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Everything posted by lowdown

  1. Yeah, he was terrific. I have that track on an old VHS tape. Dave Grusin is stunning on that concert (well, they all are really). RItenour and Grusin are still working together, or were before Covid. Dave Grusin is 86..!! and still playing great.
  2. Certainly on of my favourite bands (along with Steely Dan and Toto. TOP, back in their hey day had arranging chops, playing chops and vocal chops of the very highest standard.
  3. Ah, okay. I'm not really sure what Elements LE is, but it sounds quite old from what you are saying.
  4. No need to move on to another DAW just yet. Cubase has two options of using Midi with VSTi's. Although, Elements only allows 16 midi tracks. Or the older versions did. One option would be where a Midi track would need to have an Audio track assigned to it (this is called a Rack Instrument). This usually happens automatically when selecting and setting up an Instance of Kontakt. The reason being is you can assign several Audio tracks to Kontakt. Kontakt is multi timbral instrument, so it can have 16 midi tracks in one instance, each having it's own Audio output, rather than one stereo output for all 16 midi channels. This would give you less control with FX etc. The second option is a VST Instrument track (as you point out). This one track has Midi and audio combined on the same track. The older versions of Elements would only allow 16 of these VST Instrument tracks. Which in your case, would be 16 separate Kontakt instances. It's a shame you didn't mention this a few days ago. Steinberg had a one month sale on, with 50% off certain software, including Elements 11. Which ended up at £42.50. The new version is quite an upgrade for Elements, with more options on the track count. YouTube has quite a few videos regarding your question. These videos will explain the difference(s) between the two types of track.
  5. Another top freebie for Kontakt (full version and free player version). This really is an excellent Grand Piano with 21 Velocity layers... https://www.soniccouture.com/en/products/p322-hammersmith-free/
  6. If you have Kontakt, the full version, 8Dio have twelve freebies for download and more on the way, I believe. The downloads are at the top of the page (under the free Tab ). 8dio — Sample Libraries & Virtual Instruments for Kontakt
  7. Quality Big Band arranging, playing and singing of two well know Christmas tunes (WELL, I think they are enjoyable )
  8. I know someone in the band. To say they were shocked and p**s*d off is putting it mildly. Shocking behaviour from a Broadcast Company that was once looked upon all over the World as a leader in quality Broadcasting ethics. 💩💩
  9. Disco and soul tunes if I remember correctly. Although, I defiantly seem to recall playing Stevie Wonder's tune, 'Living For The City'. EDIT: Haha... Blimey, I've just seen this. Kim Leslie is now Rev Kim Leslie. And she is still singing 'Living For The City'!!
  10. I worked with both the girls backing them for about six months (at the latter part of the 70's, I was in the resident band). It was a six night a week night club called 'The El Nile' (just off of Oxford Street). The girls had a cabaret act and used to do the late shift. Quite often coming in after doing other gigs/shows earlier. They were a great laugh, especially Kim. I believe she lives out in the States these days.
  11. All those plugins in the bundle have been free over the past year (I've managed to grab them all). Odd that they have now started charging for them as a Black Friday deal. Although, I must say, still worth £46.00 for the bundle.
  12. 'Tamasuperstar' (and his original rant), was actually talking to himself. The poster in question, 'JTUK', did a runner from this forum two years ago, maybe more, never to be seen again.
  13. The free 'Spitfire Labs' is well worth a look. It has plenty of not so obvious patches to work with. There are also some traditional sounding patches in there as well, along with some great sound design material. https://labs.spitfireaudio.com/#category=&search=&new=true
  14. A driving groove, excellent lead vocals, terrific vocal harmonies and of course, a great band. The Perri Sisters.
  15. Another free Waves FX. Oh Lordy, I must have loads of these Free Waves FX that I don't use... https://www.audiopluginguy.com/get-the-dbx-160-compressor-limiter-from-waves-for-free/
  16. Has your Bone gone too punky? Or even worse, has your Bone gone too soft? If you wish to fiddle with your Nuts and Bone...Some advice below. https://hazeguitars.com/blog/bad-to-the-bone-guitar-nut-and-saddle-problems
  17. Excellent and well played all round...I enjoyed that (Nice Bass tone as well). 👍
  18. RICHARD NILES47 minutes ago Nice job! You got all my brass & string parts right! REPLY
  19. I have been using an Avalon U5 for years for studio and recording from home. Engineers just take a feed out from the back. DAW recording, a line straight into my Steinberg USB interface. Sometimes I just plug straight into the Interface Pre-amp. If I use FX or dynamics processors, I apply them afterwards, once the recorded material is inside the DAW.
  20. I like it and, it's very well arranged with some top playing going on...Although, I think there's a couple of hundred years of more experience from some top hitters on show.
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