio files (in fact a mini DAW) You can also rewire into your DAW. Full version £41.50 until 3rd December, there is a cut down version as well for £20.99 [url="https://store.notionmusic.com/index.php?content=software"]https://store.notionmusic.com/index.php?content=software[/url] Forum, [url="http://forum.notionmusic.com/viewforum.php?f=2&sid=04fa12a15a550be6b93ec795409fd938"]http://forum.notionmusic.com/viewforum.php?f=2&sid=04fa12a15a550be6b93ec795409fd938[/url] Tutorial videos, [url="http://www.notionmusic.com/support/tutorials.html"]http://www.notionmusic.com/support/tutorials.html[/url] Garry
  4. [quote name='steve-bbb' timestamp='1385544237' post='2289411'] Paul Jackson Jnr [/quote] Along with John Robinson, they kinda made things work. [size=4] [/size]
  5. [quote name='tinyd' timestamp='1385381607' post='2287485'] sounds like she's being constructive and polite so I'm not sure if the negativity from some posters is justified. [/quote] Might well be the case, a phone call or face to face usually gets to the bottom of things better than emails or texts, or even better, they spend the night together in a hotel. [size=4] [/size]
  6. [quote name='AntLockyer' timestamp='1385329783' post='2287090'] Tell her to stop talking sh*t and concentrate on her bit. [/quote] Top advice, but without my glasses I thought you said concentrate on her tit... [size=4] [/size]
  7. A hard choice, but in the end [size=4]one really hit the picture vibe for me, [/size] [size=4]with thoughtful arranging, [/size][size=4]a good strong theme [/size][size=4]and avoided a lot of repetition.[/size] [size=4]Good stuff all round, top marks to everyone.[/size] [size=4][spoiler]Spoombung[/spoiler][/size]
  8. Not mad at all, nice trio of excellent players having a good time, and of course played well. Love the arrangement and really nice to hear something different up on Basschat. Garry
  9. Turn up on a Mozart gig to find the Orchestra playing the wrong tune. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CJXnYMl_SuA"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CJXnYMl_SuA[/url]
  10. Lol.... All good fun Scott. [size=4] [/size] [size=4]Oh and a very merry well played all round.[/size]
  11. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1384691389' post='2279453'] What is all this crap? I'm getting hot MILFs and lonely Texas wives following me on Soundcloud. I can mute them, [/quote] Have you ever tried muting a Hot Milf, or Texas wife? Try putting something in their mouth other than a sock, that should do the trick.
  12. The band are ok and seem to be into it - not really for me though. I might have found the singer a looker back in my beer goggle days, but I have tightened up on my quality control since then.
  13. [i]"Dear musicians,[/i] [i]To work on a cruise ship you must pass a medical exam. [b]How detailed this exam is depends on the cruise line that has offered you a job.[/b] Some include detailed blood analysis, drug tests, chest x-rays, detailed medical questionnaire and more. Some cruise lines require that your Body Mass Index (BMI) is below 35.[/i] [i]Being in good general health is thus important and we want to make sure our clients are aware of this policy so they won’t be surprised later.[/i] [i]Some musicians are asking whether they can get a medical exam done before they are offered a gig on a cruise ship. This, however, does not make much sense since all of these cruise lines have different medical exam procedures. Wait until you’ve been offered a job to get a yours done. At that point we’ll be able to give you detailed instructions and provide you with the correct forms.[/i] [i]Once completed, the medical results are typically valid for 2 years.[/i] [i]It’s also important to note that the exams are at your cost. Some cruise lines reimburse a part of the costs to you once on board the ship, some don’t."[/i]
  14. [quote name='Skol303' timestamp='1384379555' post='2276080'] It looks like it would sit a bit too low down on the player's knee. [/quote] It's not meant to sit on a players knee. In fact it was one of the first ever custom Basses made. I believe it was made for John Holmes.
  15. [quote name='jackotheclown' timestamp='1384360870' post='2275702'] So I finally got a cruise ship gig and I have been told that I have to have a medical (obviously). Its with Carnival and the have set medical practices that you have to go through and I've been quoted £450/500 pounds for mine at a place down in London. Carnival don't reimburse you for this just the visa. I thought this amount was a lot but the agency says its a decent quote, I have the appointment booked for Tuesday next week, if someone can tell me if this is a good/bad deal I will be very grateful! - Jack [/quote] I have done a few ships, and Dingus above is on the nail. Although I have not done one for a while, I can't ever remember paying my own fees (however much they were) They were covered by the company(s) Worth a look. [url="http://www.oceanbound.com/medical-exams-for-cruise-ship-jobs"]http://www.oceanboun...ruise-ship-jobs[/url]
  16. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1384370523' post='2275876'] I'm wiring up some cow sheds next week [/quote] Thats cruel Pete. I bet you will be busy wiring up Turkey sheds then. [size=4] [/size] [size=4]On a serious note, thanks for the description, I was truly baffled.[/size]
  17. Unusual that Carnival don't swallow the cost. Depends on the line/company really, but some do pay these fees. The new Queen Lizzy Theatre, and a ship worth doing. A view from the office. [size=4][/size]
  18. No Jewish wedding takers then ? Four hours of double/cut time, two in the bar madness. Who needs standards, when you have.... Hava Nagila, Mazel Tov, Tzena Tzena Tzena, Hora dancing. [size=4] [/size]
  19. [quote name='6v6' timestamp='1384244969' post='2274283'] This one is infinitely more impressive IMO, great playing throughout the whole band, really tight and pro sounding, great vocals. [/quote] Yep, a[size=4]nd a few added chord movements in there as well.[/size]
  20. [quote name='bubinga5' timestamp='1384015757' post='2271955'] oh my. why cant you guys just say. yeah Andrew i like the playing and enjoyed it, or no Andrew i dont like it and your a twat. ? [/quote] So that's you in the video with a pair of Jugs ?
  21. [size=4]No better, no worse than a lot of these type of LooseTubes videos posted,[/size] [size=4]Although I tend to agree with what xilddx (Nigel) has said. [/size] There does seem to be a lot of fascination with cover version posts at the moment. I had this one sent to me the other day. Warning - The Bassist ain't got a pair of jugs on show. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_DRNgL76OLc"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_DRNgL76OLc[/url]
  22. [quote name='bubinga5' timestamp='1383941076' post='2271160'] not a lot of people know Paul, [/quote] Paul Carrack is great, and I was under the impression that he was well known, and indeed well liked. certainly in the music business. Nice vids.
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