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Everything posted by lowdown

  1. That's just fantastic......... Nice touch. Garry
  2. [quote name='skidder652003' timestamp='1364835624' post='2031481'] "walking jazz bass lines..any old shi*e played with a straight face." Im sure i read that in a bass magazine once? [/quote] There's the problem, it should be played with a dotted eigth face... Check out the above post, bottom line. Garry
  3. Only just had a chance for a listen to all [been very busy] Well done Skol... Shame it was a small turn out this month, but all sounded good. I didn't want to leave Bilbo out in the cold. I see Soundcloud are having an April fools day... Dropometer my arse.... Garry
  4. Rod Stewart is still doing the rounds............ [url="http://seatgeek.com/blog/concerts/rod-stewart-tickets-tour-dates"]http://seatgeek.com/blog/concerts/rod-stewart-tickets-tour-dates[/url] Garry
  5. Voted....... A couple there are more pleasing on the ears. Great stuff all round folks. Garry
  6. [quote name='Davetheglitz' timestamp='1364328166' post='2025007'] A lot of technical players to my mind are not musicians but applied mathematicians. [/quote] A highly trained classical musician would have to have a lot of technique to execute a lot of the demanding parts thrown their way in an Orchestral situation. But i get your drift. Garry
  7. I don't know if it makes a difference to you Chris, but the Apogee doe's not have any MIDI I/O's. Garry
  8. [quote name='Skol303' timestamp='1364054246' post='2021445'] Nice one Garry! You've totally nailed the Angry Birds vibe with this one. It would drop right into the game itself no problem! Sounds frickin' superb too. You somehow manage to get an enviably amount of stereo width and 'fullness' in your tracks... you'll have to spill the beans and tell me how it's done Again, great work - and in one minute flat. [/quote] Cheers Paul - No tricks really, Just two Busses with Reverb and Delay. Buss one a short verb/Delay and Buss two a long verb or ambience/delay. Prominent Instruments into Buss one, auxilary/supporting Instruments into Buss two. Going to listen to all the tracks once the voting starts, I like to have a couple of listens to each. [quote name='urb' timestamp='1364065798' post='2021596'] Live 9's lovely Warp function came in handy too [/quote] Been looking at Live 9 for rewire into my main DAW now it has gone 64 bit. It seems to have a huge sound library. The videos look great - Although it is a bit pricey. You might have to give us a review Mike. Garry
  9. Free Alchemy Player [MAC/PC] with one Gig of sounds [VST/AU/RTAS] When you are sent the download link, there is also an extra 400 meg of bonus pre sets [50] This is a pretty cool Synth - There is an extra one gig sound pack going for a tenner as well. [url="http://www.camelaudio.com/AlchemyPlayer.php"]http://www.camelaudi...chemyPlayer.php[/url] Edit - Just noticed that Camel Crusher is also a freebie [Same company] http://www.camelaudio.com/camelcrusher.php Garry
  10. Great tune tune, great arrangement, great vox, Infact great all round. They picked the wrong day for that Brass session..... It seems the Trumpet players were on a national strike or half pay. A few Bones 'boning about though. Edit - Blimmey i am getting old and my hearing is going as well. Maybe some Trumpets there, in the chorus. Garry
  11. Pino is a great player - It seems like he can drop into most situations and fit nicely. After donkeys years of playing the same tired old songs, i should think Townsend and Daltrey would welcome someone with a different style and approach. I thought Entwistle's best sound and playing [also Moon's] was on the 'Who's Next' album. Garry
  12. All eyes and ears. Keep your Eyes on the MD at all times, He is the one following the cast [or them him] If any thing goes tits up on stage [a pro show, this happens very little - AM Dram more so] follow the MD, He is the focal point for both cast and Band/Orchestra. Above all, be ready, rehearsed and relaxed - Enjoy ! Garry
  13. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1364046882' post='2021271'] If he doesn't want 'em, bung a few my way! [/quote] There's a skip full of them in the garden, come round and help your self. Garry
  14. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1364046056' post='2021260'] Very nice! Looks a bit tidy to me, though - that's not very rock 'n' roll, is it?? [/quote] Nah it's not... My son's studio room is the real rock 'n' roll room..................................... I know.............because i am forever removing used girl friends and cleaning the fecking mess up... Garry
  15. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1356282597' post='1908769'] Why no pics?? [/quote] Here's where i live during the day. [URL=http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/109/studiomarch20132.jpg/][IMG]http://img109.imageshack.us/img109/5915/studiomarch20132.jpg[/IMG][/URL] [URL=http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/21/studiomarch20131.jpg/][IMG]http://img21.imageshack.us/img21/1309/studiomarch20131.jpg[/IMG][/URL] Garry
  16. The great Trumpet/Session player sadly left us yesterday. If you did not know of him, you would have heard his playing, certainly on the James Bond scores. A fantastic musician and a real gent. [url="http://www.derekwatkins.co.uk/Derek_Watkins/Welcome.html"]http://www.derekwatk...ns/Welcome.html[/url] Discography [url="http://www.derekwatkins.co.uk/Derek_Watkins/Film,_TV_%26_Shows.html"]http://www.derekwatk..._%26_Shows.html[/url] Skyfall sessions - he is on the left. [URL=http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/824/33746934161832592824897.jpg/][IMG]http://img824.imageshack.us/img824/529/33746934161832592824897.jpg[/IMG][/URL] RIP Garry
  17. I went for the comical kids approach for the picture. http://soundcloud.com/garrycribb/good-grief-theres-cossacks-in Garry
  18. Of course you could ask them nicely not to use the promo[s] and possibly have a mutual time limit for use until their new promo[s] is/are ready. If any [unlikely] legal action went on at some point, at least you tried the civil, sensible and reasonable way first. As you said that you don't give a toss - Just move on anyway, it ain't worth the hassle. Garry
  19. [quote name='Bass Lady' timestamp='1363732188' post='2016870'] Always know what notes I'm playing. Don't always know what song though! [/quote] Quote of the thread.... Garry
  20. [quote name='Skol303' timestamp='1363704754' post='2016163'] so a few shandies and I'm going to be on the table singing 'My Way', or something... ). [/quote] Both great tunes of course. Garry
  21. All the time - And i can hear, and know the chords [others are playing] as well. Garry
  22. [quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1363640195' post='2015211'] Richard Bona is the real deal . [/quote] Richard B goes that extra mile for me. Composing and vocals are also part of his extraordinary arsenal of soul, talent and emotion. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Jnjt-dyego http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f1p3GbiPNR4 Garry
  23. Anthony Jackson just does everything right [for me] Over the years he has just sat with everything he has played, Funk, Soul, Jazz, Latin, Big Band. He just seems to be at home with any situation, and with very little noticable effort. True master. Garry
  24. Abe and his grooves and timing [and his dancing] [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QpfjS-g2HiU[/media] Jimmy Haslip http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1krbUsyirUM Garry
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