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Everything posted by lowdown

  1. I think you named a Laptop. I remember reading somewhere that on the official Mancini score, it was written as ‘NC’ on top of the notes. Ebsus4 (-5)/A is a version I have seen written chord wise before.
  2. Interesting little read regarding MP3 format and Soundcloud uploads (a couple of minutes). Near the end of the article, it recommends (possibly), uploading a Wav file. Although, every man and his dog has a theory on Soundcloud and compression it seems. I find it all very confusing.
  3. I am not sure it has ever been named. I have seen many combinations quoted over the years, including partial, or implying a chord minus notes. Maybe Inspector Clouseau could give us a clue ?
  4. Indeed, it should bring a bit more tension into the thread.
  5. What about that ambiguous, ominous final, 'James Bond Chord' (Em/Maj9), favoured by John Barry? ***
  6. I have quite a few Dave Grusin albums and film score/TV soundtracks. I can listen to any of them at anytime all the way through, and I quite often do.
  7. Both electric & synth bass on this. They work well locked in together.
  8. Actually, you could just write tacet bars, because what you end up with when a Guitarist is confronted with notation, is exactely that - Loads of tacet bars. Sorry, casual stereotyping.....
  9. Also with a small 'o' above/below one of the stems (usually the upward stem, indicating the open string).
  10. Oddly enough, people usually describe his s**p sound as scooped mids, in fact it isn't. That's why it's so powerful and tight.
  11. That goes without saying. But in the interest of keeping the thread going, it's best not to mention his pink torpedo sound.
  12. Blimey, call yourself rock and rollers..? Power chords! Root & Fifth, can contain octaves, granted. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Power_chord
  13. I have that album (Future Talk), some great playing all round on it. Yes, Marcus really on top of it. That period (end of the 70’s) he seemed to be doing a lot of Fretless playing, (Dave Grusin, Lenny White etc...).
  14. Sampling is more than just lifting bars from previous recordings and creatively chopping them up. Sampling is also recording traditional Instruments chromatically, mapping the notes across a keyboard, then playing/recording/painting in those sampled patches. Midi mockups using Samples is big business these days, some of the works are so good that they can make it onto the final product/Film/TV etc, or mixed in with real Instruments in the final mix.
  15. It’s not just his music. His work/studio engagements with other artists before leading his own band, is quite remarkable. If you have a day to spare, check out his credits... http://www.marcusmiller.com/music/discography/
  16. Not only does he play well, he also grooves when he talks... Terrific Musician.
  17. ‘Johnny Fart Pants’... EDIT: Spongebob (above), has already been there...
  18. @SpondonBassed Yes, that intro is terrific. Although it doesn't win me a prize, it is one of my favourite all time intros.
  19. French Horn, eh? Lovely..... My dear old mum would have approved. Rather than my oily Trombone slide, dropping onto her lovely new carpet,
  20. You might be interested in this website. The United States Marine Band - 'The Complete Marches of John Philip Sousa'. Three albums (legally free to download, but MP3 only), along with the full scores and single instrument parts in PDF. (Click on the individual track to get access to the score PDF's). http://www.marineband.marines.mil/Audio-Resources/The-Complete-Marches-of-John-Philip-Sousa/
  21. Ahhh...Sometimes known as 'The Norman (Archer)', or a 'Doinker', with noises usually made by non slapping Bassists, in the wrong places, at the wrong time with more pulled force than a Medieval Bowman.***
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