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Everything posted by lowdown

  1. [quote name='urb' timestamp='1359060410' post='1949349'] damn - I should have voted for myself [/quote] Really like the finished version Mike. Some out there twists and turns. Garry
  2. lowdown

    Theatre Show Maybe?

    [quote name='scalpy' timestamp='1358888620' post='1946722'] Kills me that to. I do 6 or 7 am dram shows a year, always get the part 5 to 6 weeks in advance. And you won't get to do You're the One That I Want in Grease. The publishers are very, very hot on changing the stage script to the movie version, and when you sign the contract to do the show there's whole pages on what you're not allowed to do! [/quote] Strange - I have done the show four times and it's always been in..... Garry
  3. If anyone is interested in some free detailed on line studing regarding Orchestrating and Arranging, two useful sites here. Classical http://www.northernsounds.com/forum/forumdisplay.php/77-Principles-of-Orchestration-On-line Big Band and Jazz http://www.northernsounds.com/forum/forumdisplay.php/107-Jazz-Arranging-Online-by-Prof-Chuck-Israels Garry
  4. [quote name='Bilbo' timestamp='1358871537' post='1946339'] I propose that composition is a mixture of heart AND head. The ideas germinate emotionally but the process of development is partly inspiration and partly good old-fashioned graft. [/quote] Intresting short read here Rob. http://www.scorecastonline.com/2013/01/14/forget-tech-its-about-the-notes/ Garry
  5. [quote name='Lord Sausage' timestamp='1358874121' post='1946388'] I could write a full big band piece, chords, melody, counter-melody and score it for all instruments at a piano but never get it recorded unless i used midi and it would just sound sh*t. [/quote] The Jazz/Big Band sample/patch Libraries are getting better. But you are right, they are hard work and an awful lot of MIDI programming is needed. One of the best at the moment is Fable Sounds. [i]Fable sounds demo from their site.[/i] [media]http://fablesounds.com/bbb/audiodemos/AmitPoznansky_OnTheMove.mp3[/media] Product [url="http://fablesounds.com/BBB-Menu-frame.htm"]http://fablesounds.c...-Menu-frame.htm[/url] With composing these days, the only limit is your self. As Bilbo said above, good old fashioned hard work goes a long way. [quote name='noelk27' timestamp='1358868532' post='1946297'] I'd have said heart, not head, and certainly not from what you've read in a book. Composing by numbers takes you nowhere, but it's a good remedy for insomnia. You write what you feel. [/quote] Surely a great deal of knowledge can be gained from 'Books' ? - Melody/Harmoney/Counter part, how the great classical composers went about it. Rimsky Korsakov's principle of Orchestration is still much used today. [b]Free On-line Study here[/b], well worth a look. [url="http://www.northernsounds.com/forum/forumdisplay.php/77-Principles-of-Orchestration-On-line"]http://www.northerns...tration-On-line[/url] Garry
  6. [quote name='charic' timestamp='1358874558' post='1946395'] I think that would depend on the samples it was triggering. Certain soundbanks can be horrendous [/quote] The Samples would be loaded into RAM or direct disc streaming, that's not what causes the CPU drain or indeed even a MIDI track, It's the actual Soft synth, Rompler or Sampler and also some FX's. [some are light on CPU - but most are not] One way around this is Freezing the track [Different DAW's do it in different ways, but the same outcome] This will leave you with just an Audio track, and the Synth etc has been disengaged and free's up the CPU. And of course you can unfreeze if you want to change notes/edit etc then freeze again. The other way is just to record the loaded MIDI track to an Audio track, or even easier, just bounce/render down, then unload the CPU hogging Instrument. These days though with i7 processors [Quad core] and plenty of RAM you should be able to run plenty of VSTi's without your computer spitting at you. Garry
  7. lowdown

    Theatre Show Maybe?

    [quote name='Chrismanbass' timestamp='1358855257' post='1945967'] i played that show a couple of years ago for an am dram company its a beast isn't it [/quote] Yep, but it was great play. Before we went into the West End, we had a two week rehearsal period, And a Four week run in Leeds. The fun part of it was.....the roast up for the deps.. Garry
  8. [quote name='The fasting showman' timestamp='1358806790' post='1945539'] I can't get over how timeless the arrangements are, [/quote] That's my take on it as well. Terrific album and great Musicianship from all involved. Garry
  9. lowdown

    Theatre Show Maybe?

    Only once have i had the pad [and CD] before a show [Bat Boy - and to be honest i was glad] But it can be a waste of time - Things change, Keys/length of arrangement/underscores etc, even during the rehearsals, and quite often during the previews and after press nights, thus making the fluent sight reading thing, even more important. But as said above - If you do get it early, count it as lucky. Garry
  10. Yer, the track is great. A must for you guys that have been doing the mixing comp. Garry
  11. [quote name='Bilbo' timestamp='1358781215' post='1944847'] Its my Vsts, Mike. They are slippery little suckers [/quote] Bounce/render the MIDI tracks down to Audio [If you are happy with the notes] It then takes a big load of your CPU - You are then free to add more FX's and the MIDI tracks won't misbehave. Nice track by the way, it builds well. Garry
  12. [quote name='Skol303' timestamp='1358781213' post='1944846'] I like your style! And welcome to Basschat. [/quote] Hey Paul - I know you like your remix comps, this might interest you [and maybe others]............................... http://www.puremix.net/zelab/ Garry
  13. [quote name='molan' timestamp='1358728954' post='1944305'] It is entirely possible that my personal stash of basses will have grown by a Roscoe SKB, another Ritter Cora and a Celinder J Update this month, distinctly likely to be an Alleva Coppolo LG4 in there as well and I'm still drooling over a couple of things in the classifieds! Better put a bit more effort into selling something. . . [/quote] Oh my dear God, well I am not a GAS man in anyway.......... but........... Just had a look at your Fodera's [well not your man Fodera's] And i have say that i am hooked...!! They look stunning. Garry
  14. lowdown

    Theatre Show Maybe?

    [quote name='Myke' timestamp='1358673917' post='1942976'] I can to a certain extend yes but as this is in late summer/autumn I think I will have improved even more and don't you get given the bass part like a week before? [/quote] The idea of sight reading is to turn up at the rehearsals and be ready to go. On [b]some[/b] Am Dram shows it might be possible to get the pad early, but i would not rely on that. Quite often they hire the score for a period, unless the MD has written/sketched it out. Being booked as a sight reader for shows means...turn up at the rehearsals [even for most Am Dram] and be ready to go, are you confident of that ? If so email the MD, but remember to the MD you are just some stranger chancing it, so be honest and he might put you on his list, he will more than likely contact the Bassist's he knows first. It might be worth getting a copy of the cast CD for Grease, and learn or get very familiar with the show, and use that approach in your Email along with a [b]CV of gigs and shows[/b] you have done before. [If you want to be taken seriously] I have done the show a few times, It's not a hard show for Bass, and good fun if the band are happening and on it. Good luck.
  15. [quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1358602897' post='1942000'] Well said. No one is suggesting Peter Hook isn't a worthwhile player within the context of his own chosen musical path - though his bands have certainly never been my cup of tea- but he himself would admit he has forged a career based round [i]how little[/i] he knows about playing the bass rather than how much . A lot of the discussion on this thread has mentioned technique , but to me that is a bit of a misnomer . I think what a lot of folks actually mean by that is [i]knowledge[/i] , namely of music and how it applies to playing the bass , and Peter Hook has a scant amount of that and has forged his style around that fact . Good for him - he seems happy enough with what he has achieved with his fantastic career and his own contribution to those bands . I'm not at all snooty about it - it takes all kinds to make a world , as the saying goes . The fact remains though , that all bass players tap into the same pool of knowledge when they play the bass whether they realise it or not - the same rules of music apply whether you know them or not - and it seems a bit ridiculous to me that some people automatically champion players who come across a G dominant 7 chord themselves by accident without knowing what it is over someone who was taught it , ascribing a unwarranted degree of creativity and spontaneity to those who are flailing around blindly . Proper technique is just the quickest and most efficient route to playing the bass effectively . Playing the bass requires knowledge and technique is the means by which you put that knowledge into practise . The rest is superfluous . [/quote] After reading the whole thread, I kinda agree with most of that. Never really listened or took much notice of the said bands and Hook, and still don't. My main reason was not so much what Hook did, or did not, but the god awful singing in those bands. Master classes all come in different, so if you were/are into Hook i should imagine you will enjoy it. Off to see the Berlin Philharmoniker mid week - no doubt it will be stuffed to the brim with musical technicians who can't play anything other than what's written on the chart. Garry
  16. [font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]Yep, the girl is very talented.[/font] I like one of the posts................ [size=3][i][color=#333333][font=arial, sans-serif]'where did you found the tabs ?' [/font][/color][/i][/size]
  17. [quote name='bubinga5' timestamp='1358585917' post='1941635'] see.. now this is why i post.. to milk this kind of stuff out of you guys.. wonderful bass playing [/quote] Some of us kinda grew up with listening to Marcus and there is a lot of good stuff around from his early days as just a side man. There will be plenty of folk along with some great stuff, I am sure of that. Garry
  18. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qM-gSeBjKk8&playnext=1&list=PLDD6733985C1BFD2B&feature=results_video Garry
  19. [quote name='ML94' timestamp='1358584787' post='1941614'] It is a very melodic 'head' but I can not remember the name , only can hum it ! [/quote] Always a sign of a good tune. Some early Fretless from his younger years - The solo in the middle is a nice easy laid back affair [02.50] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W57v0t29_gw Garry
  20. Big MM fan, so will follow this thread with interest... Garry
  21. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iKgy9Wc1poo[/media] Solo at 04:30 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uJGAcKu1qCY Garry
  22. [quote name='risingson' timestamp='1358534633' post='1941114'] I think he and Peter Hook should both be chucked down a well together [/quote] Nice thought - But all the wells are full up with Banjo & Viola players. Garry
  23. [quote name='danthevan' timestamp='1358529585' post='1940992'] How about this for an idea then....... Instead of doing a mix where every track is already there, do vocals, drums, guitar etc and leave the bass off. Were all bass players and could get some intesting different bass lines. Everyone who can mix should be able to lay a bass track down too [/quote] How about this for an idea then...... Why not add a tune/Instruments/harmony to your Bass line you laid down............................ And then enter the Composing Comp.... Sorry...... I think Si gave a good run down of what the comp is all about - although reading the posts, i can see where everyone is coming from, and BRX's first post had crossed my mind. Voted. Garry
  24. [quote name='iamapirate' timestamp='1358469761' post='1940016'] So I've learnt the songs as best I can, [/quote] It's a bit late in the day i know - but learn them better than that. Know them inside out. It shows that you are prepared to put the time in. Homework is always a good sign. + a lot had already been said above. Good luck, relax and enjoy.
  25. [quote name='matski' timestamp='1358498830' post='1940140'] I could only remember the quote, not who actually said it... [/quote] If you like that one, you might find some of his other quotes amusing. A few here.... http://thinkexist.com/quotes/sir_thomas_beecham/ [url="http://blog.gaiam.com/quotes/authors/sir-thomas-beecham"]http://blog.gaiam.co...-thomas-beecham[/url] [url="http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/authors/t/thomas_beecham.html"]http://www.brainyquo...as_beecham.html[/url] Garry
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