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Posts posted by lowdown

  1. Check out anything from Electric Bass player...
    Monk Montgomery....brother of the great Wes...
    He Was swinging on electric in the 50's... :)



  2. M-Audio Audiophile 2496.


    Basic set up [PCI] card...with very low latency...
    Very good sound quality...

    You have enough gear already...so for what you are after doing...
    just a good good quality card is all you need...

    These cards used to be about £200 squids...
    under £45.00 now...

    Never been a bad review about these....infact always good.


  3. [quote name='bnt' post='82611' date='Nov 2 2007, 01:24 AM']The story of how he had to conceal his slapped part on [i]Peg[/i] from Donald is now part of bass folklore. Hey, the bassist knows what's best for the bass! :huh:[/quote]

    This should put to bed the myth that you cant Slap on a Precision with Flat wounds....!! :)

    Hey BNT...Bassist's sure do knows what's best for Bass....!! :huh:


  4. [quote name='R,5,R,5...' post='81253' date='Oct 30 2007, 02:06 PM']Thanks Garry, I do have a largish (160gb) external hard drive that might work for this purpose. Do you mean install the program and everything on the external drive and run it from there, or simply have the samples/recorded bits and so forth there?[/quote]

    Just your recorded Audio data/Samples etc...and your Project folder for the Sequencer that you will
    be using.... [this will store all information relevant to your sequencer recordings]..

    And well worth checking out the link i posted above...
    A lot of eye candy stuff on windows XP....that reallly slows down the system when working with audio.
    If you Get a Audio ready system from a know music/audio dealer...they would have already done this..
    Its amazing how much extra performance you can get after a XP tweek..


  5. Also a good idea...is to use a external hard drive for your audio...it takes the load
    of your system drive... and Sequencers like this...you get better performance...

    If your Laptop does not come Audio ready , you might wanna look at this site for tweeking you
    operating system for the best Audio performance... [XP]....


    also Vista does not seem to be upto par at the moment...for Audio..
    Lot of problems with drivers from 3rd party software companies...
    This is assuming you are going the Windows route..and not Mac..


  6. Comming from a Groove Backgound all my life...
    Thought i would have a go at something out of my league...!
    Does anyone know of any good on-line sites for tips on classical composing and arranging..
    or any decent books....?
    I am sure i have broken all the rules ...but here you go.. my attempt :)



  7. [quote name='thedontcarebear' post='78489' date='Oct 23 2007, 07:18 PM']That bass looks awesome! But on a note about Tokai Jazz basses, they are awesome, just like Fender Japan.[/quote]

    I agree about the Tokai's.....
    But my nephews is a real bad one....!
    And i am easily pleased.... :)


  8. 1988 Stingray 5..Blueburst
    A couple of very small surface nicks on the back...so small you can hardly notice..
    No buckle rash...nice straight neck.
    At some point in the past..the white pup cover was changed to black. [from EB]
    Not a Musicman fan myself...but this does sound and play great..
    Nice warm bottem end.

    To cut a long story short... i got this for my nephew...of the Bay...
    about 5/6 weeks ago..
    checked on the EB forum , and is from the summer 1988.
    He is off to the states to study bass...this was our present to him....
    But he cant get on with a 5 stg at the moment... [still using his trusty but awful Tokai jazz]
    So i am willing to trade for a good quality 4 stg.
    maybe cash either way.


  9. [quote name='1976fenderhead' post='71244' date='Oct 8 2007, 08:39 PM']The reviews at Harmony Central...[/quote]

    Some reviews here...


    Some Punter's reviews here.
    But this is for the older model that i have..[green led's :huh: ]

    Harmony central is a bit mixed

    I must say i have had no problems in over 8 years of use with my one ...might have been lucky.
    But the light thing...has come in useful for dep's on any show i have been doing..
    The pit can be a dark an lonely affair..so some visual guide at what volume to play..can come in
    handy...i just write the number onto the part for some kind of reference..
    Then they wont have some lunatic MD screaming at them...when they have enough on there plate..!!

    As for a difference in sound.. i cant say that i have noticed....
    Maybe it's because i aint been using my ears.. :)

    Enjoy the Ernie Ball.


  10. [quote name='Bass_In_Yer_Face' post='70059' date='Oct 5 2007, 05:06 PM']Was at a lock in at a pub in Andover when the guitarist from The Troggs celebrated his 50th birthday. Of course 'Wild Thing' got played over the pub speakers and my mate in a loud voice shouted "I love The Stones"[/quote]

    This is really weird...i was in a pub lock in with The Guitarist from the Trogg's in Andover...!!!
    When was this...???
    Unless he does this all time...to tell the 'Troggs in the studio story' :)


  11. [quote name='1976fenderhead' post='46416' date='Aug 16 2007, 01:27 PM']I know i could, that's why I might still get it :) Still is gay though...
    But have just checked reviews and it seems they're not that good anyway... And if it's wider, no chance...[/quote]

    Not sure what reviews you have read.....
    I have had one of these for years....and they are great...[i know plenty of people who love em..]
    As for being gay...use it without the 'gay' lights on.
    They also have a very smooth foot action.Which is great if you are wearing pink light weight slippers.


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