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Everything posted by lowdown

  1. Great player who ever he was. Some debate over the years as to who it was. I thought it was Mark Adams, some suggest Buddy Hankerson . But hey who knows - great whoever. Great post by the way. Little debate from last year here, with a [b]couple of decent videos[/b]. [url="http://prince.org/msg/8/306920"]http://prince.org/msg/8/306920[/url] Garry
  2. [quote name='blackmn90' post='889541' date='Jul 8 2010, 02:23 PM']cheers guys, the music union one[/quote] Calling it the Music Union is pushing it a bit. But it does have its uses. [ well has for me in the past] Garry
  3. [quote name='Bilbo' post='887302' date='Jul 6 2010, 01:53 PM']I think it was mostly a product of its era (50s/60s) and is probably still lingering around in certain areas of the US.[/quote] Very much that i think. In fact the World cup winners of 1966 were referred to as "The England Football Team" And that is a term still lingering around these days. Garry
  4. [quote name='OldGit' post='886190' date='Jul 5 2010, 11:54 AM']Is he tyring to play the bass line from tabs?[/quote] He might not be reading tabs - you can not tell from the video. He might be reading penthouse, that might explain the clams he is dropping. Garry
  5. [quote name='Crazykiwi' post='885744' date='Jul 4 2010, 07:52 PM']Re: bass used, I wondered if it might have been a two pickup Gibson of some kind played on the bridge pickup. Didn't sound warm or crisp enough for a Fender.[/quote] I am sure i read somewhere in the past that it was a Gibson Les Paul Bass [borrowed] But hey who knows. Some geek will come along soon and fill us all in with what strings etc [ i hope so.. ] Garry
  6. [quote name='Oggy' post='883890' date='Jul 2 2010, 12:47 PM']I do wonder sometimes though - I thought perhaps it was a secret or I'd discovered the Holy Grail. I just love to hear those ‘metronome player’ that have a problem playing just before or after the beat to give a tune life. Oggy [/quote] I know what you meant, dont worry.. Garry
  7. [quote name='Oggy' post='883845' date='Jul 2 2010, 12:08 PM']Blues Bass Playing - All About FEEL. Oggy [/quote] I should think that would apply to any music, or Bass playing. Garry
  8. [quote name='absolutpepper' post='882335' date='Jun 30 2010, 07:51 PM']Eventually I realised that the 5 string never suited me. I didn't really see the need for a 5th string (whether Low B or High C – I tried both)[/quote] Should this bit not be in the Basses for sale section? Garry
  9. [quote name='discreet' post='882405' date='Jun 30 2010, 08:49 PM']It helps if your woman done left you, so you can wake up in the morning and find your baby gone. Ohh-woah! [/quote] Or the Epitaph for the Blues Guitarist... Dah dahdahdah dah " i didn't wake up one morning" dah dahdahdah dah... And dont forget some Roscoe Beck triple stops...Root/7th/10th's Garry
  10. Fancy joining this band..fantastic! Garry
  11. [quote name='jakesbass' post='879615' date='Jun 28 2010, 10:07 AM']As for So What, listen to the original 60 times in a row (I am deadly serious) The sound will become natural to you after a while when you have done that play through the changes slowly without really (at first) trying to stick necessarily to time or form, just investigate the sound on different parts of your bass. Then listen again... rinse and repeat slowly learning the parameters of the form and time, do that until you sound so solid on those chords that if you were hit with a hammer you wouldn't drop a beat.[/quote] This is such a good point Jake, same for learning any standard [ or any tune for that matter] Always good to do a Jazz gig without the fake book as a cruch [ apart from the odd tune you dont know] It free's up the brain.Nothing worse than trying to do a solo with your head buried in a book [ for me anyway] Reading big band charts, yep for sure - but thats another topic. Garry
  12. Starting note for the phrase is definitely D [Eb],open D on the original. and played up the 8ve. The confussion came about from the early fake books that were around years ago, when it was written with starting note E [F] for some reason and written down the octave. But then over the years amended. Someone above has said C minor starting chord, It is D minor7 [D Dorian] for sure. I have never understood when depping in function bands, when someone requests a Jazz Tooone, The Band leader always shouts out Goondance..... Good grief out of all the Tunes about why that? It clears out the dance floor and leaves 2 or 3 pi##ed up punters doing the Monty Python Ministry of funny walks. If they dont know any standards they could always use 'I will survive' and use the tune from 'Fly me to the Moon[dance]' ...well the first 8 bars anyway. Garry
  13. [quote name='dr1' post='881009' date='Jun 29 2010, 02:45 PM']Freddie is the man, have you listened him with East Bay Rhytm ( Headhunters members ) ?[/quote] Yes, and they are stonking - good call. Garry
  14. All Spain Lovers... Al Jarreau, with Steve Gadd, Ready Freddie Washington on Bass, Joe Sample + others. Lots of energy. Garry
  15. [quote name='Anvil' post='873071' date='Jun 20 2010, 10:31 PM']I spent the weekend building a shed,[/quote] So you play drums as well? Garry
  16. [quote name='BigRedX' post='874202' date='Jun 22 2010, 10:13 AM']You're best bet for sorting out all the royalty collection agencies and which ones you need to be a member of is to get advice from the MU. That's what they are there for. You are a member aren't you?[/quote] PRS-MCPS site is the best for the advice.[Thats what they are there for] MU advice on this stuff is limited, they do not do collection for royalties. [ they will point you towards PRS] And as The Major has said - possibly [b]PPL[/b] as well..... It all can mount up in payments you have earned. Garry
  17. If you live in the UK - PRS-MCPS. If its for broadcast or even some online situations [ anything media really], they will collect from other collections agencies worldwide,providing cue sheets have been registered of course. I have quite a lot of stuff with production and library companies being used world wide, And PRS do a great job of collecting. So PRS is a must. Cetera will be along at some point [ i think he has some kind of job at PRS] And his methods can be quite persuasive, boiling oil i believe . Garry
  18. [quote name='Marvin' post='868912' date='Jun 16 2010, 12:18 PM']Reading a book? A map? The collected works of Shakespeare? Or the instructions on how to get out of the lift in which they are constantly playing Jaco Pastorius - The Chicken ?[/quote] All of them. Reading a book - in the pit during show rehearsals when you are waiting for not so good readers to find the coda. A map - those out of the ways gigs in Poland. Shakespeare - long fights for the gig in Tokyo. Lift instructions - well if you dont know how to get out of a lift, you wont get The Chicken in Bb. Garry
  19. [quote name='thepurpleblob' post='868783' date='Jun 16 2010, 09:59 AM']To be fair, I haven't tried 2010. The thing that I always have trouble with it making corrections. Finale seems to always guess what you meant and gets it completely wrong. Probably user error though.[/quote] Perhaps you might be using an older version. On Finale 2010 just press on note to be corrected and press delete, or using up and down arrows changes noted by semitones. Garry
  20. [quote name='thepurpleblob' post='868771' date='Jun 16 2010, 09:42 AM']For simply entering notation I find it easier to use than Finale.[/quote] Funny how we all work differently..i find Final 2010 really easy. Number pad and mouse, and i am off....
  21. Some great stuff on Stefan Redtenbacher's site.[plenty of funky stuff] [url="http://stefanredtenbacher.com/transcriptions/"]http://stefanredtenbacher.com/transcriptions/[/url] For Pop stuff, [ once on site just click on Basslines] [url="http://thelibster.com/bass/"]http://thelibster.com/bass/[/url] This one is everthing Jazz & Bop. [ in Both Bass & Treble clef] [url="http://bopland.org/find-lick.html?quest_id=10&time=4%2F4&changes=&search.x=14&search.y=7&is_ext=0&page=1&items_per_page=10"]http://bopland.org/find-lick.html?quest_id...ems_per_page=10[/url] Garry
  22. [quote name='Johnston' post='868380' date='Jun 15 2010, 08:33 PM']Guitard for someone who can fret w*** think they are brilliant, that everyone else comes second to the fact they are making a twat of themselves in front of everyone.[/quote] And in the right corner..... Basstard. Garry
  23. [quote name='EssentialTension' post='867552' date='Jun 14 2010, 10:14 PM']And anyway Bernard Edwards was a guitarist before he took up bass.[/quote] Correct. And how Ridiculous is that. Garry
  24. [quote name='Starless' post='867287' date='Jun 14 2010, 06:51 PM']But can he play bass?[/quote] Who knows or cares.... But why would he have wanted to play Bass when he had Bernard Edwards? Garry
  25. [quote name='Starless' post='867108' date='Jun 14 2010, 03:27 PM']They eventually ended up playing [b]rhythm guitar [/b]- [b]which surely is the lowest common denominator in a band[/b]. Although the concept of a purely rhythm guitarist is long gone, that is exactly what a 'lead' guitarist becomes in-between his twiddly bits - so for the vast majority of a gig all guitarists actually spend their time being the [b]dumbass rhythm player [/b]- a job that requires the least talent of any of the band's functions. (IMHO of course )[/quote] Good grief... So Nile Rodgers is just a dumbass rhythm player... Good rhythm gtr is a serious art. Garry
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