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Everything posted by lowdown

  1. [quote name='fretmeister' timestamp='1505923331' post='3375279'] The compensation amounts have to fall within a bracket - they are published in the Judicial College Guide for Personal Injury Damages. So you can't claim £25,000 for a scratch, and an insurer can't offer you £50 for losing an eye either. Loss of earnings has to be proved with pay slips or accountancy records. Future losses are more speculative but there is a formula that is followed. But - before any of that happens, liability (fault) has to be established first, and medical experts have to confirm not only that the injury is real, but that the injury is consistent with the initial event. Amusingly - the no-win no-fee Claims Management Companies (they are not lawyers) exist because the insurance industry wanted them to be set up - because the insurers could then sell policyholder information to them. And they did, and made billions from it. The lawyer actually doing the work would then pay a fee for a referral. That fee was payable even if the claim was a pile of sh*t and wasn't worth running. Fortunately referral fees paid by or to lawyers have now been banned. But only last week the government again voted against cold calling by Claims Management Companies. I have no idea why - unless a few MPs have shares in them somewhere. [/quote] As my post above, my wife was sent a letter of an intended claim in court before the IC settled on her behalf. So in the case of my wife/Duo, it was worth having the Insurance. It all got quite complicated, because the claim was against my wife's duo. club owner and the agent. Not sure why the agent, he had nothing to do with it, other than supply the act. The club owner was another matter, believe it or not, he had no PLI, so I am not sure what went on there (or that outcome) because the claims company decided he was liable as well, unless that was just some kind of threat in an attempt to get more money ? [attachment=254034:jpg-to-pdf.pdf] My PL insurance is through the MU. I don't know if it's any good because I have never needed to use it. [url="https://www.musiciansunion.org.uk/Home/Advice/Your-Career/Protection/Public-Liability-Insurance"]https://www.musician...ility-Insurance[/url]
  2. [quote name='fretmeister' timestamp='1505919077' post='3375230'] Of course it is. And the insurer will do their best to make sure their own customer doesn't have to pay out. That includes shifting the blame. Their resources are enormous. Then if they have to pay out they'll try to pay out the least possible to protect their shareholders. [/quote] Very much this. My wife was in a Duo (they have insurance) with another girl singer. At the end of the gig when they were changing out of their stage gear, one of their 15" JBL's ended up on a pi**ed womans head.. Ambulance was called etc, and off to hospital she went to be checked over.. Landlord said to my wife don't worry she is fine, she is always doing stuff like this. The next day the landlord called my wife after getting her number from the agent asking if she has insurance ? The woman went to a 'no win, no fee' insurance claims company. I will cut it short, but the outcome was a three year (or two days short of three years) saga before it was resolved. My wifes company paid out around £1800 to the woman. plus the claims company take their cut, if I understand correctly. I don’t know, but possibly the landlord is in bother over not having the proper insurance (PLI) on his social club, his health & safety plan had issues (tables right in front of the PA speakers), he was operating some kind of gambling game on the night without a licence, not filling out an accident report, I mean the list is endless. The womans private life opened up all kinds of nonsense from her serious drink problem, previous claims through 'no win no fee', Her husbands self employed decorating business was failing apart just before the incident. I have not really covered it all. A witness at the club said the woman was really drunk and fell onto the speaker stand and knocked it over. The woman claimed the stand just collapsed and fell over onto her.To be honest, the whole story sounded like a load of nonsense. As a side note, the woman claiming and her husband had told the landlord that they should be able to get around ten grand in compensation from him and the girls (my wife's duo), but that didn't go to plan. My advice from my wife’s experience is, GET insurance if you are playing in public places. During the three year period, we did plenty of online reading and we discovered a lot of people (try and) claim for anything because of the 'no win, no fee' companies operating.
  3. No idea why it sounds better, but high action all the way for me. Finger style, slap and palm mute all seem to have more definition and a meatier sound, not to mention when DI'd, no fret clank. I found when I tried a low action I tended to tickle the strings (I like to dig in a bit) and it sounded feeble, indistinct and lost in the mix. I don't have any problem with strength, fast playing or articulation, maybe that's because I play double bass as well - Bass Guitar seems like playing cotton wool.
  4. [quote name='uk_lefty' timestamp='1505803425' post='3374339'] I see where they're going but I do not like the vocals, couldn't listen to a whole album, would prefer MK leading the vocal myself, but they didn't make the album for me. [/quote] Totally agree. Musically I like where it goes, but vocally, it sounds like one of those novelty records.
  5. A great musician and a terrific, funky Bassist. Such a shame about his condition. One of my favourite chart Bass lines was played by him, and a stonking line it was. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=txRXPviItwo
  6. [quote name='Hobbayne' timestamp='1505754645' post='3374063'] Weather Report. Everyone loves Jaco, but as far as I,m concerned it just bores me shitless. How many notes can you play, and how fast? (yawn) [/quote] I am sure you don't mean that. But on the other hand, coming from you, possibly 'Sour Grapes' ?..,
  7. [quote name='TimR' timestamp='1505746106' post='3373954'] Dancers and acrobats have been wearing leotards for centuries. [url="https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leotard"]https://en.m.wikiped...rg/wiki/Leotard[/url] [/quote] Yes, makes for ease of movement. My wife was a professional dancer in the 80's and 90's. (TV and Theatre). She said you were either trussed up in Mary Poppins costumes in panto, through to raunchy, skimpy, funky costumes/dresses, where it was easier to move and dance. Most of the time because of the music volume, she couldn't hear audiences. Although, strangely enough in Panto when the girls would enter the stage dressed as villagers, dads and teenage boys would wolf whistle and shout out sexist remarks. that amused her a lot, being a family show. I did quite a few the CSE forces shows around the world. You would get a hundred or so, drunken junior rank personal whistling, shouting and getting rowdy in a small venue, you would have thought that would be something to scare or upset the girls, but on the tours, the girls just seemed to have taken it in their stride otherwise they wouldn't have continued to do the shows... Usually in the mess afterwards, when we were being hosted, the same (earlier) seemingly animals, were then usually perfect gents with the girls. On the other hand I have done theatre tours through Europe that were based on The Moulin Rouge and The Folies Bergere productions/reviews (Topless & minimal clothing), and guys were very timid. So maybe it's not the costumes ? I mean, do you get the same behaviour the OP is talking about on the beach, when girls are wearing bikinis ? But of course these days, it is wrong (always has been I suppose). But don't get too carried away about a failing society, after all, it's a very small number of Clowns who behave in this way.
  8. Blimey, '[color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif] [/font][/color][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Tristram Shandy', there is a name from the past, and still going ? [/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]A Soul act I used to work for, played the Mecca/Baileys/Romeos (chicken in the basket clubs) a lot in the 70's,[/font][/color] [font="helvetica, arial, sans-serif"][color="#282828"]I think they worked for the same agency.[/color][/font]
  9. [quote name='silverfoxnik' timestamp='1505638274' post='3373233'] Its pretty obvious who's in the better place, don't you think? 😉 [/quote] Really ? Some of them are six foot under. I am quite happy were I am, thanks.
  10. [quote name='Yank' timestamp='1505642090' post='3373264'] You had a king who was a metaphor? Is that like J. Edgar Hoover being a cross-dresser? [/quote]
  11. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1505583663' post='3373037'] And people screamed at him - but oh yes, that`s girls doing it to men, so that must be ok then. Not really much difference to blokes doing it to girls really. Are we all that upset that girls used to scream at Elvis, Cliff, The Beatles, and The Stones? Nah, thought not. [/quote] Not to mention poor old Tom Jones, who has to walk around the stage with girls knickers on his head.
  12. Strangely enough, this was recommended to me a couple of months ago and I think it's terrific. Well worth a listen with some outstanding playing all round.
  13. The recent michael McDonald album "Wide Open". Very nice indeed. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OvdAsjmtNRw
  14. I have a (retired) Cellist friend called Vivien, who by her own admission, claimed to have lived life 'lively & fast' in her heyday. She often introduced herself as 'Vivace'. After a show one night, she invited me and a couple of other musicians to the (her beloved) Arts Club for drinkies. During the early hours and clearly ahead in the drinks marathon, 'Vivace' said, " Oh do please keep up, luvvies, I am operating at 175 bpm's tonight"..... A lovely lady, amusing old school character, with a very fitting pseudonym.
  15. Was there absolutely any chance, that Max Romeo was misunderstood, and he was really singing about a Pussy Cat ?
  16. [quote name='leftybassman392' timestamp='1505490556' post='3372363'] If you want to know more, I wrote an article about it some years ago. It's buried somewhere in the Theory and Technique section as part of a series on the music of ancient Greece. [/quote] Yes, I remember reading that ancient Greece series, very good indeed.
  17. "When the Bass stops, people say something is missing" "When the Drums stop, people say, oh s**t, Bass solo" Unless, it is Marcus, of course.
  18. [quote name='Mykesbass' timestamp='1505470109' post='3372119'] As for the host being awful, I actually thought it was pretty cool that he (or the production team) even considered having Miller as a featured guest, and to then do a whole piece explaining the bass's role to an audience of ordinary punters. [/quote] Yeah, I agree. Occasionally they have things like this on the ‘One Show’. They did something similar with Pino and ‘That Intro’ (although pre recorded).
  19. [quote name='Jecklin' timestamp='1505416722' post='3371836'] And yes I totally agree, absolute pitch is a non concept. [/quote] Why is it a non concept?
  20. [quote name='roman_sub' timestamp='1505408942' post='3371735'] No such thing as absolute pitch [/quote] Absolute/perfect pitch, relative pitch and cloth ears all do exist.
  21. Will only does big time birthday cakes. [url=https://postimages.org/][/url]
  22. [quote name='squire5' timestamp='1505301985' post='3370837'] '3 Times a Lady'.A popular '1st waltz' request at weddings.Surely its a break-up song? "But now that we've come to the end of our rainbow" and "Thanks for the times that you gave to me,the memories are all in my mind" Likewise ""Best of my Love" by the Eagles.Strange choices.Just goes to show,people dont listen to song lyrics often enough.They just hear one line and think 'Ah that'll do for my wedding' [/quote] 'Three Times A Lady', explained by Lionel Richie. http://www.billboard.com/articles/news/7400313/lionel-richie-three-times-a-lady-songwriters-hall-fame-interview
  23. If was mentioned several months back (when the above video first appeared) that Bernard Purdie was wearing a T-Shirt with him on it... Priceless... (Quite the character, although it is hard to tell from the video). [url="https://postimg.org/image/4vkk4ho83/"][/url]
  24. [quote name='SpondonBassed' timestamp='1505217050' post='3370269'] So that he can project like a luvvie when he lets off? [/quote] Of course, I can see that being especially useful for Tuba players (when they are required to let rip). http://youtu.be/ZuReUTXkx84
  25. [quote name='ambient' timestamp='1505210598' post='3370197'] A 'pro' is still a human being, complete with character traits, moods and a temper. [/quote] And a sense of humour... Some funny things being said in this thread regarding being a 'pro'. I mean, why does a 'pro' eat a lot of Baked Beans ?
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