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Everything posted by lowdown

  1. I did post this 2/3 years back. But always good for a repost. A couple of friends of mine had a nice little side project. Sadly the Bassist, Steve McManus (RIP) is no longer with us. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k1hXegr69mQ&list=WL&index=157
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u1hnBv12-uk
  3. i7's are so yesterday. https://mybroadband.co.za/news/hardware/213096-intel-unveils-core-i9-cpu-the-most-extreme-desktop-processor-ever.html
  4. Also, 7200 drives work just fine for streaming (internal & external) sample libraries like Kontakt etc with the big Orchestral libraries. In fact SSD would have to drop in price still more before folks are going to dump their drives. Three or four TB worth of Sample patches could end up rather expensive. Networking extra PC's or Macs or indeed combinations of both are quite popular at the moment, using VEPro 6. This takes all the processor load of the DAW, everything is hosted outside of the DAW. It all depends how you are going to be working. Certainly SSD for your system drive for programmes. Although RAM and CPU are just as important. But, there is certainly still life in HDD's for a while, regarding DAW work.
  5. [quote name='Meddle' timestamp='1496253838' post='3309999'] I'm watching this now in iPlayer. [/quote] I watched it on iPlayer as well and in my opinion, you just about summed it up.
  6. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1496269530' post='3310175'] So you guys are saying this bass line is not played starting on an open E? And you've all been listening to the original recording? [/quote] Over the years I haven't really played it that much, so never really given it detailed attention, just busked it. But after just listening to the original, I make you right about the octave (low E). I have also just seen this.The Bassist is clearly using the open E, plus it looks like Ray Manzarek is on the gig. I am sure he would have told the Bassist he should take it up the Octave. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jNiNB1z2EKA
  7. ^^^^ Indeed. http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b0864cc2
  8. [quote name='The Jaywalker' timestamp='1496132596' post='3308923'] Chuck Sher's The Improvisor's Bass Method is a fantastic resource for necessary theory for bassists. It has sections including rhythm, chord tones, scales, bassline construction and styles, soloing etc etc. In addition, the book has a great introduction to basic Harmony which outlines common chord progressions and how they work. It's also a great book to use to learn to read notation or brush up on it - but also contains fretboard diagrams. [/quote] I would like to second this, excellent stuff.
  9. [quote name='FinnDave' timestamp='1496239990' post='3309829'] Further comments from me are likely to be harmful to my health! [/quote] Twelve semitones. Somewhere over the Rainbow. Sorry if I caused offence, wasn't intended.
  10. [quote name='FinnDave' timestamp='1496173754' post='3309373'] Our ex-singer often used to ask us to go up half a semitone. I actually bought a fretless just to piss her off! [/quote] That was not very nice from her. I mean, was she capable of taking it up the Octave ?
  11. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1496233460' post='3309745'] Am I allowed to pedantically suggest that it should be 'cue', as in 'that's when to come in', rather than 'queue', where one waits in line to get served..? Just sayin', no malice intended. [/quote] Haha..... Segue, Cue, you are always 'on it', Dad !! I once heard a 'Newbie' MC at a function, ask the bandleader to play a 'Funfair' before the Bride and Groom entered the room. Have you ever thought of putting together a series of videos regarding this, as a sticky, maybe ? Maybe like this ? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YYQWjgnKbFA
  12. [quote name='SICbass' timestamp='1496206712' post='3309497'] I heard that they'd gone out on tour without a keyboard player and all the keys were on a sequencer. I don't know if there was a power failure or what, but somehow the sequencer reset itself to the wrong sample rate (i.e. 'in the cracks' tuningwise). Being as the entire intro is on keys and they were less than a semitone out of tune, no one noticed until the band kicked in, by which time it was too late. You could hardly stop the song and start again on what was probably the last encore. I can only presume that Dave Lee Roth had mostly keys in his in-ears as he seems relatively unphased. Poor old EVH's deperate efforts during the solo make my teeth itch. I feel sorry for the bloke, although I'm sure that after the gig they had a few beers and a laugh over it.......... perhaps after sacking the sequencer tech? �� [/quote] I think it's just a case of the Guitar being out of tune (for what ever reason). It's not in concert pitch. The Keyboards are in tune at C# (for some reason a semi tone up from the studio recording). The giveaway for me, is the Bass is pumping out C# Quavers along with the Keys. So C# must have been the key decided before hand. But knows or cares...? It's a very, very funny clip.
  13. [quote name='KevB' timestamp='1496228152' post='3309668'] IIRC Jerry Scheff has posted on here occasionally, though I think it was more in relation to his book than any specific lines he'd played. [/quote] Yes, I do remember that.
  14. Over the years I have used the twelfth fret version or even starting on the 'E', 7th fret on the A string. Depends what mood I am in I suppose. Certainly not something I have ever really given a second thought about. I find it more useful for left hand Piano practise (jumping up to the C#) than an interesting Bass Guitar line.** Although I must admit, it is catchy.
  15. [quote name='Roland Rock' timestamp='1496213085' post='3309522'] Stir it Up - Bob Marley and the Waiters A little Bit of Love - Free Google on Reggae Woman - Stevie Wonder Lol, I've left the autocorrect versions intact as they are funny [/quote] Haha....... I have seen the Bob Marley one before, but 'Google on Reggae Woman' is a new one...
  16. Great update for Reason, although the VST addition is only for VST 2.4. VST 3 is the current version, supporting Multiple Midi ports, suspension of FX and Instruments when no signal is passing through etc.... https://www.steinberg.net/en/company/technologies/vst3.html I am curious why they didn't use version 3 (all/most other DAWs are) rather than the older 2.4. Maybe coming in a future update? Even so, opens things up for Reason users and the big Sample libraries out there, along with some of the excellent Synths etc...
  17. I too agree with the OP and Barking Spiders (above) Apart from his stunning playing, he has pretty decent composing chops (quite a few tunes and some film scores under his belt). He is also a very good arranger and producer. After all his years in the business, he is still in demand, so a cool cat really. I think he is top, top musician. (my opinion of course). Playing (one of my favourite Instruments) Bass Clarinet here. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XAvtD0XxzT4 A 'Hip' Groove with some top improvising all round. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nXS4qSZS6zE Doing his thing as 'band leader'. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6MVbXfdDA_w
  18. Chuck Rainey and Bernard Purdie. A stripped back version of Steely Dans 'Green Earrings'. Delightful, funky, in the pocket playing. http://youtu.be/Dxjhkrl-DLg
  19. Claus Ogerman and Michael Brecker. (Cityscape Album). Fantastic album. http://youtu.be/NHgAh_WlhiE
  20. Used to listen to him a lot when I was younger. 'Jessica' is a real classic. R.I.P
  21. [quote name='aguacollas' timestamp='1495885423' post='3307333'] [url="http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x31lra_spain-chick-corea-72_music"]http://www.dailymoti...-corea-72_music[/url] One of the best to me. Stanley Clarke is amazing here. [/quote] Yes, I love that version. But, has there ever been a bad version of that tune ? (Al Jarreau live with Steve Gadd and Joe Sample is a cracker).
  22. [quote name='leschirons' timestamp='1495844740' post='3307083'] It's a memorable Melody, it's a middle eight changing to the relative minor or major, it's the key change up a tone to the last chorus, it's a well tried and tested chord progression (just think about how many songs are based around Em G D A) [/quote] Blimey, if someone had put all those together, into one song, they would have made a fortune in 'Tin Pan Alley'. Oh wait.......
  23. [quote name='mcnach' timestamp='1495785796' post='3306497'] I have a '94 Korean Squier Jazz, a battered thing that sounds fantastic (the electronics are all replacements, however...). My favourite Jazz of all the ones I have owned including 3 75RI Fenders... the thing is it's a Jazz neck (I like chunkier ones best) and rosewood for fingerboard (while I prefer maple). So I ordered a new neck for it... and it would need a logo. I simply had a replica made, down to the serial number: [/quote] And nothing wrong with that at all. I hope you are going to call it 'Triggers Broom of Doom'.
  24. To many to mention for me. I could list many Anthony Jackson groove lines. But I am going to throw Greg Phillinganes into the mix with his Keyboard Bass Synth lines (literally loads of them). This one is a particular favourite of mine. http://youtu.be/lfa7NjQx5fk
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