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Everything posted by lowdown

  1. Although it has a double time feel, it’s in 4/4 with some 2/4 bars. Those Mariachi Brass licks are just a two bar phrase of 3/4 and 4/4. I think it might be the 3/4 bar that throws people off-kilter.
  2. The ‘Bonechat forum is an easy going board. You just slide in and out as you please.
  3. https://www.keyboardforums.com/ http://forums.musicplayer.com/ubbthreads.php/forums/18/1/The_Keyboard_Corner
  4. “Revelation”, well spotted. 👍 The quality is not good, but a great performance with 'The Yellowjackets and Take 6'.
  5. ^^^ What part ? I think the chorus sections work great and the voices sit well together.
  6. Yeah, those early YJ albums had some lovely, groove playing on them. Harmonically, the tunes were interesting & very rich sounding. BB5, I know you are into Piano playing as well, check out this short Russell Ferrante video on stacking/poly chords. It gives you an idea how they got those themes and chord structures.
  7. It was posted some time back. IIRC, it turned into a Bun fight over the possible use of FX on the vocals.....
  8. What about a night out at Ronnie Scott's ? Listening to the "The Chick Corea Akoustic Band with John Patitucci and Dave Weckl" https://www.ronniescotts.co.uk/performances/view/4707-the-chick-corea-akoustic-band-with-john-patitucci-and-dave-weckl
  9. But they did have a Guitarist on stage, and what iconic Steve Lukather solo? *
  10. “Bass player’s face says it all I think”. I think he was preparing himself for his own, comical, Bass drivel routine at 04:20 onwards.
  11. Blimey, a great tune up in smoke.... Not sure what to make of that, is it really him ?
  12. 48kHz was/is standard if using video/film for two channel stereo recording. A decent read here. https://www.thebroadcastbridge.com/content/entry/7999/should-audio-for-video-be-recorded-at-high-sample-rates
  13. lowdown

    What midi?

    Yeah, of course.. But these days everything seems to be USB. I think there are more dongles, extra midi controllers & Pads, external hard drives for audio, and the big bespoke sample library hard drives (all fighting for ports). I have eight, seven of them are being used. I suppose the whole thing is never ending...
  14. lowdown

    What midi?

    I think the main reason folks still use midi 5 pin din (apart from controllers that are not USB), is that you only need to use one USB socket on the puter for the interface. The USB interface then takes care of the Audio and midi.
  15. lowdown

    What midi?

    As far as I know, the 2i2 doesn't have midi I/O. I think the 2i4 does though. So you would be relying on USB to USB from the controller.
  16. lowdown

    What midi?

    5 pin din (midi) lead from a controller into a (decent) Interface, then out from the Interface into a PC via USB works absolutely fine with no latency issues. (I use a Steinberg UR22mkII for the above way) I think it's the USB out from a keyboard into the PC via USB that might cause a few problems latency wise reported by some. But, I have a second USB to USB controller, just for single lines and controlling cc#'s etc, and I don't seem to have any latency problems. Maybe any problems are down to interfaces? With such high specs these days, I thought latency wasn't really a major issue anymore?
  17. Yeah....Me too. That awful weedy, warbling vibrato, Nanny Goat voice makes me cringe. He sounds like one of those Swiss Mountain Goats.
  18. I saw him with the AWB down at the Black Prince in Bexley (just before they went off to record that Album). Terrific Drummer... If Cher hadn't helped Alan Gorrie at that party, he would have died too...
  19. Hamish Stuart played Bass on the album track, ‘You Got It’ , from The AWB Album. Alan Gorrie on the track below. As a side note, there are some serious big name players on this album. The whole album is very soulful, with great funky grooves on. One of my favourite albums.
  20. Maybe that is a Fender Mustang Bass, rather than a Jazz Bass?
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