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Everything posted by lowdown

  1. I don't say it's in 'G', 'Russ Ballard' told 'Rainbow' it's in 'G'... I am just happy to pass the message on...
  2. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1507888206' post='3388535'] What key is the part in post #2..? It's supposed to be in 'C'. The post #11 version is a tone below that. If any other key is required, it's a matter of minutes for me to change it. Just say how much higher/lower than the post #2 version. [/quote] In post # 2, although no F sharp is written on the clef to indicate the key is 'G', it is indeed 'G'. (same as record). In post #11 it has two flats, but should be one. Tone down from above. But I think you know that and are just testing us all out, you crafty senior, so & so...
  3. Two birds with one stone and all that... Wayne Johnson, with 'Flim' thrown in for good measure on this lovely Friday afternoon. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BUCKZFaAUFI
  4. [size=4]I must nip down Specsavers later, I really thought the thread title said "To Cheer Y'all Up"....[/size] [size=4] [/size]
  5. Musicians, and at a guess mostly Bassists, chatting & discussing music & Bass, specifically a Bassline line on a Bass/musicians forum is 'rowlocks' ??? Sorry, the post just amused me, that's all
  6. [quote name='ZilchWoolham' timestamp='1507827384' post='3388265'] I'm going to have to agree, though, something about it sounds better! I'm assuming it might be because I tend to favour 60's soul recordings over 90's soul recordings. [/quote] I think it sounds better as well, not sure why though.
  7. [quote name='ZilchWoolham' timestamp='1507826452' post='3388260'] I'm gonna have to say that's also a G#. [/quote] Originally listened on my iPad and thought it was an 'A', I have just sat at the Piano, and listened to YouTube through my desk top and yes you are right... So, Duck stayed true to the original.
  8. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1507825239' post='3388250'] Not really. But I'm intrigued that it seems to be a deliberate note choice, rather than a flub. [/quote] I think it's a clam ...It's a bad fit with the vocal and not in keeping with the spirit of the original. If it's not a wrong note and a personal choice, maybe he couldn't hear the vocal line when recording ? If you listen to the original, it's an 'A' (Bmin7 chord) and sits much better with the vocal. As others have said, it's not wrong to play the G# (well maybe in strict scale terms it is), but in this case it don't sound so nice. (All in [i]my[/i] ears opinion of course). The original (I think) [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=My2apquxKKQ[/media]
  9. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1507807071' post='3388068'] Wagner's'Ring' drones on for fifteen hours or so ... [/quote] Thankfully for all around, the Ring of Le Pétomane droned on for much less than fifteen hours.
  10. Just something about piece that always gets me hooked. Great stuff.
  11. [quote name='Sibob' timestamp='1507728867' post='3387548'] Depends how you define groove I guess, if you want to tie it down to only beats played by a human (which I'd argue you'll never find specified in any definition of' Groove'), and their various nuances, fine, but you're missing out on a lot. I tend to apply it to anything that gives a sense of relatively consistent rhythm. There are videos on youtube of tractor engines creating great grooves for example. But for those who require to see live musicians and more drum hits to tell whether a song is decent or not, let's try this: [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bsnChs_9IDc[/media] I simply meant this as a decent example of 'slap' bass in a relatively recent, (very) popular song. It works, it's tasteful. Slap doesn't have to be machine gun 64th notes everywhere....that's just the taste of the player and the given musical context. I don't slap very often at all, I can....not the flashiest in the world....but I've genuinely NEVER been asked on a gig "oh, can you slap that part". Fun to practice, incredibly rare to get used in the musical situations I'm in. Nevermind lol Si [/quote] People do tend to break groove down though. "Great Bass groove, but the Drums ain't happening", " The kit player is happening, but the Bass is dragging" etc... When they are all grooving/happening, then you know something special is going down. I just thought that Bruno Mars thing wasn't happening (for me), although I agree the Bass playing was right on it and a good example for the thread. I don't mind hearing programming, some of it you would be hard pressed to distinguish from a human playing, it has become quite musical these days, especially in the the hybrid/classical film score world. As for the second video you posted, that [i]is[/i] happening for me, with more energy, but then again, some might say too many fills (not me though. ) Sorry, I have derailed this thread.. Carry on.
  12. [quote name='Rich' timestamp='1507578105' post='3386531'] All I know about Romford is, a) Trace Elliot started there in the back room of a shop called Soundwave, [/quote] Blimey, yes I remember that place, busy shop. I lived south of the river and visited that place quite a lot.
  13. [quote name='Sibob' timestamp='1507727370' post='3387517'] Suits the song perfectly . Lot's of Motown is built over incredibly simple grooves, but we don't slag off Al Jackson Jr Si [/quote] Just opinions of course, but I couldn't compare (simple) Motown grooves with a programmed track like that. You kinda summed it up better than I did...'Groove'...
  14. [quote name='Sibob' timestamp='1507724902' post='3387479'] Welcome to the mainstream: [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nPvuNsRccVw[/media] Si [/quote] I bet the Drum programmer had many long, sleepless nights, putting that detailed Rhythm track together.
  15. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1507712325' post='3387344'] Her brother had a good act, too. ... [/quote] Indeed...although I did enjoy 'Mama's Got A Brand New Handbag'...
  16. [quote name='Paul S' timestamp='1507708733' post='3387317'] Funny how totally subjective music is within a group of musos. For me, the only thing worse than Neil Young's guitar playing is his voice [/quote] My feelings as well.
  17. [quote name='bassjim' timestamp='1507649222' post='3386978'] Who knows for sure..but it was Chuck Rainey himself telling the story. Even if he dressed it up a bit I think the point he was making was pre doing it the Walter Beck duo were very much against it. He had to do it out of sight before it was agreed that it was a working part integral to the track. I imagine once decided it was in, they had Chuck up for 72 hours straight perfecting every nano second of it [/quote] The Peg story from all involved (including 'that' story). http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=waIBA6_0GQc
  18. A couple of covers from Yoko Ono. http://youtu.be/ZsgMbxyDmCY http://youtu.be/IU8Ku8A03VA
  19. To get down as a 'Funk' slapper, it's just not about the groove, the knee length socks are a big part of the vibe. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rek3g8znpOg
  20. [quote name='Al Krow' timestamp='1507483749' post='3385779'] Once you start introducing slap into the set the bass becomes more of a front instrument and suddenly gets [i]noticed[/i]. [/quote] Well there you are, no hiding place. You really need to be on it, a bad thumb sticks out like a sore thumb.
  21. [quote name='bassace' timestamp='1507470808' post='3385650'] Keep going, guys. Soon you'll have every guitarist listed. [/quote]
  22. [quote name='Japhet' timestamp='1507468229' post='3385628'] Slap may be out of fashion but the snobbery it evokes will never die. [/quote] Yep, along with fun poking, and p*ss taking from the opposite corner.. Like this thread for instance. Still plenty of slapping going on if you search it out. This year I have seen Marcus Miller, Will Lee, Melvin Davies and Nathan East, all still slapping away and very good too.
  23. [quote name='Cato' timestamp='1507405371' post='3385330'] That's the biggest saxophone I've seen in my life. Nice vid though. [/quote] That’s Marcus & his Bass Clarinet. Some heavy weights on that stage (apart from Clapton & Miller or course). Steve Gadd, Dave Sanborn and Joe Sample (I think). Nice laid back groove...
  24. [quote name='KevB' timestamp='1507400344' post='3385270'] Greg Lake's xmas song is excellent. Saw Mostly Autumn do a belting version of it a year or two ago. [/quote] [quote name='Spoombung' timestamp='1507400673' post='3385272'] 'Driving home for Christmas' is a lovely song. [/quote] Agreed, nothing wrong with these two, especially compared to that drivel above from "The Showcase Showdown". ..... (IMO of course).
  25. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1507376408' post='3385029'] Swap the fedora for a fodera to be even more uncool! [/quote] I know he is from down under, but surely, even he doesn't want to walk around with a Bass Guitar on his head..... I suppose if he hangs cork from it, it would then look Australian cool.
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