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Everything posted by lowdown

  1. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1508924734' post='3395331'] play it using 8-bit synth sounds and stick a breakbeat behind it and you have Plustech Squeeze Box! [/quote] I have an idea. You play it..... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L8qHOeu5Ops
  2. True - But equally, because one doesn't like the music being made, that doesn't mean the programme has seriously lost the plot. Or come to think of it, neither does a white dress or being a woman.
  3. [quote name='steantval' timestamp='1508880061' post='3395167'] some woman in white playing a piano - WTF - this programme has seriously lost the plot. [/quote] WTF, some woman in white, is in fact, Hiromi. A very serious, skilful musician. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nFXphyC-et8[/media]
  4. [quote name='MrDaveTheBass' timestamp='1508838210' post='3394697'] I'm still trying to master the Tibetan Anus Flute. It's a bit niche though, and I'm still having trouble finding an appreciative audience... [/quote] If you need any help, thid video might help. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xXp4JUFOz8E
  5. That metronome might as well go down the job centre and sign on, for all the good it’s doing. Maybe I am being unfair and they can’t hear it.
  6. Back then, arranging was very much the name of the game in Disco, especially the Philly type style. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_sxuRJeaRmI&list=RD_sxuRJeaRmI&t=19
  7. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1508745242' post='3394049'] Crikey that's not far off my double bass! Maybe you're not Lowdown at all [/quote] You should see my Double Bass action.. Oddly enough, there are people who pick my electrics up and think the action (s) are not high compared to their Basses. I always thought there were more variables involved than just action (if a Bass feels & plays right to the individual). String gauge, tension, rounds/flats etc... Interesting thread. Beats 'what sticks do you use?'
  8. I don’t normally measure my action, but just have. My fretted is just under 6mm at the 17th fret and my Fretless at the same position is about 5mm (The E string-B string about the same).
  9. Sorry, no Boom Boom here. https://soundcloud.com/garrycribb/the-seductive-elf
  10. [quote name='bassace' timestamp='1508677617' post='3393685'] My understanding is that on receiving payment the Jewish musician would silently intone ' God is good', spelling gig. And although it's mainly used for musical work the term applies to a freelancer in any field. [/quote] Yes, I have heard that version. There is also reference to it in this link below (in the comments). There are also a couple of other interesting theories, that kinda of follow on. http://www.word-detective.com/2009/02/gig/
  11. [quote name='arthurhenry' timestamp='1508605125' post='3393294'] Playing in the band for a pantomime matinee and then again in the evening. Is that two [b]shows[/b]? [/quote] Yes, correct, two shows.
  12. [quote name='danonearth' timestamp='1508363168' post='3391765'] I've often thought this version of "Both Sides Now" by Joni Mitchell (used in the film 'Love Actually") could literally have worked great with just her and the bass - does anyone know of any other examples of truly understated (or under-played, but perfect for the song) performances like this? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=coNo-CrAb4g [/quote] Of course JM sings well on the OP video, but, for me what makes this version so special, is the absolutely terrific arranging and conducting by ‘Vince Mendoza’. Really top class stuff from him.
  13. [quote name='Hutton' timestamp='1508488247' post='3392488'] Since photobucket went tits up I thought I'd post up another pic thanks to imgbb! [url="https://ibb.co/c775D6"][/url] [/quote] That's a serious music stand...It has a light on it.
  14. [quote name='visog' timestamp='1508443360' post='3392312'] Good news... do we get the back-story? [/quote] Not really sure, other than that someone had seen a share on Facebook locally and knew where the Bass was. The power of social media really did play it’s part. Something like over 400 Facebook shares. https://www.facebook.com/hashtag/bassbackintherightplace?hc_location=ufi
  15. Result. The Bass has now been returned to it’s owner.
  16. Although it is [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Rutger Gunnarsson on 'Dancing' Queen', he isn't on every ABBA tune. An English studio player (Mike Watson) who lived in Sweden at the time, did a bit as well[/font][/color] An interesting little read about both of them here. [url="https://philwbass.com/2014/01/02/the-bassists-of-abba/"]https://philwbass.co...ssists-of-abba/[/url]
  17. [quote name='five-string.co.uk' timestamp='1508412569' post='3391994'] [font=Calibri][size=3][color=#000000]Hi All,[/color][/size][/font] [font=Calibri][size=3][color=#000000]Sorry, I’m not sure this is the best place to ask, but I need a notated copy of the Sax solo for China in Your Hand by T'pau. I could of course notate this myself, but I just don’t have the time at the moment.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Calibri][size=3][color=#000000]Can anyone help?[/color][/size][/font] [font=Calibri][size=3][color=#000000]Thanks[/color][/size][/font] [font=Calibri][size=3][color=#000000]Greg[/color][/size][/font] [/quote] Here you go, Greg. It's in Bb and the transposed Alto part is in 'G'. (both parts below). When downloading, if you can't open the PDF, change the file name (last three letters) to pdf, then all should be fine. Just to add, the solo was played by the marvelous Gary Barnacle. [attachment=255891:China In Your Hand - Alto Key G.pdf] [attachment=255892:China In Your Hand - Concert Pitch Bb.pdf]
  18. [quote name='Spoombung' timestamp='1508413209' post='3391999'] There's about four notes in it. You don't have time? [/quote] Nonsense...
  19. I live over at Canvey - Shared on some local Facebook groups. Good luck and I hope it turns up..
  20. [quote name='Delberthot' timestamp='1508221375' post='3390522'] [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nXHJvNIFPx0[/media] [/quote] I was thinking of that one when posting (With the fantastic Carlos Vega on Drums)
  21. [quote name='bubinga5' timestamp='1508189590' post='3390441'] Slap works quite well in the right hands though.Unfortunately fashion, and bad taste(Imo) has lead us to this point. You don't hear us debating tapping, or harmonics in the same way. Its a shame, because in the right hands slap bass can be so musical. Of course I'm not saying this Marcus Miller vid is all that, its subjective. Quite an aggressive/percussive style for sure. Its just another technique thats been used in the wrong way for a long many years. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NHdN_O5k3WM[/media] [/quote] People may not like him stylistically, but with Marcus, not only is his time and groove always on it, he oozes melodic content. (Sadly something a lot of Bassists don’t have during a solo - Just finger led, aimless wandering). Terrific musician.
  22. Abe Laborial was the guy for ‘Conga Slapping’ when winding up a solo (with a dance to match).
  23. [quote name='drTStingray' timestamp='1508081229' post='3389610'] 1980s - notably not a Fender bass in sight!! [/quote] Yes ! I Just read your (great) post in the other thread.
  24. I remember this series, great viewing at the time for practise. I used to nip into the Bass Centre (Wapping) and pick them up, (although I seem to remember mine being VHS ?).
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