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Everything posted by lowdown

  1. When you do a show with lots of dancing girls - learn to hold your stomach in. Garry
  2. [quote name='Blademan_98' post='1086777' date='Jan 12 2011, 03:07 PM']I then read in a self help book that if you omit the third / flat third you can use a pattern in either major or minor key.[/quote] It can/does work outside of Rock & Roll. But take on board what Bilbo and Doddy said. Garry
  3. Also back in the days - Demo sessions of possible 'Hit Songs' were very common, Which CK did loads, sometime these sessions were note for note. People in the past laid claim to tracks because of this. I have read at various times, quotes from Musicians who were on the session - and said it was JJ. But who knows....or cares.... it was still a great tune and Bass line. Apart from note choices there is also a difference in sound between the two of them. Mysteries of the Motown days......spooky! Thanks for the chart - although i seem to have about 20 different charts for this toon. Garry
  4. [quote name='Happy Jack' post='1088471' date='Jan 13 2011, 07:22 PM']At the risk of sounding petty, aren't they discriminating against the able-bodied?[/quote] And the dope fiends. Garry
  5. Not sure where this one stands. A def leppard tribute Band advertising today.... "Seeking one-armed drummer (no prostetics). Must have pro gear, flame retardent kit and stick. No dope fiends - if your wired your fired!!! So if your ready to get rockin' call us!! Let's pour some sugar on Dallas".... THEIR words not MINE, I might add. [url="http://new.uk.music.yahoo.com/blogs/behind_the_music/46123/def-leppard-tribute-bands-at-war/"]http://new.uk.music.yahoo.com/blogs/behind...e-bands-at-war/[/url] Garry
  6. I managed to see one of his shows last year. Its a really good night out - very funny. Garry
  7. [quote name='Doddy' post='1088256' date='Jan 13 2011, 04:28 PM']But then you are apparently discriminating against those who don't wear Tartan trousers or play sessions. [/quote] Thats true. Also they are both professions in their own right of course...... That require nerves of steel and a lot of front. Garry
  8. [quote name='tauzero' post='1088000' date='Jan 13 2011, 01:59 PM']"Enthusiasm more important than ability".[/quote] I would have thought Tartan trousers and a team of session players would have been the requirement. Garry
  9. [quote name='redstriper' post='1085554' date='Jan 11 2011, 02:44 PM']I have recorded up to 16 tracks at once with no problem and overdubs have a [b]0.008 ms[/b]. latency, which is hardly audible and easily compensated for post recording.[/quote] So can the Alesis firewire multimix run as low as 64 [or 128] sample buffers [I presume you record at 24 bit/44.100 khz] on the Toshiba with no pops and clicks at that latency? Because thats pretty good [excellent] if you can. Garry
  10. [b]What a great price...[/b] I dont suppose your house is up for sale? Garry
  11. Interesting Ebay sale here.... [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Eric-Ball-Electric-Bass-Guitar-/280611245850"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Eric-Ball-Electric-B...r-/280611245850[/url] Garry
  12. [quote name='Mog' post='1082009' date='Jan 8 2011, 12:37 PM']Because in the cover band theres only 3 other guys to piss off by throwing in a bit of improv. Now imagine the look on the faces of the 7 other bassists in the orchestra as you tear off on a wee tangent during Der fliegende Hollander.[/quote] Not to mention the raging lunatic of a Conductor, and the brassed bra Lynit being chased by a Flying Dutchman on a winged Horse. All down to discipline really [Or lack of it] Garry
  13. [quote name='Mog' post='1081978' date='Jan 8 2011, 12:12 PM']Unless its a classical piece I'll put the odd twist on a tune 99% of the time.[/quote] Why does it make a difference to you being a Classical piece ? Just curious.. Garry
  14. I kinda get the Guitarists point of view. He might not think to his ears that it fits or sits. Why would you want to mess with Good Times? using double stops [however short] Bored of playing it maybe? showing you know two notes from the A7 chord? Just looking at it from his point of view. He might be having the same rant on Guitarchat about you right now..... Garry
  15. Many years ago at Collage, i was given some tips while getting sight reading together. This is aimed more at Piano playing, but it is the same fundamentals that good Bass teachers would share.[And is on Alun's blog] There might be more these days, and is. But like you said immerse yourself as much as you can. [url="http://www.soundfeelings.com/free/music-reading.htm"]http://www.soundfeelings.com/free/music-reading.htm[/url] Garry
  16. [quote name='bubinga5' post='1081476' date='Jan 7 2011, 08:01 PM']Well, she is a solo artist... isnt that the point... Would you say that of Victor Wooten?[/quote] She is great, and a top draw singer as well. I like the comment on the first video.. "That bass is almost as big as she is, but she is handling it like a pro" Priceless... Garry
  17. [quote name='KevB' post='1081030' date='Jan 7 2011, 01:35 PM']That said you could probably give Clarke a length of 2 by 4 with four wires nailed to it and he'd get some thing interesting out of it. [/quote] That sounds like a mull-tie string Tea Chest Bass. Garry
  18. lowdown

    Free DAWs

    [quote name='Tait' post='1080216' date='Jan 6 2011, 06:10 PM']Garry, I bought this today, but I can't seem to find a DAW on the disc. What's it called? Thanks! EDIT: oh, I think I've found it now! Propellerhead? I'm installing it anyway, I'll have a look.[/quote] There should be their own Seq/DAW on there somewhere. You might have to go through the folders. If you get stuck, all you need to navigate is on their website. [url="http://www.musicradar.com/computermusic/computer-music-160-january-issue-on-sale-now-335910"]http://www.musicradar.com/computermusic/co...sale-now-335910[/url] Garry
  19. Just done some business with Matt. Nice and easy as it should be. Well packaged and quick postage. You wont go wrong dealing with Matt. Garry
  20. [quote name='algmusic' post='1079686' date='Jan 6 2011, 11:56 AM']just common sense.[/quote] This.... Garry
  21. [quote name='Bilbo' post='1055727' date='Dec 12 2010, 09:59 AM']All smacks of derivative blues licks played very loud and with a very clumsy technique. Sorry but I don't rate Entwhistle at all and didn't even when I was into rock music as a teenager. The Who had their good days but Entwhistle was, for me as a developing player, pretty irrelevant. The videos embedded here offer nothing to challenge my view. Another one of the 'greats' who is only great because they played with one of the more popular bands and not because they offered anything particularly interesting. At best, it could be argued that his was a unique voice but, frankly, like Lemmy, that would be because noone else would actually want to play like that. And I can't believe anyone actually [i]wants[/i] to get that tone? But what do I know? [/quote] I hope the rest of 2011 is as good as that. Garry
  22. Just seen this...[Wrong spelling in the post title by the way ] R.I.P He did some great playing in the AB band around the 80's period. I think there is some You tube stuff around with Airto Moreira which is great [amongst others] Also the interview / seminar with Lenny White on Youtube is interesting. Garry
  23. lowdown

    Free DAWs

    [quote name='Tait' post='1079031' date='Jan 5 2011, 07:20 PM']That sounds great! I'll have to have a look in my local WH Smiths or something. I assume from your post you buy it? Where do you get it from? Thanks![/quote] Smiths etc.... You pay for the mag, but after that no licence fee's etc.... Just use as you like. Dont forget the free Basschat VST's sticky. [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=77603"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=77603[/url] Garry
  24. lowdown

    Free DAWs

    Go and buy yourself Computor Music Magazine [monthly] its siv or seven squids. You will get a DVD crammed full of Vst synths and fx plugins. A sampler, A few drum modules/samplers. Oh and a very good DAW, its easy to use. You get video tutorials, and PDF tutorials. Shed loads of sample patches for the sampler. God knows how many loops, drums, gtrs, percussions and just about every instrument going. Infact every thing you need to start up. You even get Asio4all drivers if you have a sh*t sound card. All royalty free - so use it how you will. Remember its not the gear you use....its how your musical and creative brain uses it. So the software is FREE...The mag is about £6.00 or £7.00. Garry
  25. [quote name='Metalmoore' post='1077299' date='Jan 4 2011, 01:46 PM']I was going through the threads and seen this and couldnt believe it was so specific lol But yeah, i live in the IOM. I also play bass, BUT i cant say i am very good. Will definetly sent a PM your way to find out whats going on.[/quote] Nothing to do with Bass playing. He just wants to return this. Is it yours? [url="http://img145.imageshack.us/i/manxcat5big.jpg/"][/url] Uploaded with [url="http://imageshack.us"]ImageShack.us[/url] Garry
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