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Everything posted by lowdown

  1. [quote name='longtimefred' timestamp='1326302546' post='1495193'] i make music and i like people to hear what music me and my lot create because i plainly want to rock out and make tunes that people can dance and rock out to also and feel the same feeling that i did when that tune was written. [/quote] Wey hey - just checked out your videos. Looks like good fun dude. Garry
  2. Yep don't get nervous, [b]but do get familiar with the show[/b]. [If you are only playing for a short run] A couple of tricky things, but a good play for the Bass. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1V6suYYGYG0&feature=related"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1V6suYYGYG0&feature=related[/url] Garry
  3. lowdown

    Free VSTs

    Free Sonimus EQ If you want a very good warm EQ, try this one. It makes a mockery of all those over hyped, over priced vintage emulators flying around. [url="http://sonimus.com/site/page/downloads/"]http://sonimus.com/site/page/downloads/[/url] Garry
  4. Playing/making Music keeps me on top of the World. It pays my bills. Its also meant most of my friends are Musicians because i have had to move in that circle. The thought of mingling with the average Joe & Dave down the local scares the sh*t out of me, It would have sent me to life of despair and Morris Dancing. Me at work yesterday [URL=http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/408/40096810150520386312287.jpg/][IMG]http://img408.imageshack.us/img408/6387/40096810150520386312287.jpg[/IMG][/URL] Garry
  5. [quote name='silddx' timestamp='1326097122' post='1492084'] I'll clap the tube driver this morning then, when I arrive at my destination. If he's working. [/quote] I believe holiday makers arriving at Luton airport from Benidorm, clap the Pilot when he lands. Garry
  6. [quote name='silddx' timestamp='1326068322' post='1491991'] and perhaps dear Victor's monetary exploitation of their needs. [/quote] The business of show i believe Garry
  7. [quote name='misrule' timestamp='1326062964' post='1491921'] This was the reply from my friend who's out there this week. It sounds complicated -- but this is what he said, if it helps. My understanding is that, if you're going to be working out there, you need a sponsoring employer. The process is then that you fill out an application form for a "Certificate of Eligibility" which then has to be sent via the employer to the visa authorities in Japan. This may take a few weeks to come back, at which point you have to complete an additional form for a visa, which you then have to take to the Japanese Consulate in London in person. Once all this has been done they turn 'round the visa in about a week. His is a reasonably high profile metal band so maybe they have to do things by the book. Sounds like a proper application for a job, though. Cheers Mark [/quote] That all sounds about right from what i remember. [Apart from going in person] In my case it was all done through an agency [the name escapes me] The working Visa last's for about three months. [but can be extended] But i think the sponsoring employer thing is what it's all about. Garry
  8. Victors great, so he does clinics, earns money, what's the problem. He has got an audience that buys his stuff, people want it, he supplies it. If people can't sell their Music, it's simple, no fecker wants it. He does the odd Barn dance gig as well for money. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KrlpFA5BbuU&feature=related"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KrlpFA5BbuU&feature=related[/url] Garry
  9. [quote name='MusicLover20015' timestamp='1326043494' post='1491489'] Title states Can't find them anywhere, i would love it if it was written in notation as well as tab or vica versa Cheers [/quote] Not sure what version you want - there are a few. I have the long version, so i have cut it down to the version below. [Dots only] The high fill might be from the long version - but anyway its all there. Hope this helps. Part [attachment=96852:Fame - Bass Gtr.pdf] [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h1xO7RwTV4k"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h1xO7RwTV4k[/url] Garry
  10. I agree with Geoff, some nice phrasing there. Garry
  11. [quote name='Jam' timestamp='1325946869' post='1490208'] Japan is all about bureaucracy, especially paperwork. I guess you could blag it if you had just your bass but if you came with an amp, a drummer and his kit, etc, they'd start asking questions and I imagine you'd be stuck in the airport for hours. [/quote] The last time i was there, it was with 'Grease' Band, cast, crew and others totalled around 35/40 people. Blagging was out of the question really.... Garry
  12. I have played in Japan a few times [Shows] It has always been on entertainment/work visa's. The Visa's have been organised through some agency in London, On behalf of the company i would have been working for. I can't remember it costing that much though, It was more to do with the [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]bureaucracy and time it could take.[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Garry[/font][/color]
  13. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1325869908' post='1489179'] It's what comes of pulling Basques [/quote] You ain't kidding. [URL=http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/46/150010267260.jpg/][IMG]http://img46.imageshack.us/img46/7339/150010267260.jpg[/IMG][/URL] Garry
  14. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1325805502' post='1488234'] where is Bilbao when you need him [/quote] Spain. Garry
  15. [quote name='Mykesbass' timestamp='1325671322' post='1485786'] With him being a trumpeter I guess he needs to look for the companies putting these productions together. [/quote] I will ask some of the Brass players i know, what companies they use. He might want to put a profile up here, Cruise work for blowers comes up from time to time. A basic free account will get you alerts. But it is worth paid membership to get immediate access to opportunities. [url="http://uk.music-jobs.com/"]http://uk.music-jobs.com/[/url] Garry
  16. I have done a few over the years, just about every corner of the World. They vary quite a lot. Depending on the companies, the money can be ok to very good depending on the gig. The production/show gigs tend to pay better. Cabin accommodation is different from ship to ship and varies from company to company. However it's a good way to save up money on the quick. Gigs go from lounge trio to full on pit/theatre gigs and just about everything in between. It's a great way to get your chops together because of the consistent amount of time you are playing. There are a few guys here on Basschat who are away on ships at the moment, maybe they will see the thread and pop in soon And bring you up to date. Garry
  17. [quote name='chaypup' timestamp='1325504603' post='1483635'] Loving Quincy's version of Superstition: [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u3teWjVPNmQ[/media] [/quote] Louis Johnson on Bass - great stuff. Garry
  18. [quote name='geoffbyrne' timestamp='1325284477' post='1481876'] Que? [/quote] I think he has been drinking some of your Guinness. Garry
  19. [quote name='JakeBrownBass' timestamp='1325243176' post='1481206'] try this bud, [url="http://moocowmusic.com/PianistPro/index.html"]http://moocowmusic.c...tPro/index.html[/url] [/quote] I have an iPAD on the way. This looks like a must... Cheers for the link. Garry
  20. [quote name='RAY AGAINST THE MACHINE' timestamp='1325196852' post='1480946'] Sorry Garry. I don't know how.Thanks for help tho'. I do like the simple format of GarageBand,,where the drums are there plug my bass in etc. But what i want to do is play one of the apps (ie moog) with it . Maybe I have to record synth app seperate and drag saved file to GarageBand if it takes it. [/quote] Try some Youtube videos for "editing Midi" in Garageband, or Google. I am not a Garage band user so cant be much help really. But in all the Major DAWS you can just write in MIDI data to trigger samples & patches, and its really very very easy. This would solve your problem until you get your USB sorted out. Infact you will be triggering stuff in minutes. Garry
  21. [quote name='RAY AGAINST THE MACHINE' timestamp='1325194160' post='1480894'] Sorry for confusion. Apparently , to plug a USB into an iPad , you need to buy an apple camera kit. Anyway, what I'm trying to do is find a way of using cool synths effects that I've downloaded, and Use them simultaneously with GarageBand (or similar app) [/quote] Can't you just write the Midi data in to trigger the sound/patch ? [until you get the Keyboard sorted] Garry
  22. [quote name='DrBike' timestamp='1324846364' post='1478105'] Cheers - that's the kind of thing I was hoping to hear [/quote] Use the Free VST's sticky. Quite a few links of some very good free Software [Sims/FX etc] [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/77603-free-vsts/"]http://basschat.co.uk/topic/77603-free-vsts/[/url] Garry
  23. ECO has a really nice FX section within the mixer. Everything in the box really. Kit sound wise, they both sound great. For me the FX is the swinger with ECO. But hey at £29.00, a real bargain regardless. Garry
  24. [quote name='Paul S' timestamp='1324581234' post='1475979'] Garry - keep reading, the other 6 appear lower down under the Youtube link... [/quote] Yep i know mate - just jesting... I thought six bars of applause for a Bass solo is better than everyone just 'piling in'. Garry
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