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Everything posted by lowdown

  1. [quote name='JapanAxe' timestamp='1383991712' post='2271564'] And how many people would opt for a big semi-solid to play on a disco or funk track, but it worked for Gary King. [/quote] The girls love it, especially when one is wearing those skin tight satin trousers.
  2. [quote name='tappel' timestamp='1383949702' post='2271293'] Here's Jamerson playing the part for David Ruffin's version: [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e5XVyrioSV4[/media] Tom [/quote] Yep, that's the version I was talking about. The personal notes under the video are well worth a read as well (show more) Thanks for posting Tom. Garry
  3. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1383909403' post='2270625'] Southern Knights album. Pops Popwell was a huge presence on stage. His bass playing just took over. [/quote] Still one of my favourite albums, Pops Popwell, Larry Carlton, Joe Sample, Wayne Henderson, Stix Hooper - Great Band. PP takes a solo towards the end of Spiral, with the whole band supporting him, and it don't lose the groove. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WClGWrGgL1E
  4. I believe Wilton Felder played Bass on "I want You Back", he also played Sax with the Crusaders. (with the wonderful Pops Popwell on Bass) Also I think there was a demo version knocking around somewhere, with James Jamerson on Bass Pops On Bass here/Wilton Felder on Sax. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bqGw7YBFH-A
  5. [quote name='Green Alsatian' timestamp='1383828701' post='2269636'] I think in this instance, you should just tell him to f*** off. You have to be cruel to be kind! [/quote] P45
  6. [quote name='Bilbo' timestamp='1383827775' post='2269602'] I am amused at the idea that a review of a touring show would read.... '....superb vocals from Ruthie Henshaw and the dancers were fabulous but the one thing that let the whole thing down was that the pit orchestra was using a fretless bass player instead of a fretted. The tragic undermining of the musical integrity of 'We Will Rock You' (Queen bass player John Deacon always used a fretted) was tantamount to heresy and the offending musician should be piloried and never work in this town again. Ruthie! Insist on a pick!!' [/quote] [size=4] [/size]
  7. Always talk to the MD (he/she is king) after every one and his dog has given you their invalid and pointless advise. Assistant MD's are always going to be needed, pretty important gig for them. First off, there always needs to be cover for the MD for all the obvious reasons and maybe doing matinees (usually keys 2 or keys 3 is assistant MD) plus they get all the sh*te jobs, like cast vocal warm ups and such. On shows, always be prepared for anything during rehearsals, fretted, fretless, upright, fx pedals, farting the Bass line out of your arse, unless specified when you are booked. One other thing, airing problems on tinternet ain't a good idea, I know a Guitarist who got canned for it. Other than that, have a great show (As I am sure you will} Among many others, Steve Bailey never has/had a problem rocking out on fretless.
  8. ^^ I think Bomber Harris might be more appropriate in taking out that show.
  9. For what it's worth, I think the girl plays well on her Youtube videos. However, taking weeks to learn numbers and sets seems a long time to me. That's what musicians at the top of the game, don't do. They have the ability to put it together quickly, and that's why the same faces keep popping up all the time. It sets them aside from (a lot of) Youtube musicians and [size=4]folks that do it for a hobby (however good they are).[/size] [size=4]Good luck to her in whatever she decides to do.[/size]
  10. I have the P105B, with the stand and pedals - Same action etc. They are great for expression and playability. The Yamaha Grand Piano sound(s) are really good. I find the Rhodes sound ok, but of course it don't play and feel the same. We have a Stage 73 in the house, so only comparing to that. I mainly use mine as a controller for driving software sounds. For the money, well it's great value and well worth checking out if you are after a good playing Piano.
  11. [quote name='seashell' timestamp='1383419189' post='2264349'] Wonderful songwriter, even though responsible for MacArthur Park ! [/quote] Yep fantastic writer. I will catch up on iPlayer. MacArthur Park was a terrific bit of writing, with top notch arranging and great playing all round. It was Richard Harris that was responsible for the noise. [size=4] [/size]
  12. [quote name='Jah Wibble' timestamp='1383388696' post='2263876'] Really? Wouldn't have thought it? Thanks for the knowlege [/quote] The man himself, with his own line - Co wrote the song as well. P Bass. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C5QYSu9xaTE"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C5QYSu9xaTE[/url]
  13. Great stuff Zenitram (you got my vote) Hit the feel for the pic spot on for me. Well done to all, some good stuff up there.
  14. [quote name='EMG456' timestamp='1383055366' post='2259570'] Yep - they seem to me to be about as far away from "free-form" as you could get - everything's arranged to the Nth degree and they all have the chops to keep up with programme! That said, it's plain to me that they *do* possess huge amounts of funk, soul and musicality and I find it refreshing to see young players following their own path and not trudging down the dreary but fashionable retro route. Good luck to them. [/quote] Agree with all this. Top musicianship, great arrangement, played with ease and in total control.
  15. ^^ Yep real time composing in the traditional sense or improvision was very much part of early films. There is still quite a bit going in fringe theatre, just hunt through Youtube, there is some great stuff relating to it. Composing for TV animations (The old Simpsons episodes come to mind) or American sit coms/dramas, have daily episodes going through various seasons and have/had a very quick turn around (hours) So it may seem unenthusiastic, but a real art in spotting to picture, and knowing exactly what feel to play/write and at what precise time/frame cue. Not like the Basschat comp where you have a whole month for a static image to get it together. [size=4] [/size]
  16. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1383214741' post='2261562'] That's an unfortunate term. [/quote] [size=4] [/size]
  17. [quote name='Skol303' timestamp='1382658219' post='2255246'] [size=5][color=#B22222][b]CHANGE TO THE VOTING POLL... KEEP CALM AND CARRY ON![/b][/color][/size] [b]If you are wanting to vote...[/b][size=4] Simply post the name of who you'd like to vote for in this thread.[/size] [/quote] [size=4]Here is your chance to make some dosh so Ped can eat tonight.[/size] [size=4]Set up a phone or text vote - A flash vote even.[/size] [size=4]The last two can have a 'Write Off'.[/size] [size=4]Then the one with the least votes has to write two pieces for next month (In a day) [/size]
  18. Julius, looks like you are a new poster. Down in the Theory section, folks often post charts and transcriptions [url="http://basschat.co.uk/forum/31-theory-and-technique/"]http://basschat.co.u...-and-technique/[/url] Also there is something pinned as well, with plenty of stuff. [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/155000-individual-songs-bass-scoredots-where-from/"]http://basschat.co.u...ots-where-from/[/url] Garry
  19. Oh come on, we are only talking 4 Crochets to the bar here. [size=4] [/size]
  20. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1383054961' post='2259564'] 'Jazz knitting' ...is that a euphemism..? [/quote] [url="http://leafpdx.bigcartel.com/product/jazzknitting-an-introduction"]http://leafpdx.bigcartel.com/product/jazzknitting-an-introduction[/url]
  21. [quote name='Skol303' timestamp='1383048362' post='2259449'] I do wonder sometimes whether this is a musicans' forum or a glorified knitting circle. [/quote] Indeed, It could be worse though - A glorified Jazz knitting circle of fifths.
  22. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1383036022' post='2259244'] What a lovely poem! [/quote] Nah, just a Blues tune............. In E minor of course.
  23. [quote name='mr zed' timestamp='1383007103' post='2259164'] Still not sure I could get on with Opera though! [/quote] Sitting in the amazing Teatro Alla Scale in Milan, With top, top Musicians and singers might change that. Depends on the Opera for me. But a few days away with your partner in Milan, taking in great food and an Opera is a real treat. One time I managed to send the wife and friends off shopping, and I went off with the boys to the Derby della Madonnina. [size=4] [/size]
  24. [quote name='MB1' timestamp='1382974271' post='2258635'] So they've fired Fire? and let Wind go? [/quote] Indeed, I believe there was a lighter involved.
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