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Everything posted by lowdown

  1. If i remember there is not much to do in this show, In fact you will sit around the pit and...erm.....do little. Garry
  2. [quote name='Pete Academy' post='1152937' date='Mar 7 2011, 08:33 PM']Why do you think they suck?[/quote] A Sexual urge? Garry
  3. [quote name='dood' post='1151981' date='Mar 6 2011, 10:24 PM']Reaper is fantastic. I love it and yes, it's nice and light on the system too. However, you can still run 32 bit software, drivers and plugins on a 64bit OS. W7 has 'bridging' to enable it.[/quote] Also 32 bit software can access 4 gig ram on a 64 bit system [well Cubase does - so i presume the others do] XP 32 bit could take 4 gig ram, but you could never get that for various reasons..... You had to use the 3 gig switch, and that would only get you 3 gig if you were lucky, and usually less 2.75 i think. This small programme is the most successful at the moment for consistent 32/64 bit plug in bridge. [url="http://jstuff.wordpress.com/jbridge/"]http://jstuff.wordpress.com/jbridge/[/url] Garry
  4. [quote name='thebrig' post='1151958' date='Mar 6 2011, 10:11 PM']First thing I'm going to do is install windows7, 64 bit version, after speaking to a few computer boffins, they seem to think it should make a big difference to the performance, and it would allow me to add another 2GB of RAM if needed.[/quote] i went W7 64 OS and 64 bit machine, Quad core AMD & 8 gig of good RAM, and it was not that expensive, although that was desktop. To be honest that would be a great move. Most of the DAW's all have the option of 64 bit software, And most of the Audio interfaces have 64 bit drivers. If you need any help PM your email, or if you want to chat on the phone no problem. Garry
  5. [quote name='thebrig' post='1151876' date='Mar 6 2011, 08:56 PM']Thanks for the info Garry, and also to all the basschatters for the advice and help, it's very much appreciated. Would I be better off ditching Sonar and perhaps try using something a little less heavy on the system, maybe Reaper which I also have?[/quote] No need to ditch Sonar [ its a great DAW with plenty of features, and lots of good on board stuff] But you might want to tweek up the Laptop. Vista with S8 does have its problems, but its easily fixable. First of go and check out my second link - its the sweetwater one...its aimed at Vista & Audio. Your Laptop should do the job what you are aiming for. Have you got all the update patches for Sonar 8 [ i think there are a couple for that version] Garry
  6. [quote name='flyfisher' post='1151616' date='Mar 6 2011, 04:46 PM']I've been using a bog-standard Dell Optiplex 3GHz P4 running WinXP and 1.5GB RAM to record up to 9 tracks simultaneously and replay up to 16, all over a firewire link. I've not encountered any latency problems and the "resources" indicator in my DAW software rarely goes over 50%. It can be done.[/quote] Yep it can be done, and has been done for years, but track count recording and the amount of Audio files/tracks have not been the problem.. [Apart from Audio interface limitations etc] Its the use of plug ins, VST's, soft synths etc... they get heavy on the system.... Of course there are work a rounds, rendering, bouncing , freezing.... These days vendors are upping software specs to match the computer specs, and it all starts to become heavy weather... which i think is the OP's take on it all. And his DAW [Sonar] likes to take its toll on the machine.... Garry
  7. A couple of links here that might be of use. One is for checking latency on your machine, and how it performs [or don't] [url="http://www.thesycon.de/deu/latency_check.shtml"]http://www.thesycon.de/deu/latency_check.shtml[/url] The other is all the tweeks to get your PC up to top performance for Audio recording. It says for VISTA - but is good for W7 as well. [url="http://www.sweetwater.com/sweetcare/ts/detail.php?Index=31969&Keyword=vista+optimizedfalse"]http://www.sweetwater.com/sweetcare/ts/det...+optimizedfalse[/url] Garry
  8. [quote name='crez5150' post='1151426' date='Mar 6 2011, 01:16 PM']Thought it was Geddy's brother....[/quote] Nah....The real Lee's are all Chop sticks and Slap chops. Garry
  9. [quote name='hillbilly deluxe' post='1151386' date='Mar 6 2011, 12:34 PM']Lee has recorded and/or toured with many artists including Bette Midler, The Brecker Brothers, Barry Manilow, Tatsuro Yamashita, Mariah Carey, Carly Simon, George Benson, Bob Mintzer, Steely Dan, Donald Fagen, B.B. King, Cat Stevens, Michael Bolton, Ringo Starr, Gloria Estefan & the Miami Sound Machine, Cyndi Lauper, James Brown, Cher, Al Green, Billy Joel, Liza Minnelli, Frank Sinatra, Carl Perkins, Kiss's Ace Frehley, Barbra Streisand, Diana Ross, David Sanborn, Spyro Gyra, Ricky Martin, Natalie Cole, Roy Buchanan and others. Oh i see,a bit of a nobody then ? [/quote] Sticky Cream Bun coming your way...... Garry
  10. [quote name='hillbilly deluxe' post='1151311' date='Mar 6 2011, 11:33 AM']Who's Will Lee ?[/quote] Son of Bruce Lee. Garry
  11. The problem is people tend to overlook the main thing - Computer spec. If you are going to do heavy duty recording, get a heavy duty Audio ready spec Computer. Research what pc/mac works with what audio interface etc. It really is not one shoe fits all. Processors, quality Ram, External drives for the Audio files, dedicated graphic cards, Mobos etc...it all plays a part with the latency thing. Vista is not the best OS on the problem front. If you google Audio Tweeks, there are plenty of sites for easy fine tuning of the OS.... Turning of eye candy and various other rubbish that comes with windows. Anti Virus software and all other amounts of nonsense. A good USB interface is just as good as Firewire [but then again research will tell you what ones] Problem with Laptops is you are going to miss out on PCI/PCIe Audio cards. They in general tend to out perform USB/FW. DAW software often gets blamed for problems, Cubase is crap. Sonar is crap...use Live etc.... But quite often down to the Machine. So in a word - if you are on a budget it can be a hassle. Garry
  12. Will Lee in the Fab Faux Abbey Road Medley Part 3. Let the Bun fight commence. I think they sound great....But then i like Will Lee.... Garry
  13. [quote name='mrpink1991' post='1151095' date='Mar 6 2011, 02:02 AM']Garry, Thanks for the crit! The beams are set by my very old copy of Sibelius automatically. Yours looks great! Purely out of interest, how do you plan on performing the tune in the original key on the gig? Retune, ERB or octave up? Cheers again! Mr Pink[/quote] Hi Mr Pink. I am not doing the gig, On board band/house band...so the bassist should have a 5 string. But i will do an alt part for the Bass - but with just the Eb section up an octave. The whole thing up the octave will sound a bit week. Because there are 3 tunes involved, i am just in the sketching stage at the moment, things will more than likely get changed [ doh...singers!] I am using Finale 2011...things have moved on since Sibelius 4.[and are much easier] The new Sibelius looks great, but i have been using Finale for years so will stick with it. I think you can get demos of Sibelius, or at least cut down versions.. Sibelius do great educational discounts, so worth checking out. Garry
  14. Oh Dear.... He was a fantastic player - and great sound. Garry
  15. Great for a newbie scorer. Although i would beam the 16th notes within the beat sub division, as opposed to going over the beat - easier to read. I am in the middle of doing a 'Rick Astley' Medley for a Cabaret act doing the ships in the summer, so this post caught my eye. The first tune up is 'Never gonna give you up'...Lol I think we are both on the right track - although mine is in the written key. [attachment=73997:Never_Go...p___Bass.pdf] Garry
  16. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' post='1150188' date='Mar 5 2011, 01:07 AM']the more I learn the more I get it,[/quote] I have just read four pages on all this - some eloquently put together. But none hit the point like that. Garry
  17. [quote name='AndyBob09' post='1148627' date='Mar 3 2011, 05:28 PM']Hey Basschatters, It may be long shot but does anybody have a transcription of Jaco's line on "In France They Kiss On Main Street" from Joni Mitchell's Shadows and Light album? I've been looking into it but am a total amateur at transcription. Any help would be much appreciated. Cheers, Andy[/quote] I can't help with the chart... But what a great tune with Jaco & Pat Metheny rockin' out. Garry
  18. [quote name='Bilbo' post='1148541' date='Mar 3 2011, 04:20 PM']But if you are a player who wants to have a long and creative career with all the tools available to you, take a look at the stuff and see where it takes you.[/quote] I agree with that, and after reading through another thread about getting sacked, i started to wonder why so many people were getting the sack so often. and blaming it on the band, or saying 'i am crap'.Then maybe not thinking 'why am i crap'? and doing something about it. But no, it always seems to be the fault of others. Just an observation from another thread that seems to have Similarities with this thread. Garry
  19. [quote name='leschirons' post='1148055' date='Mar 3 2011, 09:37 AM']His final comment was " and I think we should think about adding Brass in pocket to the set list for the future"[/quote] Maybe his French was not so good, and he was talking about doing paid gigs in the future? Good luck with the Audition. Garry
  20. [quote name='Fat Rich' post='1147530' date='Mar 2 2011, 07:11 PM'][i]Edit[/i]: It's like typing by closing your eyes and randomly pressing keys until you've got roughly enough letters on screen in roughly the right places. Then going back and fixing them till they spell out what you were thinking.[/quote] Yep but in the case of the OP's Guitarist [Or his Keyboard player], we are talking just two note. A or Ab. [F or Fm] FCUK me! Even Van Gogh would be hard pressed not to hear that. Garry
  21. [quote name='Dave Vader' post='1147351' date='Mar 2 2011, 05:01 PM']Okay, guitar player (as always) narked me off the other night as he said he hated musicians that go on and on about theory all the time.[/quote] Just the mention of F or Fm is theory in itself. If he hates Musicians for using chord terms, maybe its back to the bedroom on his lonesome me thinks. Garry
  22. [quote name='silddx' post='1146609' date='Mar 2 2011, 12:03 AM']I now have the most sumptuous, gorgeous, utterly lovely tones from my bass !! I can't tell you how beautiful it feels to want to play every note to its maximum effect. It's making me play differently, more sensitively, more simply. Everything I play feels like what I remember it being like on a lovely mushy trip in the 1980s (probably a bad thing to say, sorry!). I take delight in the simplest things, a simple octave, a grace note, a ghost, a tinkling of harmonics, a simple accent. It's wonderful, like fireworks going off in my head, to paraphrase Blue Oyster Cult. Coupled with the beautiful neck on my new Fender Jap Jazz, I could not be happier![/quote] Good grief...! What have you been playing the last x amount of years? A Banjo... Garry
  23. [quote name='krth1985' post='1145919' date='Mar 1 2011, 03:41 PM']I dont want to come across as moaning, and being ungrateful, but (!) there's a few things niggling away at me and i get in the mood where i think i should leave because being in the band is just not fun anymore. Here's my reasons. - No camaraderie. Not at rehearsals, or at a gig. Feels like 5 individuals, not 1 band. -Singer and lead guitarist saying drummer is too loud. I dont agree. In small venues he will be loud, theres no volume knob on the drums. Yet this is always brought up, and the drummer cant get through to them that he doesnt play loud, drums are just a loud instrument. He does have something which he puts on his shells to dampen the sound slightly (big plastic rings?) - Too much negativity. Constantly being told at soundcheck before gigs that we sound sh*t (by singer). That we "murder" this song and that. Also I feel like i am being watched and my performance monitored. After every gig there is an email that goes out. 99% of it is negative. - Too much pressure. Lead guitarist constantly going on about stage presence and we need to move about more. Its not my thing, and i'd feel awkward doing it. Plus, we are not that type of band. Plus its hard to enjoy yourself after the above comment. Also comments on dynamics. Gives each part of a song a rating out of 10 for dynamics. What the difference between 7 or 8 is i dont know... - Timekeeping. Singer is always late. For both rehearsals and gigs. Not by 5 or ten minutes, but by 30 minutes plus. Last gig we did was friday. We needed to be there early to soundcheck. Everyone was down there for 6pm. I didnt finish work till 6 so said i'd be down for 7. After a long 12 hour day at the end of the week not ideal, but i rushed around, got my stuff together and i was there for 7. Singer rolls in 30-40 minutes after me. - Arguments over upcoming EP. We are finishing off the 4 track EP this weekend. The songs were decided without me (i had to work but put forward my choice of 4 or 5 songs). After everyone else met up with the producer they all decided on 4 songs, 3 of which i had hoped to do anway so all was good. Now as of last week the signer kicks up a fuss about the new lyrics for one of the tracks. I said i wasnt involved in the final decision making process, so why didnt u say something then? He shrugged. I said who actually voted for the song? Turns out only me and the lead guitarist. So i said why are we recording it then? I then pointed out that we have tracked demos for these songs, and the producer is expecting us to do this song. Saying your not happy about the song a week before we enter the studio is pointless. His reply was "f*** it, we will just do it". So we will all be recording this song knowing that the singer isnt bothered about it. - Appreciation for the promoter/soundman/other bands etc - He never says thanks to so and so for playing, or thanks to promoter for putting on this gig, or thanks to the fans for coming to see us, or thanks to said band for letting us on the bill with them. When we brought it up he said "if someone wants to say something they should get a mic." - The booking of gigs. The singer thinks some of the gigs we do "turn off potential fans". These are your usual 4 band line-up at a venue thats established for live music. - but yet tried booking us to play a 60th birthday party? We are not a covers band by the way. He also refused to book gigs now because "knobody gets back to him". By that he means he agrees to a gig thinking everyone will be ok with it and gets pissed off when someone says they cant make it. - Band website - It was agreed a few months ago that I would re-design the website as it looked sh*te basically. I am in no way a professional, but i did 2 years of it at college, (and ran my own websites after leaving college for a bit of pocket money) and and i am proficient enough to come up with a decent website. The next day, the website had changed again. I now no longer give out our website address! and -Singers vocals. Really grates on me now. I'm not much of a fan of Oasis, but he is. Can you tell? (but i dont think i can count that as a reason) Does this sound like a happy functioning band? Or a band that will soon implode? Or is it just me nit picking???? [/quote] And all this without wifes and girl friends getting involved.... Garry
  24. [quote name='chris_b' post='1145289' date='Mar 1 2011, 12:10 AM']The bass on Je T'aime was played by Russ Stableford.[/quote] Ok sorry, my mistake - i was just going on what i was told in the past. Interesting little discussion going on here about those session days [ including input from family members] It might have already been posted, but if not.... [url="http://freakytrigger.co.uk/ft/2006/07/the-love-affair-everlasting-love/"]http://freakytrigger.co.uk/ft/2006/07/the-...erlasting-love/[/url] Garry
  25. [quote name='Sawtooth' post='1144982' date='Feb 28 2011, 09:02 PM']Yeah, not sure where I read about Flowers now, it was some time ago when I first bought the album. Either way it's some really individual playing and a tone to die for. I'd recommend anyone to check the album out. [/quote] The clue might be with Jean-Claude Vannier - who pretty much wrote all the music [ bit i did read somewhere ages ago that Herbie Flowers was involved in that also] Jean Claude Vannier used Brian Odgers a lot for all those lavish string laden productions [Jane Birkin & Serge Gainsbourg - Je T'aime to name one] Vannier liked to credit band members - so Google him and you might find out... I can't be arsed at the moment. You can get that sound with a Jazz Bass, Flats and a heavy duty pick played up by the neck. Garry
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