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Everything posted by lowdown

  1. [quote name='Billy Apple' timestamp='1503551126' post='3359045'] Old Glory is not the Confederate flag. [/quote] Indeed. 'Old Glory' (The flag of the United States nickname) is not without it's possible problems of offending people (If too political I will delete). [size=4](Washington Post online)[/size] [i][size=4][color=#111111][font=Georgia]"Old Glory could be viewed as an offensive or hate symbol to Native Americans, yet no one is asked to hide it or cover it up. In the Sand Creek Massacre, 200 Native Americans, mostly woman and children, were killed. Three hundred Shoshone Indians were murdered at Bear River. Nearly 150 Native Americans were murdered at Wounded Knee . More than 15,000 Cherokees were forced from their homelands and made to march 1,000 miles on what became known as the “Trail of Tears.” Eight thousand proud people died. Old Glory was praised and held proudly above their heads."[/font][/color][/size][/i]
  2. [quote name='peteb' timestamp='1503526771' post='3359003'] To be fair, most of the old time pros I've met would have an attitude closer to the drummer in question [/quote] Absolutely. Also, these stories are ten a penny and get funnier as they get older. They seem to take on a new life with each embellishment as they do the rounds.
  3. [quote name='SisterAbdullahX' timestamp='1503507552' post='3358823'] Listen to Michael Brecker's incredible sax solo and that gorgeous descending arpeggio that Marcus plays and tell me about that lack of soul again... https://youtu.be/Nomb3-hIWjA [/quote] Terrific feel on this. I love the chord changes and that top vocal harmony. This was Brecker at his best. Top, top player. The whole track is so well arranged and oozes class. It really is musicians at the top of their game.
  4. Yes, he is a very nice player.
  5. Sad news. Five years later is a very enjoyable album.
  6. My ramblings. https://soundcloud.com/garrycribb/nomadic-adventures
  7. [quote name='interpol52' timestamp='1503478533' post='3358489'] It was just meant to be a bit of fun! I'm not imposing any tastes on my kids. [/quote] You do know, if you play that selection of albums that you suggested in front of your kids friends, they won't have any friends.
  8. Both my boys just worked their way through my music collection (Jazz through to Classical and everything in between). They made up their own minds. My oldest just told me after reading through this thread, (although someone mentions influential).There is only one nod to James Jamerson. That seemed to surprise him. But what does he know ? He is just a kid..
  9. Posted before (a fews years back). A couple of friends of mine had a nice little project. A band called 'Skuffle'. Unfortunately Bass player Steve McManus passed away three years ago. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k1hXegr69mQ
  10. [quote name='Shawman' timestamp='1503346804' post='3357525'] With the right preperation I could be in the market for a barney. [/quote] Will a Tom Barney do? Because there is one just here. http://basschat.co.uk/topic/310520-donald-fagen-nightfly/page__view__findpost__p__3356243
  11. [quote name='Thunderbird' timestamp='1503309204' post='3356997'] As above really there used to be some really funny people on the forum and you could always crack a joke but now some people seem so grumpy and just seem to want a row sign of the times? OK rant over lol [/quote] Maybe your Jokes are crap, or your stand up routine is dated ? I agree some very, very funny people have vacated the building, or don't pop in so much. It would be nice if they decided to dep on Basschat occasionally.
  12. Oh, ok (Cello tuning, but down an octave). That explains that open C at the end. This is really great listening (the pair of them). I haven't heard it in ages and forgot how good it was.
  13. [quote name='DaveFry' timestamp='1503308007' post='3356988'] 32-bar AABA form ( with pre-agreed intro and ending ) ..... take it away Red ! [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_htGBKvXWpI[/media] [/quote] Yeah, that's lovely. There is a transcription knocking around on the net somewhere of just Red's solo(s). (broken down into various sections) Bass is not in standard tuning either ? Blimey, nearly forgot, Clark Terry is brilliant on this. Thanks for the post. EDIT: Seems EssentialTension posted while I was typing.
  14. [quote name='ambient' timestamp='1503262265' post='3356839'] I love him, he's amazing. He was over here recently with Chaka Khan. I didn't see any of the gigs, but everyone I know who did said how fantastic he was. Love his 7 string Smiths too. [/quote] Yes, he is pretty special. His solos are really quite fluid and melodic. I was lucky to see him at Ronnie Scott's with Dave Grusin and Lee Ritenour. The whole thing was pretty impressive. I came away thinking that I had been in the company of some pretty serious musicianship.
  15. Not disturbed at all. Sorry if I came across arrogant, not my intention. The post just tickled me, that's all.
  16. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1503255177' post='3356747'] I'm not really fussed that it be a bass, a guitar or an accordion; it didn't do anything for me, end of. I might have been slightly impressed if he got those notes out of a carved carrot, but even then... [/quote] Yes, we all know. You made it quite clear in post #2. See you same time tomorrow.
  17. [quote name='Rocker' timestamp='1503251880' post='3356714'] No method that helps in the learning of a song/tune can ever be deemed evil. Notation is the most accurate but we are playing music after all.... [/quote] Ultimately, it's the ear that is the most accurate. Notation might be the most accurate in conveying the notes & performance guides, but without the ears in the first place to transcribe, there would be no notation (or TAB's). Your ears will also tell you if the chart (or TAB) is wrong or inaccurate (well they should do, through practise). Also, there is a lot of material you might want to learn or play that isn't available in charts or TAB's, so that's maybe a good reason to practise getting your ears into shape and start transcribing, that without a doubt, opens up a whole new world on the music journey.
  18. [quote name='obi 2 kenobi' timestamp='1503248409' post='3356681'] E - C tuning on Roscoe ? [/quote] Yes, it sounds like it. The register he is playing in is a sweet spot for Bass Guitar when taking the tune/melody.
  19. [quote name='pete.young' timestamp='1503224711' post='3356506'] It would be a dull world if we all liked the same things. Nathan East is pretty good if you like this kind of thing. Nice mellow sound for a Sunday morning. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k7YNKP_TBts [/quote] That's 'Melvin Davies' on Bass duties at the back, He can solo a bit. http://youtu.be/wGMCa2F474I
  20. [quote name='No lust in Jazz' timestamp='1503238420' post='3356604'] [media]http://youtu.be/xOHNYFIDLpc[/media] its the only way you'll get me near 'The Blues' [/quote] Haha... Excellent.! On another note 'Hen Hoe Down' just put a big smile on my face...I mean that is you? Yes ?
  21. Maybe an audience notice or hear things more than you think. This lot don't need to go to 'Ears R Us' 10:35 onwards. [url="http://youtu.be/IWBkVucVMCY?t=10m35s"]http://youtu.be/IWBkVucVMCY?t=10m35s[/url]
  22. [quote name='ambient' timestamp='1503227325' post='3356537'] Can I ask, where did you get TAB from then? [/quote] I had not really indulged in TAB so have little knowledge about it. What I did see always seemed limited to me. However, this thread got me looking deeper into it. It's still of no real use to me what so ever, but the Wiki info is quite interesting regarding it's advantages and disadvantages. Historical wise, it played a big part in the Renaissance and Baroque eras. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tablature
  23. [quote name='Les' timestamp='1503225034' post='3356511'] TAB scores highly on the readily available and free category [/quote] So does sex, but unlike TAB, it needs to be accurate.
  24. I could never get on vocally with that Stranglers version. I much prefered the Soulful vocal performance, along with a great groove and tasteful playing on the AWB version. The Bass playing is so in the pocket. (just my opinion of course). http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kva5h7tWS3Y
  25. [quote name='mikel' timestamp='1503212284' post='3356397'] Pedantry apart, we are discussing a previous posters assertion that the ability to read music is the measure of a real musician. My personal view is that there is nothing wrong with learning a bass part from Tab, or being able to play the piano without being able to read music. What is your view. [/quote] I was just jesting really. My view ? I suppose do whatever you are comfortable with in the musical learning process. Certainly using TAB doesn't make someone less of a musician. However, if someone wants to make a career out of music, reading the dots would be much more of an advantage than having just a good command of TAB's. You would be more employable. Apart from the playing side (shows/sessions etc) there are numerous opportunities for income from other sources, providing you know what you are doing with the dots.
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