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Everything posted by lowdown

  1. Also look at why the BBC bans certain tunes [or did do] A few eg's here, and pretty laughable really. [url="http://www.streetdirectory.com/travel_guide/19031/music/title_bbc_banned_music_top_singles_banned_by_the_bbc.html"]http://www.streetdirectory.com/travel_guide/19031/music/title_bbc_banned_music_top_singles_banned_by_the_bbc.html[/url] The BBC are also quick to point out they did not ban 'God Save The Queen', but they did ban the re worded 'God Save The Queen' By 'The Sex Pistols' Also the disc cover had a picture of the Queen punking it up with a safety pin in her nose... But what ever she gets up to in her Castle is her business really. Garry
  2. Have they not Emailed [b]ALL[/b] their customers to let them know of the delay ? That would be the first thing you do to paying customers. Garry
  3. Interesting stuff on the site. Thanks for the link. Garry
  4. [quote name='SteveK' timestamp='1330691447' post='1561639'] IME clicks and the like seriously restrict your ability to actually play music. [/quote] Not your finest Jazz solo Steve.... Garry
  5. You can actually audition midi files for your chosen Drum sampler [or any Synth] within your DAW browser, Most DAW's do this. However like Urb said, EZdrummer pro will allow you to break down component parts. But saying that, once again most DAW's will do this anyway. Usually the command would be 'Dissolve Midi track' and that will split into the various component part. Garry
  6. [quote name='jakenewmanbass' timestamp='1330650059' post='1561132'] Tracks don't move, people do. I don't really agree that drummer only is the best way, I've played lots of gigs and sessions to click and find that leaving the responsibility to one person means that if he goes the entire band has no chance of sticking with... if you are lucky and have a drummer that can stay with, fine, if not, if he struggles you will all struggle, at least if the whole band has a click then you can be helpful if things drift. Losing the sequence sounds dire so it really is important that all the members are on the ball. I have done gigs with symphony orchestras where the rhythm section, the conductor and the leader has the click all fine.. one reason... top players! make the choices based upon the individual capacity of the group, test it in a stage setting, if it works fine you're away [/quote] All this. If a few of the Musicians are using the click, it will still sound human. You are not midi file players just playing to a quantised grid line, Natural human movement & feel will see to that. Garry
  7. [quote name='chaypup' timestamp='1330608655' post='1560265'] My ex came back to the tent one morning at Glastonbury saying she'd had a lovely chat with a guy called 'Cyril' who'd played the guitar and sung a bit. [/quote] One morning ? Where had she been during the night?.... I think Cyril might have been doing a bit more than playing his Guitar & singing a bit. Garry
  8. I always thought Money was in 7/4, and the Guitar solo in 4/4... Oh well, shows how long ago i played that tune... Garry
  9. [quote name='njr911' timestamp='1330601400' post='1560007'] He needs to waste time at work being a drum nerd just like I've been doing on here for the last few weeks [/quote] I thought Drummers would need to learn time, before they wasted time. Garry
  10. Back in the day, the first tune i had to learn for the opening number of my first gig with my first band was 'Nivram'.. Good grief and it sounds like Jazz i thought. My Dad offered to play it if i could not manage to learn it quick enough and i could slip on after.... Garry
  11. Yep as above, the Gearslutz.link. You will also need a good selection of Whips, leathers, chains and a rubber Batman suit. Garry
  12. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1329786925' post='1547510'] Not funky but Willie Weeks grooving like no other... [/quote] Yep, that is a great Album. In a similar style, Natalie Cole. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=30PqLGidLeM"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=30PqLGidLeM[/url] Garry
  13. Using your ears is the best way to learn a song, you then really get to know what's going on harmonic wise elsewhere in the tune as well as the Bass line. You can get right inside the song & structure. However in a show rehearsal,Orchestral, pit or studio situation no one is going to hang around while you have your ears around a CD/Mp3 player trying to learn a whole bunch of arrangements quickly. A sheet/sheets of paper in front of you will save your job. For some [many] Musicians it's ideal to do both, as far as Tab goes, i should imagine the time it takes to track down a good one then decipher it, then moan about and amend the wrong notes, it would be quicker just to learn it by ear. Garry
  14. Lovely looking girl like that - and you are all banging on about Bass Tabs.... Shame on the lot of you. Garry
  15. [quote name='StraightSix' timestamp='1330269149' post='1554887'] I'll take it [/quote] You have a PM. Garry
  16. BEHRINGER V-TONE BASS BDI21 A couple of black scuff marks on the side, and one on the front. They are not large scratches, i think something rubbed when on a pedal board. [I got this from a fellow Bass chatter a few months back, and it had been on a board] He told me he had it from new, Jan 2011. I have only used it a couple of times, it was a back up for my Sans Amp whilst out on touring show. All works fine with no issues, and looks in good condition. Great little DI/Drive unit. From the Website. [i]Behringer V-Tone Bass BDI21 - analog modeling bass pre-amp/stompbox with DI recording output, thomann authentic V-Tone modeling technology capable of dialing up big vintage tube tones, funky slap sounds, crunchy distortions and anything in-between, provides a truckload of great amps in a single stomp box from traditional bass amps to modern overdriven amp tones that would typically thomann require a multitude of effects units, authentic tube emulation circuitry can be mixed with the direct bass signal via blend control, dual DI mode for either direct recording output with tube emulation or standard active direct injection box in bypass mode, output available thomann on 1/4'' TS or balanced, gold-plated XLR connectors, ground lift switch. Can be powered via 1x 9V battery or DC power supply (not included)[/i] [size=4][u][b]SOLD[/b][/u][/size] [url="http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/42/behringer2600x450.jpg/"][/url] [url="http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/404/behringermark3600x450.jpg/"][/url] Cheers Garry
  17. Look on the Youtube page, [first post] There is a guy who was pals with Jaco when he ripped the frets out... Garry
  18. Cheers for that, sounds like a good listen. Garry
  19. [quote name='Jack Cahalane' timestamp='1330028239' post='1551783'] All the theory knowledge in the world won't help you when the Chinese take over. [/quote] That's were you are w[r]ong. The Chinese love their old five note scale with the odd Heptatonic thrown in. So when they take over, make sure you know your Pentatonic scales.
  20. Firewire vs USB is pretty much out dated, it was mainly based on USB 1. Good Asio drivers from the vender and multi core/fast processors will get you very low latency for tracking Audio in. However after that, mixdown or using VST's and VSTI's, there is no need to use very low latency. Up the buffers for that. In Cubase 6 i can easily use 30 + instances of Kontakt sampler with Orchestral samples loaded, plus a few other Synths and many FX. This is on a W7 x64 [16 gig RAM] System using the Roland Quad capture, and still running under 50%. cpu. And by today's standards, that is not excessive or even close to what some people can and indeed reach. Look at many high end Audio cards , very much USB 2 [with USB 3 on the way] If they were not up to the job, i am sure they would have vanished. Garry
  21. [quote name='winterfire666' timestamp='1330003057' post='1551148'] the roland quad capture, its a about the same price as the tc, but the preamps are far superior in opinion my and the latency is the lowest i have ever had on a usb interface, there are also onboard dynamics and samplerates support up to 24bit/192kHz also with usb 3 getting more support a lot of companies are begining to phase out firewire [/quote] Big +1 for this unit, although i am running mine on W7 x64 The latency is very low, and the drivers are real stable. Also the onboard dynamics features are pretty good to. Very much well worth the money.
  22. Go to the Sadowsky workshop, if Roger is around he will make you feel most welcome, especially if he see's your debit or credit card. Manhattan is great, although as said above, compared to other parts of the States, not cheap. Garry
  23. I did a touring production through Europe with Godspell, some great tunes in the show. Not a real hard sight read, but an awful lot of transcribing. [getting paid i hope] Garry
  24. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1329915141' post='1549557'] since you haven't done anything interesting recently, now that you've won this award you should f*** off and die [/quote] That's the problem - they don't. It's comeback tours by the skip load. Garry
  25. [quote name='Bilbo' timestamp='1329912076' post='1549471'] since starting on DB, my gigs have gone down by about 75% so the 'DB will get you more gigs' argument is not as robust as one would like to think [/quote] Possible you are in the wrong game then. Try something else, maybe writing books..... Good luck with the book Rob. Garry
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