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Everything posted by lowdown

  1. He is quite well known as well[Jeff Berlin] He has made it onto DRIPBOOK! [url="http://www.dripbook.com/JeffBerlin/book/celebrities-i/"]http://www.dripbook.com/JeffBerlin/book/celebrities-i/[/url] Garry
  2. [quote name='BassBus' post='1075238' date='Jan 2 2011, 01:01 PM']People often mock the fact we only play one note at a time[/quote] What people? Not Musicians, well not Violin players or Viola players, Cellists, Trumpet players, Trombonists, French Horn players, Tuba's, Alto, Tenor, Soprano Saxophones, Bassoon, Oboe, Cor Anglais, English horn, Wagner Horn players. I presume you mean Saturday afternoon in the shop Guitar players [owners]. But i get your drift. Garry
  3. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' post='1075326' date='Jan 2 2011, 02:25 PM']Dont get me wrong Im not expecting him to join in I have met him and he seems too nice a bloke for that, Real passion for bass too. I wasnt egging Dave on like we would call warwickhunt in for a warwick thread I just wondered if he is a member and you say he lurks so thats that, Ta[/quote] He might well come on here and remind me how to spell [b]Sponsorship[/b] though! Garry
  4. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' post='1074928' date='Jan 2 2011, 12:40 AM']Is Dave Swift a bass chatter I wonder what his take on him would be? Maybe he works well in the band , it's no good having the best drummer if they upset the apple cart. Surely he can't be sh*te?[/quote] Why would he come on here to clarify if someone is shi#e or not? JH is happy with him, otherwise he would not have been doing the gig for God knows how many years. After all JH gets the gigs [and plenty of them] and dishes out the wonga. I have known Dave for years, [and he does lurk here , although not very often] And i do know he will not come on here and get involved in a public flogging Muso bashing/debate of work colleagues. Sure he has better things to do. Like getting yet another sponership deal. I think good on JH for a keeping TV gig going [not easy these days in the UK] - Artist wise you are never going to please evryone. Garry
  5. [quote name='obbm' post='1074089' date='Jan 1 2011, 12:43 AM']Yes I like this music however for thoose that were there, like me, was Soul Music, not R&B. 60's R&B was the Stones, the Yardbirds, The Pretty Things, The Downliners Sect, etc, etc.[/quote] I agree with that. I thought i was just about to leave this world when i noticed this... [b]"Amazon.co.uk: Girls Aloud - [u]R&B & Soul Music[/u]"[/b]... Garry
  6. [quote name='xgsjx' post='1072617' date='Dec 30 2010, 12:08 PM']They're no good for playing in a band with as the notes are hard to get & are really only for home use, just for your own pleasure".[/quote] I can think of better things to do at home "just for your own pleasure" Garry
  7. [quote name='flyfisher' post='1072204' date='Dec 29 2010, 10:15 PM']The BBC pays a PRS fee to broadcast music and businesses have to pay a PRS fee if they use a radio to receive those broadcasts on commercial premises. For example.[/quote] So Business A [BBC] pays to broadcast to it's public/customers/clients whoever, Business B-Z does not pay to promote/sell/advertise to it's clients, just piggy backs/uses what Business A has paid for? Business A might not be happy. There is different rates for different business's, then take into account what usage, IE - looped music, CD's, DVD's,just occasional jingles, Radio etc etc... It is a bit more complicated than "it's already been paid for once". It would be ok for person[s] B-Z to illegally download music, because somewhere along the line person A has already paid for it then? I am not trying to be Argumentative, just trying to get my head around it.. I have been a PRS member for over ten years, and i still dont understand it all... If you go to the PRS-MCPS site you can get a detailed breakdown on why/how it works - well, in their eyes anyway. And up to this point it's still the most workable option for the Musician. Garry
  8. [quote name='Davetbass' post='1070050' date='Dec 27 2010, 12:31 PM']For trade a Levenson Blade b4 in violet burst. It looks black in most lights but the violet shows in natural light. Active with tunable trim pots for the tone circuit it's had the frets levelled and set up with ernie balls. The front of the bass is in great condition for it's age (1991) but the back has damage to the finish by a previous owner. Never bothered me but I've tidied it up with some black sticky back plastic anyway. Bought this for a band that never got going and it's gathering dust now. At 14lbs it's no lightweight but sounds amazing if your back can cope with it. Most "real" men can play these with no problems and probably also own lead lined Musicman Stingrays anyway Tradewise I'd like a good quality 4 or 5 string. Active with a maple fretboard prefferably but not essentially Can add cash your way for the right bass. Thanks for looking... [attachment=67159:Levinson_Blade_001.jpg] [attachment=67278:IMG_0056.JPG] [attachment=67160:Levinson_Blade_003.jpg] [attachment=67279:IMG_0055.jpg] [attachment=67277:IMG_0057.JPG] [attachment=67280:IMG_0053.jpg] Edit: For new pics[/quote] Whats the board on the Blade - is it Rosewood, Ebony etc? Garry
  9. [quote name='flyfisher' post='1071961' date='Dec 29 2010, 06:09 PM']Charging one body to broadcast something and then charging another body to listen to that broadcast is, in my world, charging twice.[/quote] Where does this happen ? I am not sure what you are saying. Garry
  10. [quote name='Pete Academy' post='1071240' date='Dec 28 2010, 08:31 PM']To me it sounds like inexperienced and underpants staff or long-in-the-tooth cynical ones. I would never treat customers like that.[/quote] Fixed. And you are right on all counts. Garry
  11. [quote name='jakesbass' post='1071678' date='Dec 29 2010, 12:51 PM']Interesting that in both the cited cases of PRS being over the top that they have gone on to admit over zealousness and withdrawn their case. That looks like responsible management of policy to me, it also shows humility, which I would seek from a representative body. I suppose we just see what we want to see in these things. I tend to look for the best examples and work from that point. I'm probably a bit idealistic It's a shame that the same sort of humility cannot (it seems) be shown by those with slings and arrows.[/quote] Both negative cases told so far [In this thread] are old cases that are extreme and quite clearly silly[PRS-MCPS] I am surprised the singing mechanic and his small repair garage has not appeared/been posted yet. You get extremes in all walks of life, it does not make the entire population of the World idiots [ or maybe we are ] Another thing that goes unnoticed with the media and PRS-MCPS, is the donations to charities, free workshops/seminars, donations and funds to under privilaged Musicians and countless other stuff. But hey, some of us are just greedy Musicians possibly represented by companies on the take, so stuff the lady shelf stacking. As for spotify and You Tube - They pay Broadcast fee's to PRS-MCPS and possibly other countries from around the globe. Garry
  12. [quote name='skankdelvar' post='1070984' date='Dec 28 2010, 02:36 PM']When I worked in radio I had plenty of opportunities to observe the PRS at work. Their monitoring procedures were scrupulous to the point of microscopicity. Which should please musos everywhere. And their demeanour was entirely cordial and helpful. PRS levies are not particularly exorbitant compared to the other overheads necessary to run a broadcasting operation. They are regarded by most broadcasters as being quite reasonable. And, as I'm sure you know, UK terrestrial radio is free-to-air. It costs the mug-punters [i]nothing[/i] beyond the initial cost of their radio and their TV license - the funds from which support the BBC. It is probable that shopkeepers include their PRS license in their overhead budget. Much as they do the cost of heating, light etc. Research has proven that in-store music "enhances the retail experience". Anyone who plays music in their premises - be they the mighty Tesco or old Mr Bun the baker - flogs more product. Why should they evade remunerating the musicians who have contributed to their incrementally greater success? In the (very) old days, musicians objected to the fact that they were effectively being ripped off. The PRS was the answer to that and its objectives are wholly laudable. It seems to be the view of a minority that - based on a few bizarre niggles out of countless transactions - the PRS is a bad thing. Nothing could be further from the truth. It is the musician's friend. Some may disagree. I challenge them to present a viable alternative. [/quote] All this......and very well said. Garry
  13. [quote name='Norris' post='1068702' date='Dec 24 2010, 01:17 PM']Last night my amp packed up about an hour and a half into the gig. (Waves good bye to gig money!) We'd got through the drum solo on Radar Love, then I came back in with the riff - whisper quiet drums & bass. Then, in with the vocals & guitar to do a very slow crescendo throughout the last verse - building & building the volume until finally hitting the climax on the chorus ... and suddenly the trio turned into a duo! The good vibe I'd been riding came crashing down around my ankles, to be replaced by lots of words beginning with F and B. Luckily, a kind friend in the audience happened to have a decent monitor in his van, so we had a quick break while we shifted kit around. At least the audience got to hear what it sounds like without the chap in the corner. They rarely notice until it's gone I wouldn't mind, but my amp had just come back from a 'repair & service' after packing up at a gig at an RAF base a week or two ago. That time I had to plug direct into the PA. (It was a really crap gig well before the amp packed in - that was just the icing on the cake) Anyway, please share your anecdotes of when good kit turns bad...[/quote] Seeing as it has happened a couple of times of late - could all this be down to the Drum Solo in Radar Love? Garry
  14. [quote name='redstriper' post='1066888' date='Dec 22 2010, 03:40 PM']The previous owner changed the body and board because the originals were so badly burnt by the first owner who often set fire to it as part of his stage show.[/quote] Now that does sound like Triggers Broom - with him playing it. Garry
  15. [quote name='newbass1000' post='1066230' date='Dec 21 2010, 10:25 PM']i feel like i'm not good enough to join a band just yet.[/quote] You will not know that to you have tried. Maybe think about finding some Musicians or a band local to you, that might be possibly at the same stage as you. At your age you kinda help each other along - its worth giving it ago, and you might surprise yourself. As others have said, get a good teacher if you can. Apart from getting your chops together it will motivate you. Edit - what part of the country are you? Garry
  16. Looks like i am the cycle of fourths. Next post should answer your question. Garry
  17. I suppose at the end of the day [ from my point of view really]. Its better to be asked 'Can you take it down the Octave?' Rather than 'Can you take it up the Octave?' Garry
  18. [quote name='keeponehandloose' post='1064917' date='Dec 20 2010, 06:58 PM']I beleive it is now illegal practice to stipulate age/gender limitations in employment ads.Surely they would have ran this by the solicitors before posting here.[/quote] Solictors and the PC brigade should visit a Panto - Boy's/men as Dames, Girls as principle boys. That would lead them to brain fcuk and suicide. In certain situations common sense is needed - the person placing the add knows what he wants - the person placing the add gets what he wants. After all its his Business he is running. [Of course he runs the risk on missing out, but i am sure there is some flexibility] Hope they get sorted [with someone from this site] That might encourage others looking for players to come to Basschat. Networking is the name of the game, so leave the bedrooms and jump aboard. Garry
  19. [quote name='endorka' post='1064234' date='Dec 20 2010, 02:08 AM']From an arrangement / orchestration point of view, the answer is usually "no". The reason is that when playing notes that low, you usually need another instrument to be playing the same note an octave higher. This preserves the structure of the harmonic series in the voicing of the chord at that particular moment; if you don't, then the bass note can sound "detached", and as acidbass points out, this is quite noticeable. Jennifer[/quote] This for me really - unless the tune you are playing has had the key changed for what ever the reason [usually for vocal range] IE dropped down and you still want to keep the original chord/inversion voicing. Garry
  20. [quote name='Slipperydick' post='1063867' date='Dec 19 2010, 07:05 PM']Bass Player, Bassist, Bass Guitarist etc. Which do you prefer to be called ?[/quote] Why would want to be named after a magazine? Garry
  21. [quote name='LiamPodmore' post='1064865' date='Dec 20 2010, 06:05 PM']my band myspace puts me "That humming thing in the background" Liam[/quote] Both Pups on together or a Humbucker will sort that out. Garry
  22. On my Tax returns - Musician. Not sure the taxman knows what a Bassist is. Garry
  23. [quote name='redstriper' post='1063527' date='Dec 19 2010, 02:10 PM']And what is the next step, oh wise one ?[/quote] Practise or Suicide - depending on your gear. Garry
  24. [quote name='walbassist' post='1061995' date='Dec 17 2010, 08:26 PM']Call me a soppy old git, but I'd go for Bonnie Raitt's "I can't make you love me".[/quote] You soppy old git - its a great tune.... Garry
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