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Everything posted by lowdown

  1. Yeah no doubt, Whitney's version is great. But personally, I love Benson's raw passion more, and this may sound odd.. I prefer the key..!!
  2. AJ is one of my favourite all time vocalists. (I love the live version with Steve Gadd).
  3. Will Lee posted the below video on his Facebook page. Bassist Paul Thompson, looking at the players and their Basslines on Donald Fagen's 'The Nightfly' album. Paul Thompson has also put up transcriptions for the selected examples he analysed. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1xmLx4nDuhoAK1317GLWXFvm-aF-OcK-C Enjoy..!!
  4. I have the UR22 as well, which I use with Nuendo, so I echo what 'NickD' said in the post above. I've had it for quite a while with zero problems. However, I'm actually eyeing up the UR22C and will probably buy one pretty soon. All their hardware is pretty much updated straight away if there are any problems with Windows updates. So no problems with that side of it. For Bass & Guitars, I don't even use 3rd party DI's or preamps these days, they sound nice and clean straight through the UR22 preamp(s). 5 Pin MIDI Din I/O as well, so saving on USB ports. My current UR22 is very stable and pop/click free with low latency settings for tracking. And as far as the reviews I have read, it's pretty much the same score with the UR C series regarding good performance.
  5. Quite a big update today (V5.1.0). As well as bug fixes, quite a few new additions. 👍
  6. You should have kidnapped the Tutors partner in exchange for a Battery.
  7. Third party VST support for the 'Artist' version is now available in version 5. https://www.presonus.com/products/Studio-One/compare-versions
  8. Your .amr file plays back in the VLC Media Player. If you want to convert the file to mp3, there is a free online converter below. In return they ask you to share their link on social media (but there is no need, you can just download with no problem)). https://www.onlineconverter.com/amr-to-mp3
  9. I don't think she is condescending and, she sounds sexy...It's just a shame that she has cloth ears. I've just tried running your audio clip through 'Shazam'. No luck. The annoying thing is that it does ring a bell from the past. It must be an oldie. It has a middle eight... I'm on a mission myself now, it's driving me bonkers.
  10. Her solo at 39:10 on the Gibson is lovely, with a nice tone too. Like you say, the Trio gigs are a good listen, the Piano Player, Rafał Stępień, plays great..!! Her dad (on the video - Drummer, Irek Głyk) is also a very fine Jazz Vibes player.
  11. Seventeen Strings you say ? That's nearly Eighteen strings...
  12. Funny you mention that. My two boys were doing some research on the area I'm from and they showed me this... 👍 http://www.britishrecordshoparchive.org/a1-records.html#
  13. One of my favourite singers...Although I have seen the documentary before, I watched it again. He was certainly a class act. All those 'Harold Melvin and the Blue Notes' tunes he was involved with are absolute classics. (Not forgetting the studio musicians and arrangements as well..!!). The band should have been called..."Teddy and the Blue Notes"...
  14. I know it's about musical opinions but, Yep, I agree... This current version is doing my head and ears in.
  15. I don't care one way or the other, I don't normally listen to Tributes/Tribute bands full stop. But, I suppose with a lack of playing time for most musicians this past few months, it's a chance to get together with other players and do a bit of playing, even if it is remotely.
  16. I think the OP had the Skyline version and he is right, sometimes, the quality is a bit suspect with them. The USA Laklands are a different Beast altogether. Price and quality wise. https://www.lakland.com/product/usa-series-dj-4-darryl-jones-signature/
  17. R.I.P Certainly one of my favourites from the early 70's onwards... I thought things were not so good when he posted this over the Weekend.
  18. I like it..!! Excellent playing all round from a very tight band. Top marks for the very mature Brass arranging as well. 👍
  19. Ferrum - FREE Trailer Percussion for both Kontakt versions. If you are only using the free Kontakt player, you will get a license for use. It also has very good step sequencer for building up your own rhythms as well a bunch of rhythm presets. https://bedroomproducersblog.com/2020/08/05/keepforest-ferrum-free/
  20. He's getting there. The Etudes are hard work on Upright, but he is starting to feel the benefits now. Although, they are a good work out for Electric as well...As your video shows..!!
  21. Well played, Rob. I agree about the book. My oldest has been using it for Double Bass practise these past few months and he is really enjoying working through the Etudes. Funny enough, I have just been listening to John Patitucci this afternoon. His upright playing on Dave Grusin's album, West Side Story, Is terrific.. Well worth a listen.
  22. Strangely enough, not much about Glenn Miller though. Then again, Trombone players aren't big news anymore.
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