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Everything posted by lowdown

  1. [quote name='skychaserhigh' timestamp='1498662705' post='3326196'] Some quite nasty comments about Liam on here , I wonder if you people are brave enough to say these things to him in person...? [/quote] He is the biggest keyboard Warrior in the World. I am sure he can handle the return Salvos. http://www.nme.com/photos/liam-gallagher-s-30-funniest-insults-1412859
  2. [quote name='Skol303' timestamp='1498501588' post='3325075'] Now added! Sorry for the delay... traveling. [/quote] Cheers, no problem Top man... (Dads big massive blue thumb)
  3. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1498483236' post='3324903'] ... and Runswick goes disco ... [/quote] Haha... Blimey, I remember this, a keyboard player and friend of mine (Pete Kelly) was involved with this project. [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif] [/font][/color][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]I am another one who has been walking around with this tune in my head for about forty years... [/font][/color] Yes, I always thought it was [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Darryl Runswick.[/font][/color]
  4. [quote name='HowieBass' timestamp='1498468464' post='3324733'] really good mixes. Best sets of the festival in my opinion [/quote] Agreed, and yes, both bands had crisp, clean mixes.
  5. I am not a big fan of Jerry Barnes, to me he seems a bit undisciplined. Although he can play really well at times with a great tone, I find that all those long slides/slurs, dodgy fills and sloppy slapping gets too much for my ears But then again, who am I to dig him out. He seems a popular, well liked guy that has worked for Nile for a few years. (And I do like slap, along with the whole Disco/Rogers/Edwards thing). I thought the rest of the band were great, pretty tight/disciplined. The girls worked closely together and the Drummer laid it down well. Nile Rodgers.... Well what can you say...? He is just so on it. All in my opinion of course. They played some classic tunes in a classy set.
  6. My (late) entry didn't get put up... (I think Skol was a bit busy - But no worries, my own fault for being late). Voted. Well done folks, some decent stuff up there.
  7. Too good for Glastonbury.Those old folks are going places... Very enjoyable.
  8. [quote name='Mornats' timestamp='1498341272' post='3323994'] I also grabbed 4 of Mike Verta's masterclasses on sale. Two on composition and two on orchestration and they're proving to be inspirational. [/quote] Mike Verta's videos are excellent. My oldest boy has a couple and they are a great watch.
  9. [quote name='Skol303' timestamp='1498311729' post='3323802'] Very welcome G, but I might not be able to add it to the roster until later this evening or tomorrow morning [/quote] Ok Paul, that's fine. Cheers mate. https://soundcloud.com/garrycribb/the-lonely-chateau
  10. [quote name='Skol303' timestamp='1498307684' post='3323772'] [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/307747-june-composition-challenge-voting/"][b][size=6]VOTING IS UP![/size][/b][/url] Be gone and make merry [/quote] Can I add a track a bit later this afternoon ?...
  11. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1498216173' post='3323167'] Indeed; thanks for posting. The pdf's have to be downloaded one by one; the mp3 files can be had as albums. Just for kicks, here's a extract from one of the pdf's... The poor fellow, marching along with his triangle, waiting for his moment..! [/quote] The poor fellow ain't waiting for his moment - He is the moment !! A lonely sixteen bars to get it wrong before his sidekick comes roaring in at ff to save the day. I wonder what is happening in the forty bars before ? I was going to say, possibly tacet. But, the racket of twenty pairs of marching military boots is hardly a tacet.
  12. Maybe this should be in theory ? Might only appeal to a very few, but the "The Complete Marches of John Philip Sousa" are available for free. Three albums/Volumes for download, plus all the scores in PDF and Scrolling Scores. Excellent for studying scoring and arranging. [url="http://www.marineband.marines.mil/Audio-Resources/The-Complete-Marches-of-John-Philip-Sousa/"]http://www.marineban...n-Philip-Sousa/[/url]
  13. [quote name='Chris2112' timestamp='1498160499' post='3322920'] This thread should begin and end with Mohini Dey. She is amazing. [/quote] Yes, she is amazing. Although IIRC, there was a Basschat thread with some rather strange opinions on her playing.
  14. To the OP - Don't play anything, just get this guy play it. Some lovely rearranging going on. http://youtu.be/eT98yd84iCE
  15. [quote name='JapanAxe' timestamp='1498064980' post='3322325'] I play bass in a country band, and root/fifth is definitely [i]not[/i] all there is to it! [/quote] Just a bit of jesting from folks, I think.
  16. Root, fifth and some Chicken wire.
  17. Classical musicians are sometimes labelled as having no ears, or can't remember musical material. Quite often they are playing in sections. Within that section they might be playing divisi parts, or just one note in a chord, they might be just playing a melody in parts, or playing part of a melody/harmony, then changing Octave while another Instrument takes over. They may well be playing Ostinato passages for a long period consisting of loads of bars. or just block chords (sometimes all this can be within one piece). Different tempo markings to contend with. Add to that, various articulations & dynamic markings, along with possibly many bars of tacet, it's an awful lot of info to take in. So it's not like you are just trying to remember three chords of a Blues Twelve bar. Music and music stands are very much needed, there is far to much to remember for a large repertoire. As a side note, usually a classical soloist is playing from memory without a chart, most of that piece has more notes and sections than the repetition you would normally get in most pop/rock Basslines, and it does take a lot of work to take it all in.
  18. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1497697334' post='3320096'] I believe a guy called Maurice Cohen used to/still does/usually played the Motown gigs in the UK. Not sure how many he does these days. Great player and could read anything straight off. [/quote] I think you might be thinking of Martin Cohen, a very fine player (I used to swap gigs/deps with him). Martin used to work with Guitarist, Erwin Keiles quite a bit. Erwin MD'd for Martha, along with many other acts. http://www.erwinkeiles.com/artist-list.html
  19. Also this. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SUkGoCVF80w[/media] There are girl bands, and there are girl bands. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QovBW5rJiWE[/media]
  20. [quote name='ivansc' timestamp='1497685028' post='3319988'] And of course with a huge brass section, you are always going to have deps who NEED to read the parts. [/quote] When sitting through long periods without playing in Orchestra Pits, you also needed somewhere to put your News Paper (or Playboy/Playgirl/Readers Wives mags, or these days, iPad).
  21. [quote name='Mcgiver69' timestamp='1497623404' post='3319601'] I think you can tell the midi device where your middle C will be, this is in the Midi device setup in any DAW. [/quote] Yes, that is the easy part. The problems arise with the different vendor sample library companies. They have not settled on a C3/C4 for middle C either. If you have several midi tracks open in the PRV. Notes and key switching notes are all over lapping.
  22. Yes, all those music stands. Cor blimey guv, you would have thought Jamerson would have remembered all the hits he played on.
  23. [quote name='crez5150' timestamp='1497609484' post='3319441'] Great post.... I'm just learning a load of MR songs for the Northern Soul Fest in September. My current fave is 'No one there' Nice bass line too [url="https://youtu.be/F-6y1tejLEo"]https://youtu.be/F-6y1tejLEo[/url] [/quote] Yes, lovely Bass on that one. Something to get your chops around...
  24. Yes, I have heard this a few times before. Great arrangement, lovely vocals and playing, it really lifts towards the end. I don't think I have ever heard a bad version of 'Spain'...
  25. Apologies if this has been posted before (I couldn't find it in a search). Fifteen minutes of James Jamerson on a live concert. Plenty of visual clips of him in action as the video progresses. A few other notable faces in the band as well. Big mention for Martha and her girls, lordy they are on form. Top stuff all round. Enjoy. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8mKm9BZU3n8
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