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Everything posted by lowdown

  1. I believe also that one of the Violinists, when looking at the gig diary would get the horrors when the Tom & Jerry sessions came in.... Garry
  2. Congrats to the winner Skol...well for today anyway.... Garry
  3. Shame the Armenian Duduk is not on your list, something i have been into for years. Just love the sound, and something i keep meaning to have a go at if i could put the time in. Garry
  4. [quote name='BetaFunk' timestamp='1359581228' post='1957111'] The original post was re: 70s fusion[/quote] I know it says 70's, and I did say 80's......but hey no problem, Music [ fusion] is Music [fusion] regardless of era... shame to let some goodies get away...... Garry
  5. Although early 80's, two albums by Wayne Johnson - The fanatstic Jimmy Johnson on Bass.................. From the 'Grasshopper' Album.... [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BUCKZFaAUFI[/media] From 'Arrowhead' Album........... [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W0wJqoiMBMQ[/media] Garry
  6. Great stuff, not really playing safe, just doing his thing for that tune. RB also has a really nice vocal style - just love those solo albums from 12 years ago or so. Garry
  7. One of my faves from last year - Great vocals on the first Video, [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Zamajobe has [/font][/color]lovely phrasing.... Garry
  8. [quote name='Lenny B' timestamp='1358933744' post='1947148'] Task for 2013, get to grips with some notation software rather than pencil and manuscript [/quote] This is just great.... Comes with nearly seven gig of good sample sounds. Really easy to use, enter notes with MIDI keys, Qwerty, or the mouse............ And most importantly will accurately play back all the articulations [Important for Horns, Woodwind and Strings] you write in, giving you great idea how it will sound in the real world. http://www.notionmusic.com/products/notion4.html Garry
  9. Nice little article here. [url="http://www.spitfireaudio.com/cartoons-as-modern-art-a-scott-bradley-retrospective.html#.UQhA483cYOg.facebook"]http://www.spitfirea...83cYOg.facebook[/url] Garry
  10. You just need to put down any work/shows/Theatre tours or even any Cruises you have done. If you have done any Music collage courses/Uni, put that down. Links to an online site with your CV goes down well. Md's and fixer names you have worked for also helps - You just need to prove you are not a bedroom chancer. Let them know you have a passport [and not waiting for one] Also any tropical jabs you have had. Another tip - see if you can find out what ship/company it's for. If you know any of the Musicians/MD's, you can then ask them to put a word in as well. Good luck Garry
  11. If it's a six way tie... Next month we will be composing to a slide show..... Now that would be a bit of fun....... Garry
  12. [quote name='Bilbo' timestamp='1359398996' post='1954223'] 4 Mike Oldfield fans and I am home and dry.... [/quote] What's it like to be a tribute artist ? Garry
  13. [quote name='Skol303' timestamp='1359368161' post='1953497'] Just be sure to draw a line at talking to such objects. [/quote] Grunting is fine though. Jazz Pianists grunt the best. http://www.organissimo.org/forum/index.php?/topic/52373-piano-grunting-thread/ Garry
  14. [quote name='OldG' timestamp='1359389866' post='1954008'] Good point - I hadn't thought about delay sync and reverb tails and time stretching, thank you! [/quote] Was not so much delay sync [should not be a problem really - I think ?] It was the long Legato sections just sounded odd - Staccato and Marcato things sounded ok [ish] The new tempo went up about 10 bpm, and of course any beat delays fx just re synced to the new tempo in the DAW. Drum and Percussion parts had no problems. Garry
  15. We had to do this on a project. We did as Si mentioned, but we exported the tracks/stems without the FX etc. Did the change in a fresh project [with no FX] just raw Audio, Then Imported the tracks back into the original project, cloned the original track with FX and settings intact, and replaced with the new track[s] then muted/archived all the original tracks. We did this because we were having some odd things happening with some brass and string section stems/busses which were Reverb and Delay related. All was fine after with very good results. Garry
  16. If discreet's suggestion does not work, try this, someone seems to had the same problem. Look at post #10 - Possible solution ............ http://www.soft.com.sg/forum/showthread.php?223877-Saffire-6-USB-Not-Detected-By-DAW Garry
  17. What OS ? X64 ? is so does the Safffire support x64 bit ? USB 2 into USB port 3 etc ? Some details and i am sure someone will be along to help. Garry
  18. [quote name='Zenitram' timestamp='1359205935' post='1951525'] Or record to one track, then copy that track several times and remove all but one instrument from each track. [/quote] If you don't want to use multi outs [16 channels from your MIDI device] do as above. But there is a far easier and quicker way to get drum parts from one single MIDI track to [in your case] x amount of MIDI tracks. Every DAW has a different command for this - but it is basically 'split notes to tracks'. It will take individual lines [say C3/C#3/D3] etc and place the lines on seperate tracks in one pass [saves copying and erasing notes] You just then set all the tracks to MIDI channel 1 - Or if you want to use General MIDI mapping for Drums, channel 10. Check the Reaper manual for 'Split notes to tracks' You could also go to the Reaper forum and ask if anyone has a track or project template for your needs/MIDI device. Basically all you need to do is have 16 MIDI tracks in Reaper and assign them to your MIDI device [Should be stuff on YouTube for this] Garry
  19. Just love the way everyone is locked in on this one. Garry
  20. Nice solid Groove. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DznqCMpcQxQ Garry
  21. [spoiler]Out of my space dude - Find your own spoiler.[/spoiler]
  22. Interesting listening to LS, and Guy pops some good questions in there. Good stuff - Thanks for the link. Garry
  23. Christ, two vote options, or you can not vote... And then i voted 'no' by mistake... [spoiler]We're off to see the Wizaaard...Da Da... Da Da...Da Da...[/spoiler] Garry
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