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Everything posted by lowdown

  1. I borrowed a 5 Stg version of this a few weeks ago for some gigs.... They are truly stunning Basses to play. Have a bump on me. Garry
  2. Music - John Miles. The opening groove is 7/4.. Then some other stuff going on after that...4/4..half time etc. Garry
  3. Pino on 'Everytime you go away' - Paul Young Babooshka - Kate Bush ,Bass compliments the vox in a great way. Garry
  4. [quote name='Pete Academy' post='627534' date='Oct 16 2009, 07:36 AM']This forum now officially has over 130 sex maniacs. [/quote] But this Does not include the blind ones who can not see the post Garry
  5. [quote name='bumnote' post='627389' date='Oct 15 2009, 10:02 PM']Somebodys going to be tired if there are 16 peopel to deal with[/quote] Reeperbahn girls come in handy - 16 no problem. Very efficient.Hard working.Get the job done. And dont want to marry you and send you texts. Garry
  6. Here you go Jake... [Finale not Sibelius] I have left the beams over the rests, Easier for the novice readers who struggle with the grouping. Funny how we all hear things from another angle. To me, it sounds like it is in 4#'s [E] But then again you wrote it - so it's just me talking out of my ar#e! [attachment=34392:Bass_Bash_Groove.pdf] Garry
  7. Sorry to go OT. Alex, the Bassist on Come Dancing is Trevor Barry... Nice little interview here, [url="http://www.bassguitarmagazine.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=139:trevor-barry-bgm-issue-29&catid=43:artist-interviews&Itemid=70"]http://www.bassguitarmagazine.com/index.ph...s&Itemid=70[/url] Garry
  8. Thanks for posting the link Jake. I find the American TV show bands a great listening experience, Always great players involved, with some stonking arrangements. In the Uk apart from the Strictly Come Dancing band, What are we left with? 4 Poofs and a Piano - Nice! Garry
  9. lowdown

    Party band wanted

    You might wanna try and get hold of this band, Partying,kick ass brass, funky Bass, and plenty of vocals. Travel ex's might be a problem though. Garry
  10. Ok we know the original, but i was not aware Isaac Hayes did another arrangement late in the 70's. Its a bit long but some superb arranging from the great man, phrases being moved arround etc. and a bit of a Bass solo/fills thing starting at around 07:50. Garry
  11. [quote name='EdwardHimself' post='616561' date='Oct 4 2009, 03:33 PM']i think i've come to realise that i should have just bought a body off f***ing warmoth for all the good this has ended up being.[/quote] Or just a Musicman... I am sure it will work out. Garry
  12. Good and bad moment.. I was doing Jesus Christ SuperStar in Leeds. [1999] The good moment.. Andrew Lloyd Webber got up on stage at the end of the show, and invited the rhythm section to join him, then announced that was how he envisaged the music when he wrote it. Bad moment. He keeled over....pi**ed, and was helped from the stage, he was just talking his usual sh*te... Garry
  13. Oldest one of all... Fuzz Box. Garry
  14. [quote name='Golchen' post='612537' date='Sep 29 2009, 09:54 PM']I'm trying to knock up a BT for something and it's in 3/4. My dubious drumming skills just ain't gonna work on this and Garageband has zero drum loops in 3/4. Anyone know where I can get some free 3/4 Garageband drum loops or midi drum files? I've been doing searches on the internet for some time and I just get endless dead-ends.[/quote] Just seen this post. I have loads of 3/4 midi drum stuff - loops fills etc. one folder is the grooves on one track. The second folder is the same patterns on different tracks [you can then mix and match] All mapped to GM [CHANNEL 10] Also in the folders other odd time sigs. If you fancy them, PM me your Email address and i will zip/Rar and send. Garry
  15. Also remember when you start to have a command of scales/modes/arps whatever, and you are presented with a chord sheet for a tune, the minute you start to play your walking line, you are in fact improvising on the spot - a big part of playing jazz. Garry
  16. After the blues Form... I would also recommend learning 'I Got Rhythm' changes and form. It helps in movement, and does pop up from time to time in different disguises, The 'Flintstones Theme' being one you would know. Pete Thomas gives a good run down, and chord chart here. Worth a look. [url="http://www.petethomas.co.uk/jazz-i-got-rhythm.html"]http://www.petethomas.co.uk/jazz-i-got-rhythm.html[/url] Garry
  17. Thought about getting a dep drummer for the gig? Garry
  18. Yep a Slapper here when needed....just part of the job in my book. And its a good feeling depping in a Function band and they say.. 'is it ok to do the dreaded Car Wash'. 'Only the last dep sounded like he was herding cattle ' And that was actually said to me.... Garry
  19. Personally when i am Depping or freelancing, and there is no pad on the gig i would get the MD/Bandleader to email a set list, and the keys. Better to learn the tunes you dont know rather than have bits of paper on the floor. That can be a disaster,bad lighting, slick bands doing quick segues, [and you are on your knees f##king around looking for parts] Better to be confident and in control before you get on the gig, people will not worry about the odd clam if you are fitting and sitting well in the band. This is in the ideal world of course, Normally what happens is the band is not as together as you were lead to believe, and half way through Mustang Sally or I will survive you start to wish you had Run of and joined a factory when you had the chance. Garry
  20. [quote name='Tait' post='610192' date='Sep 27 2009, 06:32 PM']i get bored after a few minutes because its all just him twiddling around and i find that boring.[/quote] If you find him boring, thats cool, its all just opinions. But Jaco did plenty of beautiful and very lyrical lines, almost vocal like. There really was more to him than just 'twiddling around' He was unique at that time, for sure. Garry
  21. [quote name='Snakey Lane' post='603608' date='Sep 20 2009, 03:10 PM']So, 15 months after commissioning the bass, and after a lot of excellent crafstmanship from Robbie, today I collected it from Robbie. It is A-MAZING. More photos to follow soon.[/quote] Hey Snakey, it looks great! Had mine 4 years now. Not had to have the Truss rod tweeked once. If yours is anything like mine, the necks are rock solid. Enjoy. Garry
  22. [quote name='rasher80' post='608462' date='Sep 25 2009, 10:46 AM']I know it's a bit sad but i love the bassline from Michael McDonald's "I Keep Forgettin'". Ace line though[/quote] Not sad at all. Louis Johnson right on the money, up front, killer sound. Garry
  23. This is a great buy. [url="http://www.musicroom.com/se/ID_No/030950/details.html"]http://www.musicroom.com/se/ID_No/030950/details.html[/url] Cant beat the real thing - listen to as much as possible. Me and my wife have had about half a dozen trips to Cuba. And seeing and hearing it played in the real environment is a real thrill and education. Ray, i am just over the creek from you - Canvey Not quite Cuba. Garry
  24. The Funk Brothers. Toto. Or the Band that played and Recorded on 'LA is my lady' Frank Sinatra. Garry
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