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Everything posted by lowdown

  1. Yes indeed, the Felt Piano is very nice. I can usually find somewhere to put a least one of those patches into a piece/track. (Over the years I have collected the lot apart from the folk loops - In the early days they used to be £2.00 a go). If I get time to enter the Basschat shenanigans this month, as a challenge to myself, I think I might use only the Labs patches and then enter that into the 'Thinkspace' comp as well. Recently the Epic Piano Pads were free to download (they sound great). I am not sure they are still available though. [b]EDIT :[/b] Found them. Scroll down to the bottom and the link is still there. [url="http://www.spitfireaudio.com/editorial/quick-tips/unconventional-uses-of-reverb/"]http://www.spitfirea...uses-of-reverb/[/url]
  2. I know a couple of people on Basschat use the Spitfire Labs Kontakt (full) Patches, I thought this might be of interest. http://youtu.be/ZFywFF5U_1g http://youtu.be/t4hsV8H_LQ8
  3. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1501592649' post='3345730'] I fear the worst... (... but he'll do 'Doom' just the same; just you wait and see... ) [/quote] Yes, that worried me too, so my original picture has now been replaced (hopefully). I feared my original picture of the current, saturated 'Dunkirk' theme, would not have survived another 'Array of Doom' battering on the beaches.
  4. Picture sent. Not quite Doom, more 'Boom Bang A Bang', You see, all the rage at the moment.
  5. Three pictures ? That's enough to make a short film and enter into the Cannes Film Festival. Well done all, a decent bunch of tracks and thanks to the people who voted for me.
  6. Our two American friends, 'Blue & Yank' have summed it up for me. It's how you play the style. (Along with the Boots you wear).
  7. Verses are thumbed and choruses are played finger style. On the studio version you can hear it more distinctively with headphones. On that live version, sound wise it's more obvious, not to mention visually. Great groove, on both versions.
  8. Love that video, so much going on. Really uncanny how well Chevy lip sinks/mimes the vocal line. It's like he was the original vocalist.
  9. As others have said it will not work (for all the noted reasons above) If your MIDI Controller has internal sounds and Audio sockets out as well, yes you can use the Audio out into the Audio in on the MB. That's ok if you have cheesy sounds on the Keyboard and you want to manipulate that through the MB. I am not sure what you are looking for, or aiming to do. Is the intention to get better Bass Synth sounds ?
  10. Really good stuff and nice playing all round.
  11. [quote name='The59Sound' timestamp='1501222359' post='3343355'] Don't they usually try and cut something off as well over there? [/quote]
  12. Why pay $30 when you can get free Metal ? Brilliant..... http://youtu.be/KLKFfqLwH6U
  13. If it was the destructions of Violas, everyone would have been having a good laugh.**
  14. Yes, his Guitar playing on a few of the well known standards is lovely. He is just a superb musician, full stop. Once you go to his YouTube page, you can end up being stranded there for ages having a listen...
  15. [quote name='RockfordStone' timestamp='1500991844' post='3341545'] that's utter bollocks the truth is, whether you get paid or not, we are all bass players and no one is better than anyone else [/quote] Apart from James Jamerson was better at playing Motown Basslines than that bloke in the Sex Pistols.**
  16. [quote name='SteveK' timestamp='1500985482' post='3341472'] "Less is More", It's a nice sounding phrase, and can be a handy phrase to roll out when creatively stumped! Less is More... of what? Notes per verse/chorus? Assuming that most of us are mere mortal musicians and not genii bass players that can create killer bass lines on the fly, then, I would suggest that "More" time/imagination/experience/talent etc applied might actually be... "More"(?) [/quote]
  17. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1500977447' post='3341393'] I know what Ivan is getting at. I have preferred US musicians since I started listening to music. They usually had/have such a great groove that wasn't/isn't always readily available over here. I put it down to the long hours they had to play, like Blue's usual 4 hour bar gigs. If you're playing for that amount of time you either get good or quit. Like our band that played 5 3/4 hour sets Mon to Thu and 6 sets on Fri and Sat for nearly a year on the US airbases in Germany. We were bloody good at our job when we came home. In the US they did marathons, in the UK we did sprints.You play less and more effectively when you know you've got another 4 hours to go. IME the guys Ivan talks about were more prevalent in the 70's. I generally find better players around these days but I mostly play with pro or ex-pro players and that really is a big difference, not in ability but attitude and effectiveness. [/quote] Having been through that, I tend to agree with you and Ivan. Doing those bases with those long sets, certainly got my chops together (fingers and ears). Over the years I have noticed that players who only 'Play for themselves' don't last very long in that particular working environment. Any musician worth their sort would know when to play out, or when to reign it in. If not, Bass (or any Instrument) duties would be for bedroom purpose only (until the penny drops). Experience will tell you what to play and when. "Less Is More" and "Busy, Over playing" are different things. Busy can mean different things in different genres. A lot of notes coming fast in this arrangement, but delivered with skilled musicianship (IMO of course). A busy Timbale solo @ 3:50, but you can hear the melody in his playing. http://youtu.be/tDo5rrdfNUs
  18. I think any Instrument can be a solo performance Instrument or used to take a head solo. But, is the musician holding the Instrument capable of delivering a meaningful, musical, lyrical solo (soloing over changes, or a solo piece) ? While holding the attention of the listener ? Sadly, a lot of Bass players can not (although being excellent on general Bass duties) . That's for a variety of reasons and thinking, but the limitations are down to the player, not the Instrument (IMO of course, just based on what a I have seen and heard over the years). I like listening to musicians on any Instrument, opening up and taking solos, doing/trying something different, so maybe I am a bit biased. I take my hat off to the likes of Steve Lawson and our own 'Ambient' who do whole solo gigs with just a Bass Guitar and a Looper pedal and/or Laptop. Top stuff from those guys.
  19. [quote name='wombatboter' timestamp='1500914277' post='3341047'] Tried it twice but lost patience.....think it's better to be a keyboardplayer than a bassplayer when starting to play it. The amount of time you need to invest doesn't go into your bassplaying also.. [/quote] Agreed, the better Stick players I have heard, have come from a background of Keys or Guitar. Bass players tend to just tap away on it (Bass notes and a couple of double stops), just like the Bass Guitar tapping technique. The Instrument has so much more to offer that that.
  20. All a bit of a rush really. I might revisit it one day with fresh ears. https://soundcloud.com/garrycribb/the-tango-culture
  21. When is the deadline for the entries? Tomorrow night I hope. I have only just started this afternoon.....
  22. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1500818268' post='3340339'] As brilliantly illustrated in the video above ^^, a great deal of the expressivity comes from the interplay between the instruments and the song, the story, the lyrics. Even in classical 'orchestral' music, there is an underlying story, with its ultimate expression in the form of opera. The music, in the majority of modern music, is a support for the text, with much meaning stripped away without that all-important part of the ensemble. Try thinking the words, and their meaning and feel, while playing, not just the notes of your instrument. Sing along, if you can; that, in itself, is good practice. Just my tuppence-worth. [/quote] Yep. As a side note, in the opening of the video, even the page turner has s great feel and certainly knows where to turn the page. [quote name='ambient' timestamp='1500818254' post='3340337'] Bass makes a fantastic solo instrument. It's down to the player and their repertoire. I think this is a very much used and factually incorrect statement. A lot of playing a classical piece is down to the musician's skill in interpreting the chart. That's what makes one person's performance different to another musician's. [/quote] Yep, also agree with this above as well.
  23. [quote name='ivansc' timestamp='1500646569' post='3339364'] Voting with my feet. Just stuck a new "old" track of mine on there. From my Chappell Music demos days. [/quote] A Popular Beat Combo on Soundcloud, m'lud ?
  24. ^^^^ Mostly on it, sometimes just under it, occasionally just above it, a couple of times straining to get near it - All very natural to me (both of them). I suppose we all hear and enjoy tunes in a different way. Another one here from the series. I love how DH seems to bring out the best in the other singers. [media]http://youtu.be/9Zz1r7qEQck[/media]
  25. "If it sounds good, it is good", is really just one's opinion. I mean, as a parent, would you want to hurt a child's feelings ? It's not good for their confidence. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hpJ6anurfuw[/media] [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nDZZEfrRbdw[/media]
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