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Posts posted by lowdown

  1. [quote name='The Funk' post='170788' date='Apr 6 2008, 05:15 PM']The only tip I'd offer is to try every mic or preamp you have for every bass or other instrument you want to record. Sometimes you'll be very pleasantly rewarded like Urb was.

    But valve bass preamp to record bass - a bit of a no-brainer, isn't it? :)[/quote]

    Not sure about that...
    I have a Avalon U5... Not a valve insight.
    Lovely warm sound...


  2. [quote name='Bassman7' post='170595' date='Apr 6 2008, 10:36 AM']SHADO procurement advise starting with the UK list price when looking to move a pre-owned instrument and then take off at least 30-40% depending on condition, etc.[/quote]

    Blimey ...Some folk are being ripped , over at a place called Ebay...
    They are paying over £1500.00 for some old Fender thing's from the late 60's...!
    If memory serves me right , cost new about £600.00.
    Do you think someone should say something..?? :)


  3. [quote name='bass_ferret' post='169376' date='Apr 3 2008, 07:44 PM']Thats how I describe guys that get so carried away with their chops they forget the first commandment of bass - [b]listen to the drummer[/b][/quote]

    I Think the first Commandment of Bass is Listen....Full Stop.!
    It always amazes me the amount of guys who think it is all about chops and showing off.. :)
    Thats why the top guys end up at the top...They Listen.. :huh:


  4. [quote name='Crazykiwi' post='168136' date='Apr 2 2008, 07:05 AM']I saw it last night, the guy was playing a Schecter which was unusual.

    I thought the band lost it a bit during the instrumental breaks and although the slap bass was a novelty to begin with, it looked a bit silly towards the end as he'd started off busy and couldn't build the dynamics of the song much further without playing more notes. :) Definitely technically proficient but I wasn't convinced by his musicality.[/quote]

    Yep .
    That just about summed that up. :huh:

    James Taylor was about the only turn on the gig , who had any feel for music.. ;)
    On the the night anyway...


  5. [quote name='bilbo230763' post='168257' date='Apr 2 2008, 10:19 AM']Yeah.....but its Elvis. I don't care how much you paid me. It's Elvis :)[/quote]

    Ah man...What...!! :huh:

    Check out the Vegas concerts... [70's I think]
    Elvis and a stonking Band...some real greats in there.....
    And i would not consider myself a great Elvis Fan..
    But he did some real classic's...


  6. [quote name='paul, the' post='165013' date='Mar 28 2008, 03:10 AM']Some Tommy Cogbill (among others) transcriptions on Aretha Franklin songs:

    Thanks for finding and sharing this Gem....! :huh:
    One of the best things to turn up on this site. :)


  7. [quote name='Crazykiwi' post='164098' date='Mar 26 2008, 09:53 PM']The bass arrived today. Delivered without a case - not even a gig bag. Luckily the courier was careful!

    So the good news is that the neck is pretty good, particularly for an '84 bass. The neck needs a bit of a shim (more tricky with a 4 bolt neck because of the lack of a microtilt feature) but otherwise looks OK. The bass is pretty good nick otherwise, even still has the crusty old foam on the mutes!

    The bad news however is that the bridge side coil in the neck humbucker doesn't work. I've tested the connections with a multimeter and the windings around the coil appear to have broken at some point. The other coil is reading fine so it looks like I'm either going to have to get the coil rewound to the same impedance OR get a replacement sabre neck pickup from somewhere.

    I've asked the seller (who was selling it on behalf of his Son who is overseas at the moment) what he suggests we do about the extra cost the coil repair is going to require...[/quote]

    Good one Steve...
    A bit of TLC and you should have a good one there... :)


  8. [quote name='Crazykiwi' post='162350' date='Mar 23 2008, 08:13 PM']Hahaha, yeah we talked about that with him as we had been asked to do similar gigs too. We've decided not to for the most part but still have to face learning 4 of them in a 20min medley for the Marbella gig.

    Oish, VERY tedious songs. I can usually find something to like in most music but those songs are mind numbing.[/quote]

    As long as you can play in quick 2...
    And know your way around D minor... [All night.!]
    All should be fine .. :)


  9. [quote name='Crazykiwi' post='162208' date='Mar 23 2008, 02:36 PM']Yeah he picked things up remarkably quickly although its easy if you have something to rest your notes on innit? :)[/quote]

    Spent many a Sunday Night in the West end doing 7 hour Jewish Functions with Steve...
    When all the Notes sound the same by ten o'clock.
    And all the grooves are...
    Uncha uncha uncha...!!! :huh:


  10. [quote name='bass_ferret' post='162141' date='Mar 23 2008, 12:09 PM']TBH I can tell what Quincy Jones was saying and what you were saying about what QJ was saying, if you know what I am saying ;)[/quote]

    I think i know what you mean... :)
    Are we friends again BF ?

    Did not mean to offend last time out... :huh:


  11. [quote name='Crazykiwi' post='161985' date='Mar 22 2008, 09:57 PM']Interesting, but I don't buy it. :) I think he's saying one thing but meaning another.[/quote]

    Not sure what you dont buy..
    But i get the feeling that if Quincy Jones says something..
    He does mean it.. :huh:


  12. [quote name='Crazykiwi' post='161736' date='Mar 22 2008, 11:29 AM']We play this one in my band, its a great song if you can pull the bassline back behind the beat far enough and there's plenty of room for some tasty high speed fills at the end of sections. I think Jermaine Jackson played bass for the Jackson 5 but someone please correct me if I'm wrong.[/quote]

    John Robinson [Stonking drummer on hundreds of those Disco tunes , including the above mentioned]
    Says that one of Louis Js greatest gifts....along with his feel for music.
    Was to play right 'on it' But was relaxed.
    And Quincy Jones said , 'The pair of them played right on it...'
    'Not in front , not behind...' 'And thats what i want'
    And i suppose if you listen to all Those MJ tunes...
    They were very metronomic...but in a great way..with tons of feel , and technique , but relaxed.
    And of course that was all down to the quality of those amazing players that Quincy Jones used. :)


  13. Also check out the live Chic Cd...
    Bonus interview tracks with Nile Rodgers and BE i think..
    Right up to the night when he died...
    I believe he collapsed during a number...
    Got up and carried on playing.. ;)
    Then finally went during th night..... :)

    I think we should have our own Disco Section.... ;)

    Another A++ for Freddie Washington..
    One of my all time fav's.. :huh:


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