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Everything posted by lowdown

  1. [quote name='tedmanzie' timestamp='1382898391' post='2257755'] automation isn't going to increase cpu load. [/quote] Yep, in fact use automation to bypass/turn off fx when not in constant use. One of the advantages of DAW's and VST's that now use VST 3, Is that if at any point a plug in or soft synth is not in use, it is automatically disabled, then engaged when needed, so no need for automation.
  2. [size=4][quote name='discreet' timestamp='1382882575' post='2257497'][/size] Having once been married to a Scandinavian, I can only agree. [/quote] Is this the lady in question ? If so, it really is all over when she sings. [URL=http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/546/ojg4.jpg/][IMG]http://img546.imageshack.us/img546/9607/ojg4.jpg[/IMG][/URL]
  3. [quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1382879961' post='2257455'] Perhaps we need to admit that Britain was a much better and much safer place when men went out drinking and their women waited at home for them . [/quote] I remember those days, you could get drunk, forget where you lived and go to any home to be greeted by any woman, It did not have to be you own.
  4. It don't get down any better than this. "Come here woman!" [size=4] [/size]
  5. I like the tune, and Kit and the band very much, sounds great, although the video content don't do it for me. But then again with promo videos, I love them or hate them, I am never in the middle with them. So carry on... Facebook shared and tweeted.
  6. Nice little 15 minute video, real time scoring to Animation. Guy Michelmore is the Composer (son of Cliff Michelmore) Web site [url="http://www.deepwaterblue.net/"]http://www.deepwaterblue.net/[/url] I did Guy's Music for Media course about ten years ago, and very handy and informative it was. If you fancy a full on Composing for Picture and Media distant learning course, this one is certainly worth considering. Animation scoring in action. [url="http://www.thinkspaceonline.co.uk/animationscoringblo/"]http://www.thinkspaceonline.co.uk/animationscoringblo/[/url] Garry
  7. Voted. Two really grabbed the scene well for me (In different ways), and they both had a very nice professional touch to them. But one just had the edge with that happy feel vibe. Well done all.
  8. [quote name='Conan' timestamp='1382705510' post='2255667'] Er.... what [b][i]is[/i][/b] "funk bounce"? [/quote] Swinging da 16th notes.... A world of music with no swing, would look like this. [URL=http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/607/xsww.jpg/][IMG]http://img607.imageshack.us/img607/3553/xsww.jpg[/IMG][/URL]
  9. [quote name='Skol303' timestamp='1382697900' post='2255525'] (I think she's offering 10 opportunities at £100 each). [/quote] 10 opportunities ? @ £100 a take.......... I now get why she wants fans to do the playing, it would make financial sense. A pro would only need one opportunity to get it right
  10. Good grief, how many Triangles, Rim shots and Hand claps do you need on an album ? [size=4] [/size]
  11. [quote name='chardbass' timestamp='1382658326' post='2255247'] Brother Strut stuff with Steve Pearce makes you realise why these guys are the nuts. [/quote] Yep, great stuff - Steve Pearce is such a groover.
  12. [quote name='Roland Rock' timestamp='1382556965' post='2253696'] Not sure why, but if you press 'download' it just plays, without downloading [/quote] If I press download, there is no preview, it just downloads (no big deal really) [URL=http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/593/ps89.jpg/][IMG]http://img593.imageshack.us/img593/7384/ps89.jpg[/IMG][/URL] Garry
  13. Really enjoyed that. [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]'Murdering a classic' ? certainly not, their own take on it for sure.[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Although [/font][/color][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=4]I can think of a few bands around at the moment, that indeed do murder their [b]own[/b] tunes (with ease)[/size][/font][/color]
  14. [quote name='72deluxe' timestamp='1382520730' post='2253044'] I have put an MP3 on Google Drive for anyone to view as my feeble entry: [url="https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B2dUQpSGutXEdjZ3NFFiQTJWcDA/edit?usp=sharing"]https://docs.google....dit?usp=sharing[/url] [/quote] For some reason - preview is disabled, download only ?
  15. [size=4]I believe something of the same vane was said by UK session Drummer Clem Cattini.[/size] He was asked what he would like [size=4]to hear in his cans (on a session)[/size] His reply...... "The Strings a bit earlier......please" [size=4] [/size]
  16. [quote name='AntLockyer' timestamp='1382343639' post='2250728'] That Anthony Jackson stuff I don't enjoy. [/quote] The beauty of Jazz, it comes in all different styles and forms. Everyone has a diverse opinion on it. You see, I enjoy listening to Anthony Jackson, I love big Bands of all styles. I love listening to Michel Camilo - So this is heaven for me, a legend of a concert. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tZOCdrwGch4"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tZOCdrwGch4[/url] [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fqI17hfgd3M"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fqI17hfgd3M[/url]
  17. [quote name='geoffbyrne' timestamp='1382286295' post='2250103'] That's my point, she's nobbled him. G. [/quote] Oh, ok, someone else's other half...I get you now.
  18. [quote name='geoffbyrne' timestamp='1382280313' post='2250003'] Well, recently I've been talking to a gutarist/singer who has been pro for years , has played with big bands & recently advertised for players. On Wednesday night we were discussing material & my use of my fretless, converting his basement for rehearsal etc. Thursday morning I got an email saying that he has so much on his plate he doesn't have time for music. Nobbled. G. [/quote] I think you have turned up at the wrong gig Geoff - This is about her/him indoors.
  19. [quote name='rodacademy' timestamp='1382277273' post='2249935'] But....if you really needed it, veg can be chopped on the floor! [/quote] Or on your custom Coffee table Bass, then you can get that worn vintage look within days. When ever I buy a Bass, my wife goes down IKEA and buys those silver one foot legs and some blue tac, and sticks them on the back of the Bass She then invites her friends around for Coffee mornings. Job done, everyone's happy.
  20. Yep, I have been watching him of late - Seriously good Musician. The Stevie Wonder tune is just out there.
  21. [quote name='paul h' timestamp='1381746467' post='2243008'] Does this qualify? Rock Swings by Paul Anka [/quote] Of course it does - by a country mile, and you know it does, you teaser. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZIY7jhg2CrA"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZIY7jhg2CrA[/url] [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jXphoapoLUY[/media]
  22. [quote name='lurksalot' timestamp='1381766467' post='2243370'] does it mean that drumcore is the issue then ? but it seems odd if all the other 32 bit ones work ? [/quote] Looks like it's a x64 bit lemon..... old boy [size=4] [/size] [list] [*][b]Will DrumCore work on my 64 bit operating system?[/b] DrumCore 3 and KitCore 2.0 build 21 are qualified for use on 32 bit operating systems. DrumCore will work on 64 bit operating systems but must be run in a 32 bit host application. Some users have reported mixed results using bit bridging programs like JBridge or BitBridge. [/list] It might be worth crash landing into the x64 universe, and do away with all that x32 bit limited RAM nonsense... [size=4] [/size]
  23. [quote name='OldG' timestamp='1381742664' post='2242937'] copi from the Reaper site: Native bridging and firewalling: run Win32 plug-ins in REAPER x64, maximize RAM utilization, protect against plug-in crashes. [/quote] Looks like the native bridging might indeed be Jbridge.[color=#000000][font=verdana, geneva, lucida,] [i]"I have been working (testing) with a developer that is about to "officially" release a third party universal "bitbridge" utility application called "jbridge" that will take most any VST plugin (I even got my ARC plugin working in 64bit now) and make it x64 compatible. The last little hurdle for UAD compatibility was getting the proper plugin latency reported to the VST host app. We all know how important getting the correct latency info to the host app is when it comes to getting the auto PDC working for latent intensive UAD plugins. Anyway, I think we finally got it fixed today and so far from my preliminary tests all is working well. You can find the latest version here with the UAD latency fix: [url="http://jstuff.wordpress.com/"]http://jstuff.wordpress.com/[/url] Now I know Cakewalk and Steinberg have their own proprietary "bitbridge" apps, but this third party utlility gives a more universal solution and should work in most any VST compatible application including REAPER x64. Also, my experience with other proprietary bitbridge apps is they are not always the most stable (athough SONAR 8.3.1 is working pretty good right now) and there is a noticeble native CPU hit that is attributable to the bitbridge layer. This extra native CPU load doubles the native CPU hit when compared to working with the UAD plugins in a 32bit VST host app. What is remarkable about the "jBridge" is once you enable it's "Performance mode" (which is a parameter available for each plugin individually), the native CPU load is practically cut in half making it comparable to working with the UAD plugins in a 32bit VST host app. I have been working with the alpha/beta versions of "jBridge in XP64 over the last month or so and getting the plugin latency properly reported to the host app was the last thing to get fixed for UAD x64 compatibility. The application itself is quite stable. I have not tested every possible VST plugin on planet earth mind you, but the ones I have tested have worked very well in REAPER x64. The developer is keen on getting the "jBridge" app working as universally as possible."[/i][/font][/color]
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