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Everything posted by lowdown

  1. [quote name='Paul S' timestamp='1324579804' post='1475953'] I finish the 'solos' with my off the cuff, pre-arranged and much rehearsed solo, for the first 12 then in the second do 6 bars of something I nicked from 'A Packet of Three' live version of 'I don't Need No Doctor' [/quote] So that leaves six bars for a round of applause then ? Garry
  2. [quote name='jonsmith' timestamp='1324578652' post='1475927'] He actually does this at least once on the studio version too. [/quote] I think there has been a few threads on Basschat & Talkbass over the years about that. About time it appeared again... Garry
  3. [quote name='warwickhunt' timestamp='1324574449' post='1475843'] is it just me though but does TB occasionally go into the chorus refrain early? Not that it matters as it fits harmonically but if it is then it's an even better representation of 'live' music! [/quote] Yep, he did.... Still an enjoyable watch though. Garry
  4. [quote name='TimR' timestamp='1324557552' post='1475529'] Busk it. Have fun! [/quote] This............................. Garry
  5. [quote name='sixdegrees' timestamp='1324428529' post='1474263'] I recently depped for a band hired to play a birthday gig. And flatly refused to play the birthday boy's request for 'Zombie' by the Cranberries. I'd like know that I can leave each gig with at least some integrity intact. [/quote] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Wrong thread Jaco.[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]" Things you play for Money"[/font][/color]
  6. Another fan of Al Jarreau here. Good oldie Groove here. The great Pops Popwell with the Crusaders. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sUs1heMlxto[/media] Garry
  7. [quote name='Chris Horton' timestamp='1324420047' post='1474147'] These guys are amazing !!!!!!!! The bass solo is flawless , I love it [/quote] Agreed. I have been listening to these guys for a while and they Groove really hard. Of course all been done before back in the 80's with the likes of Jeff Lorber, Bobby Lyle and others, But with this band using the vocal approach, adds a great touch. Garry
  8. Wey hey - nice start to the day. Cheers for that one. Garry
  9. [quote name='silddx' timestamp='1323972317' post='1469437'] You sound like a man with a plan! Very best of luck! [/quote] This is always good. I had one this morning............ Keep the feck away from Basschat. BIG FAIL. Garry
  10. [quote name='MusicLover20015' timestamp='1323969468' post='1469396'] Well i guess i should say thanks for all the opinions on this topic, and NO i have not been trolling or hiding behind the sofa. I think i have mentioned before that as well as playing bass i also do the tech side, meaning using logic, sampling etc etc. Also i wouldn't mind teaching. Its the Musical career which i want to follow. Also Im not going to university just for the paper as many of you think. Im going because i know i will get taught by some great musicians, i will increase upon my theory even more and more so make those contacts everyone is mentioning. At the end of the day I think that whatever choice I make will be the right one, im not looking to get that mansion or the ferrari. Just a nice lifestyle, be able to stand on my feet and look after my parents when they get older. Thats all i want. [/quote] You are going for all the right reasons. Enjoy, have a good time - and good luck with it all. Garry
  11. [quote name='AndyBob09' timestamp='1323966074' post='1469327'] "Shadows and Light". The work on it is phenomenal. [/quote] Yep for sure. For an extra couple of quid, the DVD is really worth - clearly a band having a great time with the tunes. Garry
  12. [quote name='jakenewmanbass' timestamp='1323962091' post='1469248'] I for one would not attempt to speak advisedly (certainly not to the extent of offering advice) on global economic matters just because I have a bank account, but quite a few chaps seem to think they have a handle on the music industry because they own a bass [/quote] On another note Jake - Westminster council has just had an attack of this sh*ts after hearing about 'Possible High Court action' Must have been that letter you sent them. [i]'Parking update[/i] [i]You may have read in the press about Westminster's plans to introduce new parking charges, in a small area of central London on evenings and Sunday afternoons, from January 2012. The council has now postponed the implementation of these proposed policies until after the Olympic and Paralympic Games next year, following a High Court decision to consider the proposals in more detail through a judicial review.[/i] [i]London faces many challenges in 2012 and we do not wish this public debate to become a distraction to preparations for the Diamond Jubilee and the Olympic and Paralympic Games. Westminster has an important part to play in both these national celebrations and will be devoting substantial effort to making them both a success.[/i] [i]As a result of this we have decided to postpone implementation of the new parking rules until after the Olympics even if we are successful at the Judicial Review hearing'[/i] [i]Garry[/i]
  13. [quote name='leftybassman392' timestamp='1323957838' post='1469163'] Either that or the weight of all this 'good advice' has scared the living sh*t out of him, and he's hiding behind the nearest sofa. [/quote] [i]"I just wanted to get some views from you guys who [b]are all musicians[/b] and what you think about this ?"[/i] Or perhaps his assumption of Basschat was just wrong. Garry
  14. [quote name='Bilbo' timestamp='1323949526' post='1468972'] Actually, if you want to be picky, the version being played is the one off Shadows and Light with Jaco, Pat Metheny on guitar, Lyle Mays (kyb), Don Alias (dr) and Mike Brecker. [/quote] Yep - and if anyone is confused, the audience participation on the intro kinda gives it away.
  15. lowdown


    [quote name='crez5150' timestamp='1323947968' post='1468947'] Indeed..... all is revealed in my latest book..... How to earn money as a musician. Just e-mail me £25 via paypal and you too can learn the secrets of this closed door secret sect. ;o) [/quote] That sounds like a cool deal - i will Email one hundred Musicians and tell them to forward the message to another one hundred musicians.... If they fail to do this, it will result in a penny less life and a life time of Bass lessons with Peter Hook. Garry
  16. lowdown


    [quote name='crez5150' timestamp='1323946518' post='1468918'] I wouldn't use them..... Never had a good experience, even with some of the very well known ones. Based on this years gigs..... We would have given away nearly £17,000 in commission if we had been using one..... rather split that between the band members or put it back into the business. [/quote] I think you should put together some kind of lecture mate - 'How to earn Money as a Musician' There is another thread going on up top somewhere about you can't earn money as a Musician... Good show old chap regarding paying [or not paying] commission to people who make one Phone call or Email. Garry
  17. [quote name='lonestar' timestamp='1323944431' post='1468876'] and I think that Wilton Felder [b](Crusaders trumpet player)[/b] played bass on some of this album but not necessarily on this track. He also played the lovely part on Jackson 5's I want you back but I digress. [/quote] You are correct in that Wilton Felder did play an Instrument that is blown................... But in fact it is the Saxophone, and to be more precise - Tenor. Garry
  18. [quote name='oldslapper' timestamp='1323937303' post='1468770'] There's more for you at the end of a music degree than you may think. Music teacher, music therapist, theatre work, cruise ship work, publishing houses, music journalism, production, film/tv scores, sales, etc. If you're prepared to study for 4 years, and study something you love, and have already demonstrated a level of dedication to by achieving your rock school grade 8, then go for it. The other thing about music courses, is that they often have "industry people" as lecturers, or the like, coming in for master classes.[i] It's a chance to be noticed, ask questions and rub shoulders with like minded people, who will sharpen you up and give you some direction.[/i] All the best mate, go for it and don't listen to the naysayers. [/quote] All this for me............... I left school at 16 to start a career in music, i am 54 now and still going strong [have a house, family, car and go on holidays] Things in the business have changed, and always will. It's up to you to change with it and keep on top of it. Being a full time Musician means you are usually in an environment of Musicians constantly, or people in the business, which means opportunities tend to present themselves more. Don't just settle for being an Electric Bassist alone, add other Musical skills to your arsenal. The more work you put in, the chances are the rewards will be better. Going to Uni or other Musical teaching establishments is a great chance to immerse yourself in the whole Musical environment, and a chance to[b] make contacts [/b]with is a very important thing. Garry
  19. [quote name='Cosmo Valdemar' timestamp='1323550401' post='1464558'] Five minutes away! EXCELLENT!!!! Expect to see LOTS of me come new year. [/quote] Five minutes to get through Dartford toll - you are having a laugh ain't you ? Garry
  20. Very nice playing - and very vocal like phrasing. A nice listen that. Garry
  21. [quote name='leftybassman392' timestamp='1323448057' post='1463570'] Now watch someone ask if there's a page with tab for a 5-stringer! [/quote] I am sure they can be accommodated at 'Toys R Us' me thinks. Garry
  22. Good news for us Essex boys. I can now tell my wife i am nipping down to IKEA at Thurrock to get a wardrobe, And come back with an 8x10 and say i left my glasses at home. Garry
  23. Sorry for the hijack... Nice Bass playing on this [Good arrangements again] [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aiX-BE9uyVg&feature=related"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aiX-BE9uyVg&feature=related[/url] Garry
  24. [quote name='molan' timestamp='1323180524' post='1460176'] [b]I'm a huge Philly soul fan[/b], haven't listened to Ghetto Child for years - have it playing right now [/quote] To be honest so am I. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l6Vcu-_tZkQ"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l6Vcu-_tZkQ[/url] Garry
  25. [quote name='crez5150' timestamp='1323168853' post='1459944'] I've used Steve as Dep a few times..... he is a stunning keys player. I remember the first time he played.... he turned up with this proper rubbish monitoring set up... and I thought oh god... but he absolutely blew me away with his playing and also his insight into using the correct settings for what was required on short notice. [/quote] Yer he is a great player, i used to work with him quite a lot on various things. But i have not seen him for about 5 years. Although he did contact me through linkedin not so long back. Quite a CV has Steve. [And quite a set of listening ears as well] [url="http://www.myspace.com/steveturnerkeys"]http://www.myspace.com/steveturnerkeys[/url] Garry
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