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Everything posted by lowdown

  1. In the key of 'C', the dominant G7 chord (scale) shares all the notes of the 'C' Major scale. EDIT: Sorry must have posted without seeing quoted post above.
  2. Yep, Diane Birch is great and the whole series is brilliant. There is a great grooving version of 'Pick Up The Pieces' on YouTube from that TV run.
  3. [quote name='drTStingray' timestamp='1500564773' post='3338746'] Ive learned something from this thread - back in the early 70s anyone suggesting playing EEE G#AG# E etc etc would have been considered in the same light as someone insisting on having fish djou rather than liquor with their pie and mash - basically wrong!! However having tried it I'm amazed that it sounds ok and can see why people might - especially if they're very acquainted with the Sweet song. [/quote] Yep. Although I have just been listening to that 'Sweet' tune. The Bass is not playing the same as the Guitar. Over the E & Esus it's just playing E E EBEB (same rhythm of course). Cue another thread...
  4. Probably my favourite Stick player is 'Bob Culbertson', but 'Greg Howard' has a real nice, relaxed feel about his Stick playing. Below is his fabulous arrangement of 'Time After Time', with some beautiful, lyrical playing and lovely dynamics. [media]http://youtu.be/W5h-yH01dN0[/media]
  5. [quote name='jazzyvee' timestamp='1500453287' post='3337799'] Take a listen to Herbie Hancock's version on his Possibilities album, the bass is nice and sprightly but grooving nicely. [url="https://youtu.be/eo7AcIdMnHY"]https://youtu.be/eo7AcIdMnHY[/url] [/quote] Thanks for the post. I just ordered the CD on that Herbie Hancock solo alone. It's marvellous. The making of the album DVD looks interesting as well. I think I will try and get hold of the Blue Ray version.
  6. [quote name='wombatboter' timestamp='1500276024' post='3336546'] Used to be a huge fan but like someone else has said : his solo's start to be very predictable (that hasty slur across the neck at the end of the solo, the "ambulance", the theme from "Twilight Zone", etc...) [/quote] I feel these days, that most of the 'older' players that we are/were all fond of , have a habit of being predictable. (let's face it, we know their playing styles and tunes inside out). His latest album 'Heritage', is a real chill offering. It's mainly just Cuban/native rhythms & arrangements (some piano Jazz soloing), along with singing in his native tongue (plus, back to the bare bones, well played Bass playing). I am a fan of Latin & World music, so for me, the album is a joy to listen to. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4qYqLqdTiSU [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P6U4Mnjc6bY&list=PLvsPlB6BS56w5rznU_8gjcMcqCnarb_xc&index=5[/media] [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KE8NKtzvuaU&list=PLvsPlB6BS56w5rznU_8gjcMcqCnarb_xc&index=6[/media]
  7. Not sure if it's been posted elsewhere before, but if not, it's on iPlayer and is a decent watch. http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b05rjc9c/tales-from-the-tour-bus-rock-n-roll-on-the-road
  8. Yes, he is great. I have seen his videos before. He grooves well and his soloing is very 'Horn' like and fluid. Nah, don't give up and sell your Basses, just practise more.
  9. Singing Gb over F sounds better, and definitely no-one would know.
  10. There was a reached agreement with PRS, but I am not sure if it was successful, or indeed honoured in any way. I suppose it will all come out in the wash. https://www.prsformusic.com/press/2015/prs-for-music-and-soundcloud-reach-a-multi-territory-licensing-agreement-ending-legal-proceedings
  11. I thought PRS reached an agreement with Soundcloud a year or two back to pay out on use of the PRS repertoire ? That's what it's members were told.
  12. Yes he has got it all...Only seen him the once and it was pretty special. A mention for that Dutch Orchestra as well. They have been around a while and are the best at the non classical gigs (Jazz/soul/pop etc).
  13. I have all his solo albums, he is the full package. Love it when he is singing in his native tongue. Been in a his company a couple of times, he has a wicked, dry sense of humour.
  14. [quote name='PaulGibsonBass' timestamp='1499940014' post='3334636'] Fair enough. In that case I won't mention you mistaking my name �� [/quote] I wouldn't worry, 'PaulFenderBass' - He thought he was talking to 'Trigger'.
  15. [quote name='Kevin Glasgow' timestamp='1499106716' post='3329240'] Hi folks, here's a wee solo version of the song Moon River. Hope you enjoy it! [media]http://youtu.be/Q4OWSiOfrMA[/media] Cheers, Kev [/quote] Quality musicianship, as usual Kevin... Love some of those ideas. (The lovely Moon River tune helps though). Very enjoyable.
  16. [quote name='thepurpleblob' timestamp='1499766282' post='3333388'] I still print off a bit of manuscript and scribble down the dots because it helps (me)[b][i] to visualise it.[/i][/b] [/quote] Back in my teens, that's how I learned the circle of fifths. Of course, my ears eventually took over. But visualising was a good way of learning for me (when away from an Instrument).
  17. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1499717155' post='3333153'] I've not listened to this , but many are able to distinguish Chopin after just a few bars; even the great JJ Cale could sound a bit 'samey' at times. I'll not go down the old 'AC/DC' path, nor ZZ Top, though. [/quote] Yes, amazing all that. Yet, some can't seem to distinguish between G and G#...
  18. Plenty of working musicians (and part timers I should imagine) who read AND busk, take solos on heads and are excellent at many styles. So the bit about cruise musicians (above) is rather silly. Classical musicians, are a different entity all together. They are often playing many different things within one piece. They might be playing the tune/theme, they might not. They might be playing part of a tune for several bars before another section take the tune. They could be playing divisi chords, harmony lines, counterpoint lines, different bpm's, several metre changes, the conductor pulling the tempo all over the place, or even 40 bars tacet, trying hard not to get lost. Then you get the soloist that remembers complex solos pieces. The Repertoire changing every season, short rehearsal times for complex pieces. It's all very much worthy of music stands. So to turn up and just 'play' is quite often alien to them. The OP band needs to have a compromise really.
  19. [quote name='LITTLEWING' timestamp='1499711394' post='3333091'] I've always said that people who have to read music to play have no musical soul. [/quote] Sorry, I have to disagree with that. http://youtu.be/N3MHeNt6Yjs http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SWcnQU0iVYw
  20. Two outstanding solos on 'Street Life', especially the Tenor solo from Wilton Felder.
  21. [quote name='dmccombe7' timestamp='1499423151' post='3331459'] Check out the interview with Trevor Bolder showing how he played Jean Genie at approx 54 secs onwards. He seems to be playing the GAG on the G string Really good VID. [media]http://youtu.be/o0alKcvXzS0[/media] [/quote] As clear as day. Is there anyone they didn't musically rip something from on that track ? The Yardbirds, the Beatles (Harmonica Solo)....
  22. @3:28., They all step up and play so casually at the speed of light... Fabulous musicianship from top players.
  23. It's a 'G'..... The line/riff is Root/minor 3rd (G)/ 4th intervals. If you are playing Root/Maj 3rd (G#)/4th intervals, then you are playing 'Then He Kissed Me' (The Crystals) intervals.
  24. I have found one from 1999 !!! (quite a good one as well). Carlos Santana...... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QcUxrpIwuQ4
  25. Another lovely Tenor solo from the 80's ([font=sans-serif]Gerald Albright)[/font]. (I think Sax solos were then outlawed on Pop Records on December 31st, 1989). Any old excuse to post 'Forget Me Nots'. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Amzp7W0RkPA
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