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Everything posted by lowdown

  1. With Window 7 ... It actually allows you to run a free virtual XP inside of windows seven in case anything isn't compatible. Garry
  2. [quote name='cheddatom' post='804746' date='Apr 13 2010, 12:11 PM']I've just got my hands on a nice PC. It's of considerably better specification than my current recording rig. I have XP on it at the moment, but as it has a 64bit CPU i'm considering installing XP64 or Win7 (I have both). Will I see any improvement in Cubase SX3? Or is there a new 64bit version of Cubase which I need?[/quote] I'm running Nuendo 4 32bit under 64bit OS[W7]. Works like a charm. My improvement over XP P4 xenon is quite drastic. Cubase 5 x64 on a 64 machine is not quite happening yet although it is getting there, you have to use J Bridge to make 32 bit plugs work in Cubase 5 64, and some wont work at all. Cubase will only access 4Gb of RAM. Most DAWs aren't up to the task of 64bit at the moment, except maybe Sonar 8.5. Infact Sonar 8.5 x64 does good on that front from what i have read. Still have to use J- bridge or bit-bridge for the 32 bit plugs though [ or some at least] So it is worth Installing x64 W7, nothing to lose.And it is already there for when things get a bit better from Cubase, which they are working on all the time. Garry
  3. [quote name='ThomBassmonkey' post='800074' date='Apr 8 2010, 07:03 PM']I usually try a note that I think it is, I know the keys of the song so it's usually in key even if it's the wrong note.[/quote] That must be reassuring to the rest of your band. Garry
  4. [quote name='Stingray5' post='801133' date='Apr 9 2010, 06:25 PM']The early Wapping Bass Centre was bass heaven - especially before the parking meters went up outside! [/quote] Yer - but that then ment taking the tube, and spending all afternoon in the pub around the corner with other Bassist's talking about strings,Trace Elliot amps,the new range of Jazz Basses called Sadawsky's and the next Electrik band album.And who's going to Ronnie's Good days. Garry
  5. [quote name='Stingray5' post='800286' date='Apr 8 2010, 10:00 PM']I wonder did anyone else do Lawrence Canty's short course 'Reading For Bass Clef' at Goldsmith's College back in the early 90's?[/quote] I did not but my brother did, and he loved it. Remember BIT at Wapping very well. I was always over at the Bass centre, it was a bit of a 'hang out place' Always buying things i did not need! Garry
  6. [quote name='Bilbo' post='798865' date='Apr 7 2010, 04:11 PM']There were four slash chords as bar so that wouldn't work!![/quote] Sorry i meant just type the chord in as insert text. It does work, and usually a lot quicker. Garry
  7. [quote name='Bilbo' post='798810' date='Apr 7 2010, 03:29 PM']I know what has happened. When I was formatting the chart, I was struggling to get the slash chords above the notes they related to in the space provided across one bar. I spent a bit of time toing and froing with odds and sods and had to change some chords as I had, due to a slow shift key, put in question marks in some chords instead of slashes. I guess that somewhere in all this, mistakes got made.[/quote] When in doubt just use insert text and forward slash... wholah... Db / Bbsus4 / Always a good get out of jail free card ..... Garry
  8. [quote name='Bilbo' post='798362' date='Apr 7 2010, 09:21 AM']What's up with it? (can't download pdfs in work)[/quote] I think he might mean on the enharmonic front... [ A mistake you made ] Db chord - C# notation... Thanks for the chart Bilbo. Always been a favourite Jaco line of mine, very haunting and lyrical. Garry
  9. There are sessions and there are sessions. Some will be loose in the fact that the producer has a vague idea of what he wants and would encourage your input Bass playing wise, so good use of listening and ears and awareness of whats going on around you is important. Then there is the other side, where it is very rigid. Great reading chops required here and not much [if any] room for error. [ you might be very very lucky and get the charts sent to you, this dont happen much, but if you are worried it dont hurt to ask, if people have time they will forward parts] Turning up on time [or before time] is important. IE - 10-1.00PM session means the red light goes on at 10.00. Not getting paronoid when you are asked to change something you played.Its for the good of the track! Nothing against you. Dont be afraid to pencil things on your parts [it all helps] watch horn players they are doing it all the time with Articulations and fingering. And all the usual things [ strings and everything working and not making noises] Confidence, discipline and strong Focus.Versatile. No showing off.You might be dealing with arsey nit picking Musical supervisors/MD's and Arrangers. Bottom line - be prepared for anything. And if all that works - Have your Invoice or Invoice book handy. You will then get paid! Apart from all that, it's a piece of P##s! Garry
  10. [quote name='Hector' post='793860' date='Apr 1 2010, 11:17 PM']Thanks guys, this is all great advice! I've had a crack at playing changes this way, and I've realised that I need to get to work on spotting key centers in tunes. One thing that still puzzles me is that the lines I'm playing over rhythm changes don't sound particularly like bebop. Is there a particular way of thinking in order to achieve this sound, or is it more of a "listen and assimilate" jobbie?[/quote] Of course listening and transcribing solo's is the best aid for helping develope your own idea's...[and your ear] The Charlie Parker Omni book in Bass clef is a great visual aid in solo line development. Well worth £12.95. Solo's and chord markings all there. [url="http://www.jazzwise.com/catalog/product_info.php?products_id=6086"]http://www.jazzwise.com/catalog/product_in...roducts_id=6086[/url] Good Luck Garry
  11. Single Cutaways. Why? I think they were designed to stop kids with A bunch of Bananas fretting hand grip going into Music shops on a Saturday and trying to play above the 12'th fret. I have a custom SC and the balance/playability and tone are great - for me anyway. Not everyone's cup of tea though. Garry
  12. [quote name='GM10' post='790334' date='Mar 30 2010, 10:16 AM']Can you view them?[/quote] Yep you can view them if you download the zip. Cheers Garry
  13. [quote name='wmsheep' post='790009' date='Mar 29 2010, 09:54 PM']I`m another one who has their tongue just poking out of the corner of their mouth (always on the left).[/quote] Is this from just playing Bass? Or a habit you have got into from other activities? Garry
  14. [quote name='wateroftyne' post='789625' date='Mar 29 2010, 05:05 PM'][url="http://www.addmoremusic.net/Monkees1.html"]Monkees session info right this way >>>>[/url][/quote] Hey thanks for that. Just found from the link that the great Max Bennet did a few sessions for them. [url="http://www.maxbennett.com/"]http://www.maxbennett.com/[/url] Garry
  15. [quote name='martindupras' post='789191' date='Mar 29 2010, 09:59 AM']Just for the record, I do provide all the information that you have all suggested once someone gets back to me. My view is that the ones who are interested do get back to me and ask for more information, which I'm more than happy to provide.[/quote] The only problem with that is.. If a few people have already given more info in the initial Email, They will attract attention first. It looks like they are bothered and on it. If they are suitable is another matter. Garry
  16. Sell yourself...... Do a bit of a CV. What gigs/bands/work you have done. Any on-line links - My Space etc. Should make them curious as to at least reply to your emails. Garry
  17. [quote name='essexbasscat' post='787679' date='Mar 27 2010, 09:59 AM']What's more, if you are doing the covers thing with a good ear, you are streets ahead of anyone that needs to read to play.[/quote] Do both and you are Motorways ahead.... Garry
  18. [quote name='The Burpster' post='786185' date='Mar 25 2010, 07:04 PM']I prefer playing to a drum machine anyway - They are cheaper and far more reliable than drummers........ Oh and they slow down and speed up when you want them too and you dont have to keep buying them beer and lugging all the bl00dy kit around...! [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ZOOM-MRT-3-MRT3-MICRO-RHYTHMTRAK-DRUM-MACHINE-PSU-VGC_W0QQitemZ250596844386QQcmdZViewItemQQptZUK_Drum_Machines_Grooveboxes?hash=item3a58bc6362"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ZOOM-MRT-3-MRT3-MICR...=item3a58bc6362[/url][/quote] And they dont keep telling you what sticks they use. Garry
  19. This is on the list from my accountant [Chartered], and she has been my accountant For over twenty years, she will put this in regularly every year and it seems To keep the Taxman happy. I am a full time Muso, which includes playing Bass and Writing and selling production Music for anything media based. [No teaching] Use of residence as office [Inc Home Studio] Music, CDs, DVDs and Videos Small items of equipment Telephone [business only] Post, stationary and advertising Travel and accommodation Motor expenses Computer and website consumables [Inc hardware and associated software] Clothing and appearance Instrument maintenance and repairs Trade reference materials Sundry expenses Accountancy Professional fees Of course all receipts need to be provided. I know plenty of full time Musos and this seems to be about the norm, [Give or take a couple] Good Accountant [chartered] is well worth it. Garry
  20. [quote name='bassninja' post='770378' date='Mar 10 2010, 01:52 PM']Isn't the skill in turning the 'mistake' into something musical? Isn't that right, Jimmy Page? ...and I don't necessarily mean repeat the 'honker' 3 times, louder each time in the hope that it will sound 'out there' or 'inspired'. You're only ever a semitone away from the diatonic...[/quote] You can never turn a turd into a Strawberry. Now that would be a skill. Garry
  21. For me it's all about focus and discipline, and of course confidence. Focus for when you are depping,or recording. and discipline if you are in the pit on a long running show, its easy to get bored playing the same thing 8 times a week. [ so when you get the chance to dep it out and do some other gig - do it!] If you are depping for the first time or two, you will get away with the odd clam. If on the other hand you are on a regular show/gig and you keep droping clams, you will start to p**s of MD's and other muso's, Its the same in any profession - keep f**ing up and that equals the P45... Garry
  22. [quote name='macmellus' post='759529' date='Feb 27 2010, 11:45 PM']Okay. I'll let you into a secret. It's all slightly tongue in cheek.[/quote] Dont worry macmellus.... A lot of pennies will drop at some point. It's a bit like this post... [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=80167"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=80167[/url] Garry
  23. Doing the rounds over the pond........ " I'm a great pro bass player looking for a new band, and have a lot of experience playing in all kinds of bands. I don't like to brag, but to be honest I'm the best bass player in Nashville. I am picky about the kind of music I play. I don't like playing in original bands, because most of the players in those bands aren't good enough to play covers, and I don't like country because it's for morons. I'll play any style except reggae, ska, country, originals, classical, hip hop, rap, alternative, jazz, punk, new age, classic rock, or metal. I play current rock, and only current rock, even though most of it sucks, so I'm extremely particular about the kind of music I play. Think Nirvana meets Eric Clapton, with a touch of Motor Head thrown in (I know they're not NEW, but that's the style of music I prefer). I f that is the kind of music you play, hit me up, otherwise don't waste my time. I'm ready to play immediately. I just need a little help financially to get my bass out of the pawn shop, and it would be great if you can loan me a little for strings, just until we get paid from our first gig, and I'll pay you back. I'm going through a messy divorce, but fortunately I get my kids part of the time, usually on the weekends. That won't be a problem though, because I can get a babysitter if I have enough notice if a gig comes up. I don't have a phone right now, but I'm planning to get a prepaid one as soon as I get a job. I'm staying with a friend right now and writing this on his computer, so you can contact me here. He says I can stay here one more month before I have to find a new place. I'm hoping to move back in with my Mom, but for some reason she's not returning my calls. My car got repossessed recently, so it would be great if someone in the band can give me a ride and haul my bass, just until we get things going and we start making some serious money. My brother knows a guy whose sister is dating the ex-drummer of a band in Fargo,North Dakota that used to get some bookings from an agent in Detroit who cousin is the wife of a lawyer that who was hired to put together a deal for a band that almost got a contract with a big record company in Los Angeles before the deal fell through. Bottom line is, I've got great connections. Yes, I am in RECOVERY, and part of recovery is admitting you have a problem, but I haven't had any significant relapses since my last stint in rehab, I onl y smoke a little 420, and only on the breaks, and I'm always careful nobody sees me in the parking lot. All other form of recreation wait until AFTER the gig! Besides, unlike some other bass players in Nashville that have on-going "issues" (you bass players know who you are) you know you can absolutely count on me staying sober and NOT HAVING A SUBSTANCE ABUSE OR ALCOHOL PROBLEM because my doctor says any of that stuff will interfere with the effectiveness of my medication. I'm ready to play, so if you want the best bass player in Nashville , hit me up! " Garry
  24. [quote name='GM10' post='765410' date='Mar 5 2010, 05:16 PM']Update - I've fitted 7 4x2 (absorbsion) rockwool panels and 2 5x2. The 5x2s are diagnal across the corners, sitting on the desk. 2 of the 4x2s are on the ceiling. I've fitted the others where I thought was the best spots, reflection points etc. I've got two more to fit. one of those diagonally floor to ceiling in one of the remaining corners. For a small room it now sounds tons better, and I mean tons. I did use some acoustic foam (corner bass traps) between the ceiling and the walls (above the absorbsion panels) but not on the corners where I've taken the absorbsion panels to the ceiling. I've got a quilt in front of the door but it's messy and p*****g me off. I'm going to put a nice heavy curtain there. If there's any interest I'll take pictures Question is: have I overdone it for a small room. From my recordings I'd say not but I sometimes question my ability to hear the little naunces.[/quote] Yer..lets see some pics.... Always good to see how others go about it. Garry
  25. [quote name='51m0n' post='763811' date='Mar 4 2010, 11:53 AM']Errrr hey bud you need your ears cleaned out I think [/quote] Perhaps he needs these...! Great Video..... Garry
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