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Everything posted by lowdown

  1. Victor Bailey never particularly over stated the fretless sound...he just grooved away on the Bass..!!
  2. Hi mate, I noticed you mentioned the Jazz meets Classical album of Jacques Loussier (Bach Album). This absolutely terrific Album from Vincent Mendoza might interest you - 'Epiphany'. Top, top musicianship on it from all involved. Vince is a terrific Composer and arranger with a brilliant body of work behind him. Jacques Loussier on the Bach album
  3. I have that Album, yes it is great. Terrific playing all round, and like you say, top notch arrangements. Especially the harmonising on the Winds and Brass. 👍
  4. I'm not sure who's leading who, or if it's just plain ol' musical intuition but, Bass and Voice at times, are phrasing together. Terrific stuff.
  5. EDIT: Sorry, the below was posted earlier. Herb Albert's wife, Lanni Hall is the Brunette singer. And great she is.
  6. My favourite...And from a great album..!! I think Marcus was 18/19 on this?
  7. I got a pair of Kali LP6's for my oldest (Christmas present). They do sound good and I was surprised at the frequency range - 39 Hz/25Hz. They are defiantly worth doing some reviewing homework on and consideration. I got a pair from Amazon for £270.
  8. Top, top work. Pretty amazing really..!! 👍
  9. Bill just sent me his Email address to pass on to you, along with his Facebook address.. I will forward a bit later with some pictures. He said he will be happy to chat and just told me that he has three of Jeff's Basses still..!! He lives just outside Sydney. Cheers, Garry
  10. Hi Jack, PM me your Email address. A friend of mine (Bill R) still has one of Jeff's Basses. And indeed, still using it!! He lives out in Australia these days. Myself and Bill, along with Dave Swift, spent many great times around Jeff's place when he lived over at Theydon Bois (and his place before that). I have very fond memories from that period in time. Although far too much Beer was drunk...haha. There might be a few photos of Basses that Jeff made for me and my brother saved somewhere. I will have a look a bit later. I do remember your dad as well, I certainly remember Jeff talking about him a lot. Your Grandad was a great lover of Motorbikes as well, if I remember correctly. Regards Garry
  11. I use an internal SSD for DAW software, Virtual Instruments and plug ins. A second internal SSD for my projects/recordings. Two external SSD's for Sample Libraries and any other Samples, along with various video files that are needed. I have an external 2TB HDD for storing finished projects (which are also stored on various Clouds). This is only plugged in when needed for transfer of files and projects. Another external 2TB HDD for storing downloaded Sample libraries I have purchased. Although, some of these are available on the various vender websites as well. Once again, only plugged in when needed. DAW(s): Nuendo and Studio One.
  12. Maybe try this: In Sonar, there is a tick box that allows you to share drivers with other apps.You should find it in 'Preferences'. In Cubase/Nuendo it is named slightly different: Studio/studio set up/devices/audio system: Release Driver when application is in background. I've not been near Sonar in years, so I am guessing really. But the above is worth trying.
  13. Okay, thanks for clearing that up. 👍
  14. With most of these subscription deals there is usually an option to pay up front for one year (or whatever period) at a reduced rate/discount (as you point out). But, at some point, that particular version number of the software is your license to keep (subject to their conditions), with updates until the next version number. When the next update/upgrade version number appears, then updates for the former version cease, but you get keep that version for use. You own it (or at least the license) It seems like the OP VST is a never ending subscription, and if you want out, there is nothing to show for it, other than Audio and Midi files you have made/composed. There seems to be little information on what the deal really entails. Maybe it's there somewhere on the Website and I just can't find it? Anyway, judging from the walk through video, it does sound interesting and impressive. Although, I'm not sure it offers me something much more than Omnisphere 2.X does. Which I have....or, maybe I should say, own... These days, just about everything that is released sounds terrific. It's just my my wallet struggles to keep up with it all (as does my brain)
  15. So, what happens when you cancel the subscription? Are you just left with the .wav files you have recorded and nothing else, no VST Synth? Or, is there a point after a period of subscription that then makes you the license owner and you get to keep a fully working VSTi..?? Just curious really, as I have never gone down the subscription route, other than paying for a DAW version number update every couple of years or so. (which you get to keep, of course).
  16. It looks like it's £9.00 a month subscription only? Is that correct?
  17. Loopback Test and Record Offset: Direct monitoring doesn't mean your recorded Audio will line up and sync. Below is a useful video explaining this. Although this set up is demonstrated in Presonus Studio One, it applies to all DAW's. (there are probably Reaper and other Vendor DAW videos out there). It's a one time set up of your Audio interface, including Midi and virtual Instruments. demonstrate
  18. Here you go, Al... One he made earlier....
  19. Too many to mention for me but, I do love the growl and grunt from Guy Pratt's Bass on this track that deserves a mention (Top, top playing as well).
  20. No problem. For one minute, I thought my ears had gone pear shape.
  21. Sorry, I was talking about the OP video. I
  22. Good stuff and thanks for posting. In true Bass player style, he signs off with a little bit of Slap & Tickle, along with a touch of Bass face and his tongue accenting the slide down from the E.... Priceless......
  23. I love this...Some arrangement..!!
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