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Posts posted by lowdown

  1. [quote name='bilbo230763' post='297630' date='Oct 2 2008, 03:19 PM']Sorry, mate, my PC at work blocks pictures so I don't knwo what it is. I will have to look some time later on.....

    I'm all aquiver with anticipation!!! :huh:[/quote]

    A drummer pal just sent it over...
    Of all the people in the world..
    God only knows why you sprang to mind... :)


  2. This might help, Scroll down for Bass clef..

    Or this [not free] Had a good review somewhere.
    Might be worth checking out.


  3. Well if you are gonna go down the software route...
    You will need a sequencer.... there are a couple of free ones out there. :huh:
    You will also need a USB or Firewire Audio interface...no free ones out there. :huh:
    Monitors and / or headphones. Ebay a good bet.

    AS i said in some other post somewhere.
    For 6 squids you can get 'Computor Magazine'
    Which has a free Sequencer [ And it is pretty good ..]
    And tons of Plugins / synths / Drums synths / Distortion / reverbs / delays /Loops etc...
    ALL FREE....... :huh:

    Then you just sit in your bedroom for the rest of your life..
    Thinking what the f**k do i do with this stuff.
    Then spending tons of dosh on upgrading.
    [ Because you think it sounds better..or cos every one else says it does. They are the ones with no ears]
    This also goes on for the rest of your life.

    But CM is the way to go for software for starting out.

    I use Sonar PE7 [seq] with an RME Interface.That is about a Grands worth...
    A pair of Genelec monitors...another grands worth.
    See what i mean about spending going on and on... :)

    I would use the free software route..
    And invest in a good interface [ wont spend more money later upgrading ]

    Or forget all that and just spend all your dosh down the pub..
    Much better.


  4. [quote name='dazco' post='296250' date='Oct 1 2008, 10:06 AM']But how do you get the music onto the computer?[/quote]

    If you are meaning your bass or gtr etc.
    You will need to get an Audio card...
    These all come in various forms and prices.
    But the M-audio Delta 9236 [ PCI card ], will come in around £45.00.
    And for the money is Fantastic.
    Or the firewire or USB cards...more money, more ins and outs.
    But for what you seem to be after.
    The Delta card and the free stuff from computor Music,
    Will have you up and running to a good standard for very little outlay,
    around the £50.00 mark.

    You will also need a pair of monitors,
    But thats another kettle of fish.. :)
    Although you will get by with a decent set of headphones.
    Not ideal but ok for a good starting point.

    Plenty of guys aboard this site who will help you along.
    So keep firing you questions.
    might wanna move this post to the recording section.
    You get more help over there.


  5. [quote name='BassMunkee' post='296232' date='Oct 1 2008, 09:43 AM']I would like to point out that I don't know who he is, and I've never actually heard of him - but I've never considered a lack of information to be an obstacle to the random trolling of threads...
    ...I only replied anyway because I was amused at the "How can you be a bassist and not like X" comment, but I'm not really interested...[/quote]

    To be honest it was you that mentioned funky chops and Jazz / Blues.. :)

    I like him for his all round musical approach, what ever style he plays in.
    Just so happens that his chops are as funky as f**k!... :huh:


  6. If you go down the software route.
    You might want to check out Computor monthly magazine.
    It has a Dvd with a complete virtual studio set up.
    Seq, Soft synths, fx plugins and sampler and samples.
    And its all free, with plenty of tutorials.
    Cost you £6.99

  7. [quote name='BassMunkee' post='294553' date='Sep 29 2008, 02:26 PM']:) :huh:
    It's terrible, I shall have a stern word with myself when I get home, and spend the rest of the evening mastering some funky chops and jazz/blues motifs just to make up for my obvious shortcomings in the the "Not Liking All The Staple Bass Players And\Or Bass Standards." department.[/quote]

    You see....just what i mean...
    Abe can rock out with the best of them... [ Famous for his pumping 8 grooves ]
    Carry on the good work in the Bedroom...with your Jazz / blues motifs... :huh:


  8. If you are getting into Orchestral writing you might wanna check out this
    Free on line tutorial site.
    Apart from Harmony within sections..it gets into how various instruments work together.
    Very useful site.

    [url="http://www.northernsounds.com/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=77...."]http://www.northernsounds.com/forum/forumd...ay.php?f=77....[/url]. :)

    Sounds good


  9. My Only Bass for the last couple of years has been a single cut [Fretless aside]
    Has no weight issues, really snug to play..
    Fantastic access to the dusty end.
    Balance spot on.
    No neck dive.
    No dead spots and sustains for ever.
    I did have it custom built, so it is exactly how i wanted a bass to be.
    Not every ones cup of tea as a visual.
    But i like a Bass to play good and get the job done with ease,and mine does that.
    Not bothered with what it looks like.
    After donkeys years of messing with Fenders,
    [and a Green 5 stg Sadawsky Jazz..the worst 2 grand i have ever spent..a real pig to play and
    a neck that could not stay still for 5 minutes]
    I am now one happy bunny.

    My Fretless is a 68 Jazz, it was my First real Bass..so it has to stay.
    Not really a Fender any more.
    Frets were taken out about 20 years ago.
    Badass bridge.
    And Emg's...And that was because the stock pups were so noisey and sounded crap.
    The usual neck dive and weighs a ton.
    Gotta say though...There is something about a beaten up looking Fender Jazz that makes me smile.


  10. If you PM me your email address i can send the Bass as a midi part.
    [I could not upload to this site as a attachment for some reason]
    You can load in to your sequencer then read off the Notator.
    If you dont have a seq.
    you could use this [its free]


    Load the midi file into it [very easy]
    And hey presto ...
    Notes right in front of you.


  11. You may well all laugh.. :huh: :huh:
    But its a tricky little line and nice and tight... :)
    F..k that one up and all will know. :unsure:
    I have the Bass part in Notation, if it is any help. :huh:

    As for me...
    I have a nice little mime gig tomorrow..
    Two tracks for Cliff Richard..[BBC]
    If i F**k that up, i need turning into a born again Christian.. :lol:


  12. [quote name='kennyrodg' post='291443' date='Sep 25 2008, 08:11 AM']Maybe basschat should be rebadged as "Rockbass-chat"
    Soooooooooo---most of the stuff that Motown did was tat,Sade was tat,utter soul dross,oh and whilst we're at it TOP are sh*t too!!!......... :huh:[/quote]

    Good call...Just been thinking that myself.... :)
    Might be worth breaking it down in to sections.
    You know.
    Rock Bass
    Jazz Bass
    But then again i would miss the hours of s**t that i read,that seems to keep me amused. :huh:
    I am as guilty as all when it comes to that... :huh:


  13. [quote name='bilbo230763' post='291477' date='Sep 25 2008, 09:13 AM']Never liked Abe, I'm afraid, but I think its because I never really liked anything that he played on (its mostly fuzak).[/quote]

    You liked JJ but did not like any thing he played on. [MOTOWN]
    Not sure i understand that any Bass player can not like Abe.
    But hey, thats what the worlds about..opinions.. :)


  14. [quote name='noelk27' post='291166' date='Sep 24 2008, 07:12 PM']Lady In Red was Pino Palladino - he talks about the track in an interview in Bass Player in March 1992 (Vol 3, No 2).

    Of course, he could've been mistaken, and it might really have been Carol Kaye. (Looks over his shoulder and thinks to myself he's been here before.)[/quote]

    Yep...and there is a quote in my link above...same mag.


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