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Everything posted by lowdown

  1. Yeah, it’s a pretty cool theme. Always makes an appearance when these type of threads pop up.
  2. Funny enough I was reading about this the other day. How they sampled the notes (Along with the FX), and how everything was then played on a keyboard. EDIT: Here you go.Interesting little read. https://noisey.vice.com/en_us/article/689n7a/how-seinfelds-theme-song-was-created
  3. Full version (Second series version). I think this is Carole Kaye on Bass.
  4. This is the closing credits theme. Just a longer version of the opening titles.
  5. Crossed my mind as well, but in my case all but two. Edit: I can’t count seems there are five and not four, plus I didn’t enter. Voted. Well done all.
  6. Yeah, 7/4 and co written by the wonderful Bassist, Andy Pask.
  7. Tower of Power - Back to Oakland. I was Seventeen when it was released & have had a fondness for them ever since. Blew my mind when I first heard them. Lush arrangements with close, detailed harmony in the Horn section, top playing all round with plenty of improvising.
  8. Clem Cattini was there as well. Actually, he often gets overlooked in the Rock world. Played on over a hundred singles/forty three number ones?. One of the few Drummers at the time who could easily switch between straight 8's & swing 8's. (also one of the early Hi Hat adopters as well). He was a regular at Abbey Road and EMI before the Beatles were making a big name for themselves.
  9. There you go, Blue. A great point. Many, many Beatles tunes have been covered by plenty of other artists.
  10. Very true. Like The Beatles, YouTube Clickbating is here to stay. When we are all playing Virtual Bowls, at least we can say “We were there”.
  11. That post is a funny read. Kicked off Friday morning nicely. I bet 'Blue' is twitching in his sleep.
  12. Like Andy, I ended up doing shows for a living. We were both in the same circles really. My wife was dancing on a summer show at (Butlins) Skegness in 1988 (Andy was in the pit band), If I remember correctly, Andy was working for Chris Hocking (MD) and he was not so well then.
  13. Been listening to 'Vince Mendoza' a lot recently. His composing and arranging chops are terrific. Here he is conducting the fantastic Metropole Orchestra.
  14. I knew Andy. Yes, he was a lovely musician. (my wife just pointed out that he came to our wedding). That was very sad indeed.
  15. I have been very lucky and played with a lot of excellent Drummers over the years. Although two of them, who at a particular time I worked with quite a bit, were complete arsholes as human beings, but that didn't bother me because they were a joy to lock in with musically. I was earning money with them, not intending to propose marriage.
  16. Anyone remember playing millennium NYE ? A bit special that one. I bagged £1300 for myself on a function in the West End (long gig though, playing through dinner & 2:00am finish - Twelve piece band). My wife had a good one as well, £1550 on a cabaret gig. We went to Barbados in January for ten days....
  17. G# (13th fret), open E = Double stop. A lovely sound. Then add a D at the 12th fret on the D string, a nice D7 shell. Then of course, all the variations. Open strings are gorgeous for chordal pieces. Fast chromatic runs down low, the open strings can be invaluable and at high tempo, the difference in tone wouldn’t be noticeable. What about tunes played on a four string when a low E is needed? You have no other option, unless you retune. Open strings are part of the Bass gig. At some point in your life, for some reason, there will be a need for an open string, even if it is just for tuning up.
  18. Plenty of love for Jaco here. When he burst onto the scene it was a breath of fresh air. My ears hear plenty of groove, lovely lyrical phrasing and solid technique. Later on there was stuff that I thought was nonsense, but that was more than likely to do with his problems. He also had a decent pair of Piano chops. Something else about Jaco was his talent for arranging and composing. Loved the big band stuff. Terrific musician.
  19. 100%. They should have made it a bit harder, (like what tune they were playing?).
  20. Yeah, those opening chords before the Bass enters are lovely and often overlooked.
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