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Posts posted by lowdown

  1. [quote name='Thunderthumbs' post='239224' date='Jul 14 2008, 03:12 PM']I'm one of those that spent an awful lot of my youngers years being influenced by Mark King. True to form, I'm not as good, or likely ever to be as good as the guys I listen(ed) to.

    When I listen back to some of the stuff I used to do back then, it was horrendous. I used to slap pretty much everything.

    I still do a bit of slap now and again. But these days, I try do it where I feel it might be appropriate, so it's less and less.

    I try with less percussion, and more groove. I also try and play it in such a way that it sits totally with what the drummer is playing, and maybe to give a cover a slightly different approach to the original.

    So I don't think wholely that slapping is a bad idea, but done badly and too often it is.[/quote]

    Might be worth changing your name to funky fingers. :)

    I think we might have all been down your road at some time [ if we are honest - and we proberly aint ] :huh:


  2. [quote name='Doddy' post='239179' date='Jul 14 2008, 02:23 PM']Unfortunately alot players don't seem to understand that thumping is just another way of sounding a note and not a style of music.[/quote] :huh: well put.

    Try playing say..a Twelve bar at 170 bpm in shuffle feel.
    Only thumbing the note,no pulls or ghost notes,or octaves.
    Just a steady solid swing [and in time]
    Plenty of so called slappers fall over on that one. :huh:

    The one that got me is... [hope he is not a fellow basschatter] :)
    A bass player at a recent corporate gig i was on [he was in the function band]
    Spent ages sound checking , [digging in to our turn rehearsal :huh: ]
    Trying to get a slap sound....then spent all night playing with his fingers!
    When it came to the thump break in Car Wash....
    Made a complete f......g arse of it. :huh:

    Back to topic....slapping in Bad salads..! :) :huh:


  3. [quote name='thisnameistaken' post='237767' date='Jul 12 2008, 02:15 AM']Made me feel much better about it when I realised there was only really two of them. :)[/quote]

    3 - Louis Johnson.

    You will find the list growing by the hour. :huh:


  4. I got one of these about 6/7 months ago.
    Comes bundled with its own version of Cubase.
    Its a digital mixer / controller and a superb Audio interface.
    Its more money than you wanna spend.
    But in the long term, a good investment.Everything Bundled in.
    You can pick them up for just over £500.
    Its seemless with Cubase.
    Best bit of kit i have got hold of.

    If you go to the Yamaha site you can see
    Full vids of the thing in action.


  5. If you dont want to shell out...
    Try this.

    Downloads with some very good acoustic sounds.
    And piss easy to use.

    If you are on a tight budget.
    Ez Drummer sounds great.And also easy to use.


  6. [quote name='joe_bass' post='226002' date='Jun 24 2008, 04:30 PM']:) I bet thats shocking.

    While on covers of The Who how about Limp Bizkit's version of Behind Blue Eyes, complete with crap music video![/quote]

    Just been watching Limp's version on some site...
    Love that vid... :huh:


  7. [quote name='Crazykiwi' post='225726' date='Jun 24 2008, 10:47 AM']So for her at least, it doesn't seem to be the cash cow she was hoping for, despite all the development there. The strength of the euro means that the pound sterling doesn't stretch as far as it used to.[/quote]

    Thats True.

    But we purchased about 5 years ago.So i do not have to worry about that side of things.
    And we will be earning Euros , it will be the other way around for me. :huh:
    Another factor for me, is that i have 3 & 1/2 year old lad...
    And i fancy bringing him up in elsewhere.

    Its amazing how many Brits i have met , who have made a bulls up of the Spanish Thing . :)
    Bad Business planning, Buying propeties to rent out with big mortgages [when there are so may of them around]
    And now can not sell because of the currency thing, and the Housing market problem over here.


  8. [quote name='SteveK' post='225646' date='Jun 24 2008, 09:20 AM']Very good book...in spite of the occasional 5/4 error/typo - bit like a dictionary showing the wrong spelling :huh:


    Ah.....I see.
    I thought this was to help you get around PolyRhythm problems. :)


  9. Well Steve....
    If you ever need a dep over there...[Next time the flight f...ks up]
    I should be living there by this time next year. :)
    Things in early planning stages at the moment :huh:
    But looking good.

    So it will be shorts and T-shirts all year round for me , :huh: :huh:


  10. [quote name='SteveK' post='225543' date='Jun 24 2008, 12:25 AM']Indeed...and likewise, figuring out the dots in front of you is a great way of honing your reading skills.


    Back in the 70's this book was recommended by my Bass Teacher [A BBC Sessionist/Jazzer called Joe Muddel ]
    Modern Reading text in 4/4 by Loius Belson.
    This is just Fantastic for Getting your reading chops together.
    Lots of good syncopated stuff.

    As for the above Bass line...
    You might surprise yourself by learning with your ears.
    It aint that hard... :)
    Playing it as a consistent performance...Ah....thats another matter... :huh:
    For me anyway.


  11. [quote name='AndyMartin' post='223372' date='Jun 21 2008, 12:54 AM']Wilton Felder's a new one on me though[/quote]

    He was quite a busy west coast studio player in the late 60's and 70's.....
    Impresive CV.
    Every one from the Jackson 5 to Barry White.
    A bit of an unsung hero really.
    He is proberly More known for his Sax playing with the Jazz Crusaders / Crusaders.

    Another thumbs up for Toto here.
    David Hungate was the Bass player for the first 5 or 6 years.
    Then Mike Pocoro took over until the present time.


  12. [quote name='cheddatom' post='220586' date='Jun 17 2008, 01:59 PM']but not much point in me making the switch?[/quote]

    Not Really..
    But try the Full working Demo..I thinks about a month...
    Even then it does not stop working,
    In theory you are then meant to buy a licence for commercial use.


  13. [quote name='cheddatom' post='220570' date='Jun 17 2008, 01:42 PM']They couldn't even search google for help if they got stuck![/quote]

    :) :huh: :huh: :huh:
    Good one

    Anyway...Thumbs up for Reaper....


  14. [quote name='cheddatom' post='220517' date='Jun 17 2008, 12:25 PM']I think it's just a matter of finding the sweet spot with a PC. Macs will come ready tuned, so that's why your teacher thought that![/quote]

    I am Glad to say he was not my Teacher..
    I was there at his Private School Networking up his Music PC's.
    He was Moaning about PC's not up to the standard of His Mac...they are slow..
    I had to send him to Audio Tweeks for XP.
    How the F... do these People get these jobs.?
    Mac vs PC Arguments went with Dick Turpin.
    I use Both .Both have Faults,Both have great points.
    Its knowing your software.
    I am amazed at folks who dont,or can not be arsed ,
    Then blame the programme.


  15. Not sure that Cubase does fall down compared to others.
    They pretty much do the same these days.
    You will always get users saying this is better because..Blah Blah.
    Its just finding what works best for you.

    I even had a Music Tech Teacher telling me the other day that
    Macs have a better sound than windows... :) :huh: [Not much hope for his pupils]
    We know that it is down to sound cards.
    And if the Audio is not even leaving the computor...
    That dont even come into play..


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