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Everything posted by lowdown

  1. Just watched it. Seemed to be monitoring problems - or hearing aid problems. Awful Intonation and tuning going on. DJ was solid, and him and Charlie kept it all together [Just] But I Suppose in true Stones fashion, they gave them what they wanted, the business of show [And they are great at that] The old gits know how to entertain. Garry
  2. [quote name='tedmanzie' timestamp='1372518966' post='2126737'] [size=4][media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M1APFyc_QtQ[/media][/size] [/quote] You can tell he is not well there, very lethargic... I have the CD of that video, and the Bass sounds great all the way through, in fact the whole show does. Garry
  3. Just heard it this morning, on my TV the Bass was pumping through, loads of bottom end, and crisp highs.... He was over playing the up slides and shakes a bit - but hey, it was top live entertainment and fun. Nile Rodgers was terrific..!! Great show all round. Garry
  4. I wish - Stevie. For The Love Of Money - O'Jays
  5. [quote name='jakenewmanbass' timestamp='1372419864' post='2125511'] but boy are there some gems in his catalogue. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YM2cdtU2qTg[/media] [/quote] I know there is, erm... the strange side to him, but you are right, some gems. Your video post, being a great example Garry
  6. [quote name='steve' timestamp='1372430369' post='2125698'] [size=4]erm, I [/size][i]do [/i][size=4]get to wear the trousers tho' don't I?? [/size] [size=4] [/size] [/quote] Oh dear,,,,There you have it, we are up sh*t strasse before we have even started..... [size=4] [/size] [size=4]Garry[/size]
  7. [quote name='Skol303' timestamp='1372428728' post='2125673'] the only aspect of the collaboration that was difficult to coordinate within the timeframe we had. [/quote] That's always the problem, different interpretations, but saying that, for the music side of your collaboration, it worked [very well] Good stuff. Garry
  8. A nice bunch of interesting and diverse stuff this month. Some hit the picture theme really well, some are close and a couple off to the left a bit. [IMO of course] None the less, still a good crop of material and I listened to them all a couple of times each. Great work, and well done all round folks. Bilbo's I like, but it could do with some humanising, articulations, to bring it to life. It sounds a bit like it's all written in Notation [and nothing wrong with that - It's a technique that is used a lot] But it is bang on the grid - PRV is your best friend for this, you can pencil in the mod #cc's for the string swells and vib etc, along with PP's & FF'S etc, but like you said above, it's very much a time thing. Like the melodies. Urb/Skol's track, I like very, very much, and a great team input all round [Vocals, Bass, Production are all great] but it don't seem to sit with the picture for me. Steve's track, I thought could do with something towards the end, just to give it a slight lift, maybe some kind of light Ethnic Percussion - but that is just my taste. Lovely melody and harmonic changes, very musical, and eerie in places, a feeling of openness and calmness, a proper ending, a closure [size=4]and hits the picture spot on and sets a great scene.[/size] Steve gets my vote. So Steve will you marry me then ? ....... I kept my side of the bargain. Again - just my take on it all. [size=4]Garry[/size]
  9. For those folks that are not aware, VI Control is a gold mine of great info regarding all stuff related to this thread - Recording at home, Software, MIDI, Composing, back slapping [[color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=4] [/size][/font][/color]B[color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=4]leeding Ada ][/size][/font][/color] I have found it very useful over the years, and there are some very helpful Musicians hanging out. [url="http://www.vi-control.net/"]http://www.vi-control.net/[/url] Going to have another listen to all the tracks tomorrow, then try and vote then. Garry
  10. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1372167775' post='2122385'] Although I'm a reasonably decent player with a pretty good ear and musical imagination, I'm self taught, and over the past few months I've felt ready to make some commitment to learning theory, some notation, and generally being able to understand music much better so I can develop my musical imagination and translate it to my bass (and guitar for that matter) better and quicker. I had a lesson with Jake over two years ago but didn't feel able to make a suitable level of commitment at that time. He kinda blew me away with his intense level of insight, knowledge, experience, and his general philosophy and attitude to music and learning. He also said something to me at the end which both scared the sh*t out of me and hugely inspired me at the same time - Jake was singing and playing the exact things he was singing, improvising, I thought 'I can do a bit of that!' and so I did. What Jake said next was a revelation for me, he said 'the difference is that I'm playing what I'm singing, what you're doing is singing what you are playing.' And he was dead right. Finally, I have found the confidence and commitment to start learning how play what I'm singing, to start learning to be at one with my instrument. I'm under no illusion about how long this will take. So I had a very reassuring chat with Jake a couple of weeks ago and got a lesson scheduled. I was full of ideas and preconceptions last night, I was vague and unsure what I needed, or wanted, to learn but I had some ideas. We talked, and played, and discussed, and Jake put up with all my yap. Jake has highly penetrating insight into the needs of a student, having taught so many. After an hour of chit chat, he made sense of my rambling unformed thoughts and preconceptions of my own abilities. He assessed my knowledge and technique (thankfully my technique is generally fine), then Jake showed me some things he can do that made me go 'THAT'S WHAT I NEED!!' So after a bit more talk and playing, he gave me my homework and I have taken my first step on the path to understanding. I won't give away what he's set me but it involves all keys, but after half an hour of doing a little bit after he left, it's like a light has turned on and I can't believe I hadn't spotted the pattern before, it's already unlocked a big chunk of fingerboard, and that's just the very beginning, I will be having two hours with Jake every month or so. Anyway, I have a lot of work to do, and there is that mountain to start climbing, but that mountain looks so bright and beautiful now (not that massive, dark, impenetrable mass it was before), and I know that when I reach the summit, another mountain will appear It's all very exciting! Thanks Jake! [/quote] A nice read and a good post that. I think it's a really good long time investment hiring a good tutor [In this case Jake - who always talks accurate and easily digested info down in the BC theory basement] It can also save you loads of Gas dosh in search of the holy grail of sounds, thinking it's going to make you play better when in fact it can be hidden in side you waiting to be unlocked. The approach of playing what you are singing was pointed out to me some time ago [years really] and it did so much for my playing and my ears - I still sing like an Elephant, but i have got the Elephant ears. [And more than likely play like one as well] Good luck with it all. EDIT - One other thing, why is 'Tutors Available' tucked away, right down at Orchestra Pit level........................... with........ 'sell anything'.... Garry
  11. Long shot. What Audio Interface are you using ? Sometimes if the Audio settings have changed, this error can come up. Try hitting 'N' on start up of ProTools, and check your Audio settings. Garry
  12. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1372011218' post='2120643'] I keep losing mine. [/quote] Know the feeling mate - Well it's on-line forever.... Which is great...... until you lose you PC ! Garry
  13. My take on the picture for this month. [url="http://soundcloud.com/garrycribb/its-chilly-in-chile"]http://soundcloud.com/garrycribb/its-chilly-in-chile[/url] Garry
  14. Useful Interactive Frequency Chart. [url="http://www.independentrecording.net/irn/resources/freqchart/main_display.htm"]http://www.independentrecording.net/irn/resources/freqchart/main_display.htm[/url] Garry
  15. Rock With You [Great Bass as well - Great everything really] [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k141CtH7JFw"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k141CtH7JFw[/url] Garry
  16. [quote name='lurksalot' timestamp='1371680235' post='2117022'] aha , but I guess that mans I have to chop the entire drum track to seperate the toms , and that is the bit that sounds a bit daunting [/quote] You could use the 'Comping' features of the DAW [they all do it in one way or another] great for this kind of stuff - Just another way for getting a good performance together out of existing material, before getting into the nitty gritty of the sound clean up. This way you are keeping the original Drummers input into the band in some kind of way - Rather than just outing him completely. Although not always possible of course....... Reaper [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xFz9kSmNZ8Q[/media] Studio One [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eWe37lJ2DB4[/media] You get the idea etc..... Garry
  17. [quote name='lurksalot' timestamp='1371673368' post='2116912'] but while the snare and kick have now come alive the timing is awkward for the Toms, but will give it a go. [/quote] Not sure what DAW you are using, but Audio quantise is always any option [lining up the transients etc] If not, highlight the events/clips [or cut either side] and nudge them around until you get a solid groove between all the kit. It's pretty much the same principle in any DAW. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mj5xeJFITB4[/media] Garry
  18. [quote name='Skol303' timestamp='1371645607' post='2116524'] Let's try to keep it positive here, Twig' The purpose of these challenges is for us all to improve our mixing skills by practicing on a wide range of material: some of it professionally-recorded, some of it most definitely not. It might also mean working on material that you don't enjoy listening to yourself. Only you can be the judge of that, as you've already expressed. That's the joy of personal opinion. I chose this month's track for three reasons:[list] [*]Firstly because it throws up a bunch of challenges that we haven't encountered before. [*]Secondly because the stems were offered by a fellow Basschat member and I think it right that we should use 'local' material for these challenges when it's offered. [*]And thirdly because I thought it would make a suitable contrast to the previous session, where we got to work with lots of high quality stems (this being an exercise in working with far fewer and more challenging raw material). [/list] Rest assured I'm not 'telling you off' here! That's not my role and besides, I don't have the authority [i][cue Eric Cartman impression].[/i] I just wanted to pick up on your statement that "this track is horrid - what possessed you?" and how that might be interpreted by the person who went to the trouble of supplying the stems (in fact the [i]only[/i] person who offered up stems of their own this time round). I think Mike Senior set a fantastic example with his critiques of our last session, in terms of how to share constructive criticism. I'm guilty of jumping in with both feet myself when it comes to giving feedback on other people's work... so it's something I think we can all learn from. If the quality of the stems proves to be a recurring issue, then we might be better off using Mike's online library as a basis for these challenges. I'm personally keen to use material of all sorts from all sources, but it's obviously something for us to decide as a group next time round. Peace, etc. Paul [/quote] Indeed................... A mix engineer takes the money and runs, however, to take the money and run again, you need to deliver the first time around. Same as being a full time muso or even a prostitute/rent boy. Thumbs up to xjxjs for having the bottle to offer up something. Good luck all you folks. Garry
  19. [quote name='White Cloud' timestamp='1371290849' post='2112170'] [size=4]This is Guy's (current) vision in the flesh. It has certainly sparked a bit of a reaction. Warwick will be happy![/size] [/quote] Yep - Job done. It's been a good couple of weeks for Warwick and Backer ricken. [size=4]Garry[/size]
  20. A nice four part read, relating to sting arranging using MIDI playback. Use of voicings, grid placement, and utilizing CC#'s to get more of a realistic human touch. Some good tips if you are writing the parts using using just notation, painting in the parts in the PRV, or playing the notes in live. [url="http://www.soundonsound.com/sos/jun12/articles/string-theory-pt1.htm"]http://www.soundonso...-theory-pt1.htm[/url] [url="http://www.soundonsound.com/sos/jul12/articles/string-theory-2.htm"]http://www.soundonso...ng-theory-2.htm[/url] [url="http://www.soundonsound.com/sos/aug12/articles/string-theory-part3.htm"]http://www.soundonso...heory-part3.htm[/url] [url="http://www.soundonsound.com/sos/sep12/articles/stringtheory-pt4.htm"]http://www.soundonso...gtheory-pt4.htm[/url] Garry
  21. [quote name='Jimryan' timestamp='1371240714' post='2111760'] Cheers Garry and thank you, however, I can't read notation :$ I imagine it is easy by ear. It's just that I can't bear listening to it. I guess I'm just gonna have to suck it up and stick it on repeat and learn it [/quote] I have never done a Tab in my life [size=4] [/size] [size=4]Maybe someone who can do both,[/size] could use the chart above and help you out. Good luck Garry
  22. Yo James.... I have a Notation part taken down, if it is of any use. To be honest it's a pretty easy part to learn by ear. Hope this helps. [size=4][attachment=136917:Haven't Met You Yet.pdf][/size] [size=4]Garry[/size]
  23. I think it's a great idea, on the fly tone changes and all that. The only problem I can see, is if you have kids. Turn up on a booking with Lego bricks, Action man boots and old stinking fish fingers rattling about. Garry
  24. I got the Tesco right, very abrasive, and she seemed to have more Intonation problems with that one [The first 15 secs are Horrible] There seems to be Intonation problems on all three clips to be honest I got the Strad & German clips the wrong way round. She had more control and expression with the Strad, with it's darker sound. That's why I thought it might have been her own tried and trusted Instrument. Garry
  25. [quote name='Jellyfish' timestamp='1370731056' post='2105038'] [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ddOFtHP3oS8[/media] [/quote] Wey Hey....Love it... AJ's clear, big and articulated sound. Being a killer player helps. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tZOCdrwGch4"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tZOCdrwGch4[/url] Garry
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