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Everything posted by lowdown

  1. Nice tone, nice feel, decent chops and oh Lordy, he dared to play something melodic. Good playing all round from the band as well.
  2. [quote name='bubinga5' timestamp='1503170739' post='3356243'] i think this is just fantastic. Tom Barney's bass playing is just...The horn section.. Jon Herringtons guitar solo is just epic. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b1VKLM04Dgg[/media] if its not Incognito its Steely Dan [/quote] Yes, great version. The middle backing singer is Carolyn Leonhart, check out some of her Jazz singing on YouTube, marvellous.
  3. [quote name='ivansc' timestamp='1503164834' post='3356190'] and in Michael McDonalds case wound up [/quote] 3:54. Michael wants to stab Donald. http://youtu.be/9c74od1sZxo
  4. [quote name='mikel' timestamp='1503163244' post='3356179'] He could site read like an orchestral conductor and it would make no difference as we don't write our stuff down. [/quote] That wouldn't help much. An Orchestral Conductor Score is mainly for reference. Orchestral Conductors read very little on the stand, other than bits here and there, or important things (to them anyway). It's mostly committed to memory and very well mentally rehearsed. Reading a full Orchestral score isn't difficult, but committing to memory, all and every line is. Yep, Classical musos have ears as well.
  5. Phil Upchurch. (also a very good guitarist). He gets a bit tongue tied at 4:30, but George comes to the rescue. Some very nice playing on the Breein' album. Stanley Banks is the other Bass player on that album. In fact, Stanley Banks has pretty much gigged with George Benson since the mid 70's up until the present day. The excellent Harvey Mason on Drums on the album as well. (Phil Upchurch on this track). http://youtu.be/MTHcHZ0VzGo
  6. [quote name='cybertect' timestamp='1503141246' post='3355984'] [i]Pirates[/i] by Rickie Lee Jones, with which it shares Donald Fagen, Dean Parks, Chuck Rainey and Randy Brecker in the credit. [b]It gets a lot of listens.[/b] [/quote] In my house as well. Super album.
  7. [quote name='bubinga5' timestamp='1503106954' post='3355795'] This never gets old..The album is a masterpiece . its so well put together. A true master in music. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c5LSRrAwUtA[/media] [/quote] This line from Will Lee is great (doubled with Synth). Someone put up a transcription here. http://basschat.co.uk/topic/59948-walk-between-the-raindrops/ One of my fave albums as well. The stunning playing, writing and arranging is just top draw. I know what SiCbass means by a night album, especially when everyone is in bed... http://youtu.be/sogYgHlNnqo?list=PLF053611664329823
  8. [quote name='ambient' timestamp='1503087479' post='3355680'] It's great being able to look at a piece of notation, and just understand what's going on from the visual information there. [/quote] That's a great point. I learned a whole show (Grease) on a ten hour flight to the Far East. With my headphones and the show on mini disc, along with a copy of the show pad, I wasn't turning up completely cold. There was no surprises and I had complete confidence in what I was doing. I had become familiar by visually taking it all in beforehand.
  9. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1503065984' post='3355481'] As an aside, how, with 'dots' is one supposed to convey tone, such as fuzz, or 'grit'..? Dots have their limitations too, in some circumstances. [/quote] It's just written on the chart, isn't it ? 'Overdrive', 'Chorus pedal'. Just as 'Mutes', 'Cups' etc are written on Trumpet/Bone parts. Or String articulations for up and down bows etc. It's up to the arranger/orchestrator or engraver to put as much info on the part as they can. But then again I am talking about professional scores. Parts written out for fun to share, or post up on YouTube, usually lack that kind of detail. TAB is not evil, but it's not something I have ever used or indeed ever seen on a gig/show/session. Not to say it hasn't appeared for other folks. If someone doesn't read the dots or is not so good with the ears, I can see TAB being useful. Just another musical tool I suppose.
  10. Listening to a lot of Ray Brown/Paul Chambers recordings, along with getting the chord changes from the first/early fake books.I also had a good upright teacher, a guy called Joe Mudele. A fantastic Bebop player.
  11. I can't help here, but an American Musical Director I used to work for, always said before giving us all the downbeat.... "Here we go ladies & dudes, curtain up....stay loose and hang loose"
  12. Been depping and freelancing for about forty years and have mainly steered away from original bands. Too much rehearsing going on for no payment and usually pretty poor money on the gig - Yep, I am a 'bread head'. Not knocking the life of the original band, 'cause most are pretty good. But just not for me. My depping has taken me from The Falkland Islands to Tokyo and just about everywhere in between. Shows/Functions/Weddings/Turns/Big Bands/Jazz/Orchestras/Corporate Trade shows and even a farting act (a geezer, in a green all in one lycra bodysuit). Mainly excellent times, some seat of my pants times, and of course, some memorable train wrecks from all along the way. The big plus is, I have played with some terrific musicians. Is depping a good idea ? Yes, of course it is....
  13. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1502873261' post='3354013'] a lone traveller crossing the scene on his camel..! Doha..! [/quote]
  14. Love this tune. For some reason, it always reminds me of the tune associated with Sonny Rolllins, 'St Thomas'. It must be the happy vibe it brings out in me.
  15. [quote name='The Jaywalker' timestamp='1502794655' post='3353555'] Totally incorrect. Intervals and scale degrees are separate entities and function both "up and down" in music. An interval is the distance between 2 notes - in either direction. C to E is a major 3rd. Thats up 4 semitones. To go down a major 3rd we go down 4 semitones to Ab. Minor 3rd is 3 semitones so up to Eb and down to A, respectively. When it gets confusing for folks is when we talk about going between notes in different octaves: C up to E is a major 3rd interval and the 3rd degree of the scale/chord (assuming we're in Cmajor etc); C down to E is still the 3rd of the chord/scale, but the interval is a minor 6th. So "down a 3rd" means up a 3rd and down an octave. No 5th involved. Also, VERY important to clarify whether the instruction is to go down a major or minor third. Lots of rock/pop stuff isnt strictly diatonic in terms of the chords often being A5 D5 type of vibe, so a diatonic guess might be off and chances are a juicy Ab bass note might not sit too well with an A5 powerchord... Ears open as well! [/quote] Summed up nicely.
  16. I thought Marcus Miller played Bass on 'Just The Two Of Us'? Or am I thinking of a different version?
  17. ^^^^ Just press/tap/click stop.....What's difficult about that ? I think Soundcloud has been great for Musicians (certainly for me) and I am glad that it lives on. It's really been mismanaged, there is a great opportunity for money making there. Even a monthly subscription of $1 per month for uploading (or even adds) would bring in shed loads of dosh, it has a huge amount of users who find Soundcloud invaluable. Of course, just uploading an odd track for band members, paying a small subscription might not be so appealing.
  18. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1502577102' post='3352335'] Here it is, anyway... http://youtu.be/i2rByT541zk [/quote] Rainey And Purdie, excellent stuff. RAP in all it's glory.
  19. The Pointer Sisters were great at the medium (pumping 8's) rock groove. This one went under the radar a bit in the UK. [media]http://youtu.be/Z7CzeKcAocQ[/media]
  20. [quote name='ambient' timestamp='1502448000' post='3351491'] Isn't it from the same show? So it's kind of a reprise. [/quote] Yep, same tune, known as a 'Contrafactum'. (I only know that word, 'cause I was playing on one of Webber's shows in Dublin, and I asked him ).
  21. [quote name='Hobbayne' timestamp='1502441980' post='3351427'] Its just taken me 40 years to realise that this is the same tune as Dont Cry For Me Argentina with different words! I must get out more. [/quote] If you look at the original promo video, it's not David Essex, it's actually Peter Sutcliffe.
  22. [quote name='SteveK' timestamp='1502114408' post='3349368'] Give me an average band attempting to be a little different and original over a regular covers band, any day of the week! [/quote] Well, you did ask .... http://youtu.be/zTbjLOem2Qg
  23. Hi Avi14. I just had a listen to 'Beat It'. The original recording you are playing along to, is in Eb minor. You seem to be playing in Eminor ? If that is not the case and you have detuned, it is nearly a semi tone out. To be honest, I didn't want to comment, but it is worth remedying tuning issues from the beginning. Dad (above) has posted some useful advice in that post, so maybe take that onboard for practice regimes. It is stuff a one on one tutor would point out, so you got that for free. Good luck with it all.
  24. 20-30 through my rather tip top Headphones, 30-40 through through my PC Speakers. Age 60.
  25. Apart from Skol's suggestions, Cubase/Nuendo users have a great option. Steinberg 'VST Pro', it's perfect for this. (no good for the OP and Logic, I know - But maybe useful for other Cubase users). I have been using this for a while with a guy in LA and it works great (although I am mostly using it for Midi). https://www.steinberg.net/en/products/vst/vst_connect/vst_connect_pro.html There is also 'VST Transit' in Cubase for collaborating. http://youtu.be/9cBZTx76px0?t=1m35s
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