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Everything posted by lowdown

  1. lowdown


    [quote name='JDH' timestamp='1357814058' post='1928700'] Does anyone know how I delete my account? It's time to say goodbye to the world of bass. Cheers John [/quote] Hey John - Do you need a band for your come back gig ? Garry
  2. [quote name='charic' timestamp='1357837332' post='1929349'] Quite what? Or do you mean quiet? [/quote] Not sure why i was quoting you - It seems you were just the roadie for lurksalot. Garry
  3. [quote name='charic' timestamp='1357837332' post='1929349'] Quite what? Or do you mean quiet? [/quote] Quite quiet.... My phone rang right in the middle of me typing the message... Garry
  4. [quote name='charic' timestamp='1357827188' post='1929064'] Lets see if [url="https://soundcloud.com/lurksalot/no-second-chance-again"]this [/url]works [/quote] That track is really quite quiet. Edit. Garry
  5. Vintage one on da Bay as we speak. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/1970s-Japan-built-CSL-Jazz-Bass-Guitar-made-by-Ibanez-/221175574666?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item337f17708a Garry
  6. Good stuff - The Video looked like it was a right hoot to be involved with. Kit has a good voice, good luck with it all. Garry
  7. [quote name='51m0n' timestamp='1357724602' post='1927133'] Is this one of the ones in this years KVR developer challenge? [/quote] I believe it was - And i think it came second. Garry
  8. [quote name='51m0n' timestamp='1357661903' post='1926246'] box.com [/quote] Wish i knew about that when i was single. Garry
  9. [quote name='silddx' timestamp='1357660952' post='1926220'] If you want it only for volume notching you may find it difficult to use. [/quote] The one i use [link in my first post] was the best one i tried regarding this, The LED markers can get you somewhere close. but you are right, it is a difficult operation. For pit /show work it helps for deps comming in with marked dynamic levels on various cues, you can mark on the part/score the LED number and it helps them get somewhere close on their first couple of shows, until they get used to the general band levels. Garry
  10. Must admit my use is mainly on/off between numbers. Garry
  11. [quote name='OldG' timestamp='1357648655' post='1925877'] Ok, final tweaks and this time in downable mp3(224VBR) <embed type="application/x-shockwave-flash" flashvars="audioUrl=http://www.wikiupload.com/9I8 src="http://www.google.com/reader/ui/3523697345-audio-player.swf" width="400" height="27" quality="best"></embed> [url="http://www.wikiupload.com/9I8"]http://www.wikiupload.com/9I8[/url] [/quote] Link not working [for me] Like the way wikiupload says 'Share your files easily' Garry
  12. I use one of these [the older silver version though] Very smooth, no signal change, and it also has side LED lights which is great for show/pit work. http://www.dv247.com/studio-equipment/visual-sound-visual-volume-pedal--37001?gclid=CMi4oLLa2LQCFW3KtAodvFcAWQ Garry
  13. [quote name='51m0n' timestamp='1357640367' post='1925655'] To be honest I didnt think anyone would even notice what we were doing tucked away in the Recording forum. Its not unusual to sit here all on my own for a day watching tumbleweed go by, its only when I venture outside its comforting embrace into the lands of General Discussion and Off Topic that I get myself in trouble [/quote] You will be amazed at some of the people who slither down to this little pit, Garry
  14. [quote name='51m0n' timestamp='1357638600' post='1925611'] Really? Why? Is it so hard to click download and playback the file locally then? [/quote] It's not that really mate [I don't think] I think it's that people [b]may[/b] take time out to listen to all the tracks, but then to down load larger files is even more time. If it's just the folk in the mix comp you expecting to vote, fair enough - But people not in the comp might find it tedious, and not bother. Just look at the Composing comp, some people are admitting that they just skip through, and that's just through streaming. I can hear through the Soundcloud [converted] files which ones stand out to my ears - I am not sure unconverted files will make that amount of a difference. I thought the art was to make things translate. Just my take and no offence meant, others will vary of course. Good luck to you guys.
  15. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1357499799' post='1923654'] Yes, that's when it all fell apart. [/quote] Looks like they are still around. https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.208439059253422.44166.204673996296595&type=3 Garry
  16. [quote name='Mykesbass' timestamp='1357499252' post='1923631'] I thought they lost it when Allen (Keys) left....... [/quote] Sad that - some say he had a screw loose. Garry
  17. [quote name='Mykesbass' timestamp='1357498353' post='1923602'] And Ikea - their second album was terrible [/quote] Just opinions i suppose - I thought it was well put together. Garry
  18. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1357497889' post='1923595'] So inti just removed his own offensive posts (not aimed at me btw) then private messages me a threatening message asking if I am harassing him! Classic [/quote] Just put it all down to ABBA and Meatballs. He will get over it in time. Garry
  19. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1357491878' post='1923445'] Im not one Garry Inti wont let me [/quote] Looks like it's a clown for the day then.... Garry
  20. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1357488610' post='1923314'] IBTL [/quote] You are only a musician if you are 'In Before The Lock In' Garry
  21. Apart from networking, knowing plenty of other musicians/MD's/fixers and such, good solid playing is the order of the day. Good ears/busking, good reading chops, and picking up things very quickly along with being musically versatile, and feel comfortable turning up and playing with complete strangers [they won't be after a while if you are doing your job right] Fretless and Double Bass help, and Bass Synth won't do you any harm. All these things help elevate you if you wan't to make a [good] living from it. Basically these days a good all round freelancer will not just be doing [recording] sessions, It means playing/depping on shows, functions, cabaret/act backing, pub gigs, or any thing thrown your way. If none of the above phase you, go for it. Garry
  22. [quote name='Nim' timestamp='1356519846' post='1910643'] [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2qN2nGquaiU[/media] Nim [/quote] Hey Nim, that's a really nice arrangement of that tune, good stuff. Garry
  23. Proximity - Distant Pan Pot [Free] both x64 & x32 I know someone who might like this. [url="http://www.tokyodawn.net/proximity/"]http://www.tokyodawn.net/proximity/[/url] Garry
  24. MIDI Drumming is easier than ever with all the software available. You can go from free programmes up to high end. They all come with midi loops, just drag and drop. Use them as a starting point then edit in the PRV to suit your needs. You don't have to play keyboards or be a drummer to do this , although i find playing them in on a keyboard is good for getting natural velocity levels, but again you can change this in the PRV view. If you are struggling with playing other Instruments, learn the basics of MIDI input, you could even just write it in. There is plenty of videos on YouTube for this stuff. Garry
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